• Christmas tunes,
    that's the only music
    I hear the radio stations play.
    it's not even Thanksgiving yet,
    and Christmas advertising is already underway.
    Channel after channel
    features Santa Claus at JC Penny's,
    at Macy's, and every other mall.
    They tell me to hurry up and buy buy, buy,
    before there are no gifts left at all.
    I turn away,
    plug up my ears
    and close my eyes.
    I know that Christmas is not here yet,
    no, it has not yet arrived.
    I won't let it become another commercialized holdiay at my house,
    won't let it be just another symbol for the green back dollar,
    like Easter, St. Patrick's Day, and all the rest.
    It will forever be the day a sweet babe was born,
    lying in a manger where all came to present gifts of the finest and the best.