• twisted welcome twisted

    "Our history begin in the time ..............before time ........ eek eek

    The queen of lihgt and live ,gaia , was terribly angry with her sister the queen of darkness and death ....

    Gaia was not exepting the darkqueens idea that she could produce her own live ....creauters of terribli anger and without heart , an army of halfdeaths ,how could kill her own first childs of the natuer ..."

    "and what happends next?"
    askd the littel boy on elbes schoulders whee

    "When u always interupt me i can never tell .!"lauhgd she and saw in his big blue eyes
    "yeah shoud up"
    cried a littel girl too him hw was sitting next to her
    "yeah" cried all the children arround her
    "hey HEY HEY its ok " she laughed
    but she interupt with lauhging when she saw
    2 big yellow eyes in the forrest.....