• Revenge.
    Thats all that ran through the girl's mind as she bolted through the alley way, hoping to meet up with the person who had wronged her. Who had caused her to be hated. Who made her life miserable. She was going to find this person and destroy them; destroy them no matter what. Even if it killed her, even if it took her last breath away. She would destroy it.
    Long, straight blonde hair glided behind her as she ran through the alley, hazel eyes scanning it, looking for the female. A pink T-shirt with white words on it fitted her thin body, accenting her curves in the perfect way. Dark jeans covered her legs, a black studded belt held it up and black and white converse fitted her feet. She had fair skin that was mostly covered with cloth, a black scarf went around her neck and covered her braced teeth, pink fingerless gloves with white polka dots fittered her small hands. She was very petite, standing at 4'1, short for a 16 year old.
    Atleast she spotted her, blue energy surrounding her fists and chipping at her pink nailpolish. "TIFFANY!" Came an angry bellow.
    The large brunette took a step to the side, purple heels clicking on the ground as she turned to see her friend, Breanne, rushing towards her with energy covered hands. Brown eyes stared out from her glasses, terrified and wondering what would happen next; a purple dress that went to her knees fitted her average figure, a white belt going across her waist. She never knew her friend was a gifted.
    "TIFFANY!" Came the bellow again as Breanne jumped forth, a sword made from energy appearing in her hands. She jumped high then swung down as she neared Tiffany, hearing the satisfying thump sound. She landed near the body, sword disappearing. There her friend lay, not completely dead but not concious.
    "That shall teach you.." Breanne hissed before running off down the dark alley.
    Tiffany stirred sitting up with a smirk, "This is just the beginning.."