Of Stuck Trucks and Long Days |
I just sent an awesome email of my day to one of my friends and I think I'm going to post it because it's wonderful.
The aliens are conspiring to make mine miserable. Today, I woke up at 8 and watched a bit of TV before taking a shower and having breakfast at 9. Then I read a little bit. I left at 10:30 for an appointment at 11:15 downtown Colo. Spgs, which took a matter of 10 minutes.
We came back by 11:45 and gave my cow some water; during this time, my dad tried to move our large tractor, which promptly got stuck in the mud on the side of the barn closet to the house, and even though he tried for the 20 minutes my sister and I spent giving my cow water to get that tractor unstuck, it would not move. So my dad went and got the truck to pull out the tractor, but that got stuck in the mud on the other side of the barn. Then, my dad resorted to bringing in the van, through a much drier section of the field. We finally got out the tractor after much heaving and hawing and pulling and sticking boards underneath the wheels of the tractor. But there was still the truck, whose rear wheels were literally sunk halfway into the ground (the truck has rear-wheel drive, too, making it all much worse).
We pulled with the van. We pushed with the tractor. We did both at one time. We used a floor jack to lift each side of the truck's wheels above ground to stick multitudes of boards under it. We used cat liter for traction. We pulled and pushed again, all to no avail.
Finally, we decided to have the van pull the truck out from behind and have the tractor push the front. We got the rear wheels out, but then the front wheels got stuck. After about 10 more minutes of pulling and pushing, my dad on the tractor, me in the truck (going in reverse), and my sister in the van, we managed to un-stick the truck. *fanfare* *celebration*
About 2 minutes before, this guy who was to deliver sand to us called and said he was on his way, so my dad quickly took the truck up to the rounded driveway to pull the horse trailer out of the way so that the man could dump it right in the field. Then he had to move the RV out of the way as well.
The man came and dumped the sand while my sister and I took away the muddy boards, took the cat liter inside, and cleaned up the floor jack. Then, after all that, we finally got a break for a whole two minutes. My dad called and told us to hook up the hoses so we could change the horses' water and to clean up the alleyway in the middle of the barn so that we could bring the horses in through there into their stalls (they had been in the round pin all day, except for my horse, who was in my sister's horse's stall).
So we did and my dad came back with this thing to turn off the water connection to the barn because we're almost certain that there's a leak somewhere in that pipe, since part of the field is much too muddy to have been caused by the rain and snow alone. But it turned out that the little pipe-like-thing that he bought was too short and that we didn't need to change the horses' water anyway. my sister and I re-wound the hoses and put them away and then came back to the house. And then, as my cow's incessant mooing was grating on all our nerves, I went to feed her before my dad got the rifle to have her feed us.
My dad went to get something or other from the store while I'm sitting here, and I must say that it will take great forces to get me out of this chair for anything other than food, since I haven't eaten since 9 this morning.
And you know what? I blame it all on the aliens. The first choice of anything to blame things on is the person responsible, but we don't know who's responsible, so next are the parents, but this was so obviously not the parents, that is would simply be absurd to even ponder that idea. Next are the politicians, but is no possible connection from them to this situation (trust me, I looked), so the only ones left are the aliens because if in the end you cannot find anyone to fault, then it must be the aliens. *firm nod*
And on top of all that, I've only managed to read about 30 pages of the book, write two paragraphs of my story (as well as find Paetrik's last name) and eat some bacon, eggs, and toast. I still need to get a move on all that other stuff (as in my two history projects, the 10 poems and a book report I need to do for English, and my 4-H Historian scrapbook), but I'm too wiped out to care at the moment, so as soon as I send this email and get something to eat, I'm going to get on IM and talk to my friend Hikari_K.
Wow... I should save this. I will make quite a what-did-you-do-for-Spring-Break story, don't you think?
*tummy growls* I feel like having spaghetti. I'm going to go start it up and come back to talk to Hikari_k on IM, now that I have officially run out of complaints and story-telling about today...
In the beginning the universe was created. This has made a lot of people angry and is generally considered a bad move.
Ryosha24 · Tue Mar 27, 2007 @ 12:59am · 1 Comments |