Age- 15
Race- robotic human

History- As a child Namine was always treated diffrently, she was programed to make meals and clean the house. Her "Parents" treated her more like a servent than a daughter. Namine had another sister, Remie, she was a full human though. As her "parents" and her sister watched a movie and shown affection between eachother she would be in the kitchen cleaning up after dinner or upstairs cleaning. When her "father" came home from work the question, "Did you do your chores?" would always come up. Namine had all the chores of the house hold and when something was not right he would brutely punish her or rape her. After a while they tried to get rid of her, to much hassel they said. They tried geting rid of her at a dump but they would not take her so she ended up in an orphanage with her only friends, her two dolls.
Other- The dolls names are unknown and sometimes she talks to them when scared or confused. She has the mind of a child and the personality of one too.
Room number- 425
|+|Rain, rain, rain.|+|