• Years ago lived a girl name Rose she was a poor girl her father was lost at sea and her poor mother searched relentlessly for a job so she would often find herself all alone in her small home sometimes Rose would go outside and walk to the lake and stare at it till she got tired(and when her mom called for her)one day as her mother was gone she was walking to the lake when she saw another girl named Emily "Hello"said Emily in a friendly voice
    "hi"Rose whispered she had never saw anybody at the lake before "don`t be so shy hi i`m Emily or you can call me Emma whats your name?" Emily asked while smiling at Rose "um hi my name is um Rose um i never saw anyone here before why are you here?" Rose was waiting for a reply but then her mom called her
    "Rose come home" Rose looked over to her home "um ok i have to go it was nice to meet you" but when Rose turned to Emily she was gone Rose was very confused but then her mom came down to get Rose
    then Rose and her mother went back to their little home while sitting at the table Rose's mother stood up
    "Tomorrow i`m gonna go look for a better job so i can get us some more food and you some new clothes"after her mothers little speech it was time to go to bed as soon as her mother fell asleep
    Rose crept down into the kitchen took her coat and went outside to the lake and started skipping stones then she saw Emily walking near the lake
    "Emily is that you?" Emily stopped and looked toward Rose and smiled "oh hi there sorry about leaving earlier i had to go my mom wanted me home for dinner" Emily said while smiling "oh ok why are you out so late?"
    Rose asked "oh my father and mother started to fight so i tried to get out of my house as fast as i could"
    then they sat down and stared at the lake then they realized the sun was rising "oops i have to go home bye Rose"
    Emily said as she was running home Rose just sat back down staring at the lake when some tears came down her cheek she started think of her dad and soon she began to cry "daddy were are you? hurry home i miss you so much"she cried and cried then she got up and wiped away her tears
    "daddy i`m gonna try and be strong from now on you just watch"but then Rose just sat down and continued to stare at the lake on her way home she saw something strange it was almost night and there was no smoke coming from the chimney or no lights on in the kitchen
    she walked inside"mommy? mommy were are you?" she walked room to room but she looked in every room as soon as she sat down there was a pound at the door Rose answered the door there were 2 big men in front of her
    "hello little girl are you Rose?"said one of the big guys "um yes why did some thing happen to mommy?"she looked nervously at the 2 men
    "yes shes been killed in a car crash we're sorry for your loss you should pack your things cause we need to send you to one of your relatives"
    she stood there speechless more tears came pouring down her cheeks she started to cry "now don't cry your gonna be happy soon so pack your bags"said the other one Rose looked up at him and wiped her tears away "ok sir i go pack my bags"
    after she got done she went to the lake and sat down soon Emily came up to her "hi Rose"she said in a happy voice Rose looked up to Emily and saw her smiling and started smiling too because Emily would always be her friend
    "huh why are your eyes all red?"Emily asked Rose looked away "um because i had some dirt in my eyes"and she started to cry again
    "Rose why are you crying?"Emily asked her with a confused look "sniff um my dad was lost at sea when i was 2 so it was just me and my mom for 4 years but shes dead now and now i`m gonna have to move in with a relative"
    Rose began to cry louder "um ok when do you have to go?" she asked weirdly "sniff Friday why?"Emily smiled "because then you can spend the night at my house and then me and you will hang out all day"Rose started to smile"ok that sounds fun"later that night Rose was getting her sleeping supplies then there was a knock at the door she went to see who it was it was Emily "are you ready yet?" Rose stood there smiling "yeah" Rose started to follow Emily home when they got there it was a big house with maids animal shaped hedges and carpeted rooms "mom dad i`m home i brought a friend home too so later"after that they went up stairs when they came to a stop "welcome to my room"Emily said with a big smile it was a wonderful room then after a while they fell asleep when rose went back home she saw her mom"mom your here i don't have to go away"then there was a knock at the door her mom went to the door it was the 2 men from before"have you seen any sign of my daughter?" she said crying "yes we are sorry she was found dead in the abandoned mansion up the hill the coroner said she died because she inhaled to much gas"Rose stood there confused "what are you guys talking about?i`m right here" then Emily walked up to Rose "your dead now they can't hear you or see you now you are cursed like me" Emily said with a evil smile"what are you talking about if you were a ghost all this time how come i could hear and talk to you?" Rose stood there confused"duh you were so sad and lonely it made you a easy target that's why you could see me" Emily just stood there making a evil smile"how i thought my mom died" Emily stopped smiling and looked at Rose"because i tricked you while you were at the lake sitting with me you fell asleep so i went inside your brain and while you were sleeping i made you think all that really happen so then you were tired but you didn't even know it i took you to the same place i died so what you saw was just your mind playing tricks on you"Emily started to laugh"but why?" Rose asked with tears going down her cheeks"because i was lonely and now we're gonna be friends forever ha ha ha"