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  • Artist Info: My name is Dr. Tommy Oliver. I live in Reef Side as a high school teacher. Though, that isn't my only career. Others also know me as the Black Dino Ranger. However, this is not the only time I have been a Ranger. My legacy is a long story that starts in a place called Angel Grove. There was once a team, the first team of Power Rangers, assembled by Zordon. This team was only made of five teenagers with attitude as Zordon said. The team was Jason, Red Ranger, Kimberly, Pink Ranger, Zack, Black Ranger, Trini, Yellow Ranger, and Billy, the Blue Ranger. Together, they fought the evil Rita Repulsa. As the fight went on however, Rita decided it was time to pull out her own evil ranger...I, being the new kid in the school, and with my fighting abilities, was captured and turned evil under her spell. I was forced to fight the other rangers, I succeeded in getting rid of Zordon once, helping to destroy the Zords, and put a virus in Alpha 5. I proved to be a great threat to the rangers, however, when Jason destroyed the Sword of Evil, I was freed from the spell, and turned into a great ally. Along with me, I brought over the Dragonzord, which fused with the other Zords to make Dragonzord in Fighter Mode. However, after a bunch of battles with the others...Rita used the Green Candle that drained me of my energy, but as my powers were about to be gone forever, I transfered them over to Jason, giving him control of the Dragon Dagger, Shield and Dragonzord. When Rita kidnapped the parents of all the students at Angel Grove High School, the Rangers were forced to acquiesce to Goldar's ransom of their parents for their five Power Coins. After making the personal decision to make the trade, Goldar's deception was revealed when he refused to return the parents, or the Dragon Dagger Rita had brainwashed Billy into stealing for her. As Goldar commanded the Dragonzord to demolish the defenseless Angel Grove, Jason revealed his own deception: his gambit of defecting his Power Coin to Goldar lead to the oversight that he still possessed the Dragon Coin.<br />
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    The Rangers recruited me again to reclaim his powers and he was assisted by an energy boost from Zordon that would temporarily energize him in replacement of his missing direct link to the Morphing Grid. However, his powers were very unstable now and had to be recharged several times by Zordon. In using the depleting powers to retrieve the missing items, I reached into a force-field and appeared to have been lethally affected. Eventually, it would be learned that the electrocution I underwent by the force-field, while wearing the Green Ranger powers, revitalized its power source substantially. And I could once again reclaim my powers, provided that I periodically seek regeneration by a donation of Zordon's own energies. <br />
    My powers were completely destroyed when Lord Zedd trapped me in another dimension, called the Otherworld, as his monster, the Turbanshell attacked the city (the other Rangers were trapped in a force-field without access to the Morphing Grid as the Command Center was also trapped in a force-field, which was shrinking and threatening to crush it). Zedd used a special crystal to drain the Green Ranger powers and use them to fuel another band of evil Rangers. As a last ditch effort, it was by my hands that the powers were destroyed when I shattered the crystal, rather than let the powers it held, my powers, be used for evil like they had been before. In doing this, I spent the last of those powers fulfilling the promise I made to about how to use them once I was free of Rita's influence.<br />
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    Lord Zedd's creatures proved to be a handful for the others. Luckily for the Rangers, Zordon and Alpha 5 were able to create new powers for me, making me the White Power Ranger - a Ranger with powers that cannot be made evil. Upon becoming the White Ranger, I also became the new leader of the Power Rangers. I usee my enchanted talking saber, Saba, to summon the White Tigerzord. Though in time, Jason, Trini, and Zack left the team as Aisha, Adam, and Rocky joined in their places. Though, after they joined, the powers were soon destroyed when Rito Repulso, Rita's brother, destroyed the Thunderzords...we then quested and gained the power of ninja, as well as Ninjazords. Though those were eventually taken as we then gained control of the Shogun Zords.<br />
    In time, we were turned to kids as the Alien rangers took over. We were then sent on a quest for the Zeo Crystals, when we got them though...the Command Center was destroyed by Rito and Goldar.<br />
    I then gained the powers of the Red Zeo Crystal, becoming the Red Zeo Ranger. We were given power over the Zeo zords, and I, the Red Battle Zord. In time, we awakened the powers of the Super Zeo Megazord and used it to destroy Mondo, though he came back. After defeating the machine empire, Divatox, a new threat showed up, and we needed new powers to fight her. We then entered a new chapter in our lives as ranger, assuming the Turbo Ranger powers. I then became Red Turbo Ranger and took on control of Red Lightning as my zord. Though, Zordon and Alpha 5 left back to their world, Alpha 6 and Dimitria took over. Though Dimitria decided it was time for the old team to move on in life, thus having T.J. take my position.<br />
    I thought those days were over, but now...its a whole new fight. I now as I said before, work with the Dino Rangers as the Black Ranger, aided by the power of invisibility from the Black Dino Gem. My Dinozord is the Brachiozord carrier, I wield the Brachio Staff, and drive the Black Thunder ATV. I am and always will be a Ranger at heart. I have learned in my time, to never give up and ALWAYS fight for what is right and what you believe in. I have always been there for my friends and nothing will ever change this.
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