heart You don't know how much I love you, how I can't live without you.
You make me breath air and my heart beat.
You always put a smile on my face and make me laugh.
I love you, there is just no other way of putting it.
I can't stop loving you and I will continue loving you for ever and ever!

I can't wait till we get married and start a life of our own with our own children.
It sounds a little scary no just wait till it actually happens.
I love you and I hope you join soccer and make drum major.
You are my sexy macho man and I love you because you are all mine.
No one can take you away and I have never felt loved the way you love me.
Every time I think of you I find myself smiling and I just can't get you out of my head and I never want to.
I just thought I would let you know how much I cared about you before I go to sleep.
I love you, sweet dreams.
Thanks for being all mine. heart

-P.S. I love you!-