• There was once a child who lived in Nebraska.He was a good kid.But the day after he moved to a new home,his parents found him dead in his room.They called the police,who found no evidence.his parents were devistated.they vowed that their son would be avenged.
    A few months later on the childs parent's anniversery, the father was found dead on the kitchen floor.This time there was a note it said:

    This house is haunted.If you would like to live you must

    The childs mother didnt believe what the note said.She stayed and the next year on the same day that her son had died,she was found dead on the living room couch.This time ther was a note in blood it said:

    I warned her now she has died along with her son and

    And as soon as the police read the note a ghost appeared.She was covered in blood,She said:

    I have always haunted this house ever since that day.
    The day that a man broke into this house, in which I
    was living in at the time,And murdered me.And if you
    would like to help me by putting me to rest so that I
    I dont kill anyone else,you must find the man that killed
    me and kill HIM!!!The man said that his name was
    William A. Hourace right before he killed me.

    The police did as she said.They found the man and killed him.The ghost was put to rest and never killed anyone again.But what about the killer's ghost,was he put to rest as well?Will he haunt the same house?
    Nobody knows,until someone else moves into the house.If he isn't put to rest
    he shall also kill people until he is.

    The End?
    No its not the end.Just wait to see what happens in Part two.
