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  • Artist Info: Konichiwa and hello! I am Zelda Galaxy, the official spokesperson for the website, Zelda Galaxy.<br />
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    Okay, I'm betting that most of you have never heard of Zelda Galaxy the site, right? Well then, I'd say an explanation is in order:<br />
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    You see, some time ago a group of online friends were talking (or typing) and hit upon a stellar idea. "Hey," they said, "Why don't we make a Legend of Zelda movie of our own?" After all, many were made, but few were finished and most weren't done very well. So they planned and came up with a plot and began writing a script. The project is still in effect, though snags have been hit (they only have one animator and other such things). Still, the project stumbles onward.<br />
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    By now, you're all probably scratching your heads wondering "What's all this got to do with that site she mentioned?" Well, dear friends and readers, Zelda Galaxy is connected to this fanmade movie. It's not the site where it's being made (you need to see my dear friend, Zelda Harmony, for that), but it does serve a purpose. Zelda Galaxy is a site owned and operated by my other friend, ZeldaQueen, and it is the site were the movie will be posted first, immediately after it is finished. Other "extras", like unused concepts or screenshots are hoped to be put there as well.<br />
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    Again, I would like to remind you that my site isn't the one for making the movie. If you are interested in helping to make this movie, then you'd want to see my friend, Zelda Harmony, who isn't here yet (I think). When she is though, I'll be sure to send you over. Thanks! wink
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