• Her eyes scanned him wearily. As the darkness crept silently behind the two as they walked. His hand slowly reached down and took hers as the night fell apart in front of them. The pathway laid ahead covered with rocks and trash. The wind howled a soft whisper into the moon. He exhaled and stared straight with the anxiousness building slowly. His and her breath hovered in grey smokey clouds above them. She feels her mind grow steadily blank. As he blinks away the dark listening to the soft snow crumble beneath his sneakers. She stops and he waits for her. She opens her mouth a breathes out words. His become wide as she steps back. His hands outstretch forward. She waves a quiet good bye. She pulls her hand from her pocket, a shine glimmers in the moonlight. He squints and tries to make out what she holds between her gloved fingertips. He doesn't realize until the sound of flesh hacked away echos through his empty head. She falls to the ground. Her perfect eyes crying tears of snow while her throat bleeds grey hollowness.