Just for my dear friend, Hikari_K, I'm going to put in my famous rantings (at least, they're famous to me):
April Showers Brings the End of the World
April showers bring May flowers and Mayflowers bring pilgrims, who breed a hypocritical race and a super-power nation that creates ubber large and explosive miltiary weapons (such as the A-bomb and nuclear weapons). As this race has also developed a superiority complex, they think they are better than everyone else and slowly irk other nations into attacking. To defend ourselves, our government decides to use nukes and the world goes into a nuclear war, thus ending life on Earth, and all because of those darn April showers.
Here's one I had with Hikari_K. She told me that it made her feel good when I asked her over IM what she was doing, so I replied with this:
Her: It makes me happy when u ask
Me: That's good. I'd hate to see you sad because then it would make me sad, and if I was sad, then people would ask why I was sad, and then I would have to burst out into tears and say it was the bunny's fault, which would, of course, cause people to stare strangely at me and back away slowly. So funny would their antics be that I would immediately burst out laughing while crying, causing the people to run, instead of slowly backing away and all because I never asked what you were doing...
I used to have a whole bunch of wonderful rants, but over the years I've forgotten many, which makes me incredibly sad. crying (see, even the emoticon agrees.)
You cry, I cry. You smile, I smile. You giggle, I giggle. You laugh, I laugh. You jump off a cliff, I laugh even harder.
Ryosha24 · Wed Mar 28, 2007 @ 11:05pm · 1 Comments |