Ah, what to say?
Recently I registered for my classes next year. If all goes well, I'll be able to retake Spanish one (My old Spanish one teacher really sucked, and it's been a year since I've taken a foreign language class), Spanish two, British Lit, AP Calculus, Physics, Gov Econ, and multimedia. Yay, new classes!
I added a luffled list on my profile. I'm thinking about getting more active again since I'm constantly bored. Also, I might start up an art shop. I'm not very good, but I might be able to sell something for money. I want to save up for an Angelic Microphone which Adrian will hopefully not get for me.
I'm starting an account with the Gaia Bank thing. I really like that idea. I have a problem with donating money if I have it when someone needs it, so maybe having a savings account will keep me from doing so. xD. There's an interest system, too, so I'll be able to start earning a little coin in about a month. biggrin
Some of you might have noticed that MY PROFILE IS GREEN! Thanks to Adrianisbutter's awesome skillz, he managed to change the background from pink to lime green. After that, it only took a little recoding and changing the color of the non-animated picture to finish the profile. I'm so happy that it's green now. biggrin .
On that subject, if anyone knows whether or not recoding an already existing TekTek theme is against the rules, please PM me. I've looked at the TekTek theme rules, and the only time it says you can't edit it is if you plan on submitting it. In that case, you have to ask the original artist first. I couldn't find anywhere that said I couldn't edit it and use it for myself, but I might have just missed something.
Spring break is on its way! And I can't wait. My father is coming to visit this year. I'm really happy about that. He was supposed to come for Christmas... and New Year's... but he couldn't make it. I'm hoping beyond hope he isn't needed during spring break. domokun
D!zz's art thread is amazing. It's the main reason I'm thinking of getting active on Gaia again and pondering on starting an art shop. Every time I'm in artist's block, it ends up being resolved simply by doing avatar art. How convenient!
Anyway, in this thread I've met a bunch of neat people and had some pretty fun conversations. I've even had people draw me in all my avatar creepiness. I really like being there! And I'd forgotten how much money you can make solely by posting. It's astonishing, really! For some reason I kept being the first poster on a page. It was amusing! I'd be the first poster for three or four pages, have a page or two break, then start up again. It was fate, according to one of my new friends from d!zz's thread. I was also the first person to post on page 4000. I felt so special. x]
Anyway, that's enough rantage for tonight. ^^
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Souls: 17 - Gimme!
Why did all my URLs get deleted, you ask? I'm not really sure!