My First quest. [[Completed]]

Item List:
CoCo Kitty Plushie
Dark Slate Gunner HatFairy Wings
G-LOL Bruise Mistress Top
Gwee the DragonPurple Pinstripe VestSuperStar Purple Stripe ShoesThose Black 90s Pants
Estimated Total: 182,020 Gold
(Estimated with known item values on 02 February 2007)
I wont ever get the coco but it looks nice.
My Second quest. [[complete]]

Item List:
#603913 Complex Jacket
Ballerinas Circlet
Brown SKA shoes
Elemental Hair
Fairy Wings
Flashy Summer TopGold Winter Wrap
Gwee the Dragon
Jenny's Sweet Clamshell Purse
KiKi Kitty Plushie
Pink Ribbon Skirt
Pink Strapless Bra
Thick Pink Winter Socks
Estimated Total: 333,832 Gold
(Estimated with known item values on 15 January 2007)
This is what I want to look like. I wont get the kiki.
My Third quest.

Item List:
AngelbowAngelic Bracelet
Angelic Pendant
Elemental Hair
Gift of the Goddess
Gift of the GoddessGolden Laurels
Jadeleaf Dragon Gown
Jadeleaf Dragon SlippersSacred Leaf
Estimated Total: 1,542,596 Gold
(Estimated with known item values on 20 January 2007)
I would die if I ever got this. *Drools over holyness*
My Fourth quest.

Item List:
Ahhrr! Hat Midnight
Classic Partition Top
Devil Tail
Emo Glasses
G-LOL Dark Mistress Skirt
Gray Peasant Gloves
Gray SKA shoes
Horns of the Demon
Magician's Wand
Steel-plated Ninja Band
That 70s White Shirt
White Stockings
Estimated Total: 10,150,886 Gold
(Estimated with known item values on 01 February 2007)