• Brian: Dammit. *He stares into the night sky, hundreds of stars shining above him.*

    Spyke: Why the random cursing? Ritz not let you eat twenty sugar cookies for breakfast again?

    Brian: Well, that too. But it's just... I don't know. Everything's lame.

    Spyke: *Lies down on the lawn next to him and stares up at the sky.* That's rather... broad? Anything in specific that's making everything lame?

    Brian: It's a weird thought... but... what if this is it? What if... life really doesn't get much better than this? That all we're working towards doesn't exist? A paradise at the end of our lives, whether it be Heaven or any other super happy place you believe in... what if it really isn't there? WHAT IF COOKIES DON'T EXIST IN HEAVEN!?

    Spyke: Well, if it's Heaven, I'm sure there would be a few... but it's an interesting thought.

    Brian: Exactly! But then another thought came. If this is really as good as it gets, death is the LAST thing you want. People would fear it, hundreds of studies to increase human life-spans would begin and... I suppose that's why we have religion.

    Spyke: ... so your point is, basically, atheist lives suck?

    Brian: *He sits up* Ya, I guess...

    Spyke: *He sits up as well, slapping Brian on the back* Don't worry about it, buddy. I'm sure there's somewhere we all go when we die, whether it be Heaven, Paradise, Disney World, etcetera.

    Brian: Wait, do you really think-

    Spyke: The last one was a joke.

    Brian: Damn.

    *They both stare at the sky*

    Spyke: For someone that doesn't know what the word masturbation means, you sure think a lot.

    Brian: Dammit, Spyke! Why won't you tell me!? Isn't it something like evolution?

    Spyke: *Slaps his forehead* Far from it, man. Far from it.

    Brian: Ooooh... so-

    Spyke: Yes, Brian. That's why they say the theory about man is that he EVOLVED from apes, not MASTURBATED from apes.

    Ritz: *Yells down from upstairs window* Spyke, for the love of Starfox, can you please not talk about sex out where everyone can hear you? Just keep it in your pants.

    Brian: What in our pants?

    Brian, stop before you embarrass the hell out of yourself...