• [Vampire slayer]

    "Would you have gone if you knew what the out come might have been?"

    The salty air inquires silently, mocking me faintly as the waves chortled against the ridged rocks. Dense woods that surrounded my petite form from the shallow moonlight, insuring my safety from any adversaries that threatened me upon this night.

    During these times of countless sins, I often reflect back to old shattered memories of my once untouched life. Some times words, scents along with priceless fragments seep in within my clustered mind, wishing to bring me back to the once reality I lived in so long ago.

    "The night is like day, just without the sun. Its no more frightening then what we see within sunlight than moonlight."

    Those fragile words once conferred me so, but now, it seems like a lie behind a veil, concealing it self so no one could see within its all telling deception.
    My thoughts were interrupted when faint echo's of thrashing bushes wisp by my hiding placing, causing me to crouch down in a cat like fashion. A mixture of blood and perspiration came to my senses, making me gag at its foulness.

    Howls of inhuman proportion race through the area, cutting all resonance to a dull cricket chirp. A thriving pulse pounds within my ears, as blood pumped at twice the speed. I recognized the tenseness of the creature that now was just a few feet away from me. The scent of the blood before thickens as it drank from a poor innocent woman. My lips curve up into a scowl, wishing to strike it down before the woman was drained of all life.

    I could feel my muscles ache with eagerness, ready to pounce upon my un expecting prey as my forest green eyes lashing ever so ravenously. Now the scowl was replaced with a sinister smile that plays along my full lips, while the words 'death' and 'revenge' clouded my blood lusted mind.

    I had searched far and wide for the one who had ruined my life and yet he always slipped away from my grasp, but that never stopped me or my craving of killing all those that worship this tainted night. Now, here I was. On another task to exterminate this low life of a bug that haunted these streets.

    Gripping tightly to the revolver, I focus all my senses to the beings direction. Swiftly, I move forward, watching my steps so not to cause it to come after me. Licking my chapped lips, I prepare for my onslaught. I could smell the immortals blood, almost foreseeing it upon the stone floor.

    With a sly smile, I lunged forward, its eyes grew wide as it saw my form extend forth before it. In an attempt to flee it throw the woman aside and tried to dart away but ended in vein. With one shrilling cry from the bewitched revolver the being fell, and all was silenced by the cool, crisp night with a low moon that seem to weep over it's lost creation. Never more to see it kill for blood again.

    thanks for reading ^_^ please comment if you want the second chapter posted! or if you like or dislike.