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I'm a fangirl. So sue me. x3;
The Great Pretender. It's another fic pplz
FINALLY! Another journal entry. im gonna let my bad typing run amok, because i dont have time to correct my grammar and such. this stupid laptop's running low on power....

right, how was my vaction u ask? it was nice. I WENT TO THE ZOO!!!
yar. loved it. fun. i biought some new clothes. family bought new couches and tv. played some WoW. played tons upon tons of BKO, as i still havengt beat it....(that's saying something there, isnt it?)

right. skool. sucks. yeah. i hate evening class. i have too long breaks. im hungry. i gained weight. and my arm hurts from typing so much. yes. i just finished the fanfic that i was wroking on for THREE MONTHS NOW!!! D:& *shoots herself in the head*

what else...SUbzi's been begging for an update. maybe i should just put this as the update and let her and everyone else suffer....naah. well, maybe.

things to do:
start BK/BKO fanfic competition via everyone's emails.
yell at ppl to get on the BK guild.
Start my research paper.
Start studying for tests.....blah.

right, on with the fanfic. and LEAVE COMMENTS PPL!!! AND NO FLAMING!! i know that this is a high skool fic. i must have been on crack to write one. next time i feel like writing a highskool fic, i'll write a middle skool one instead. and its gonna be good!! BET NONE OF YOU WILL SEE THAT COMING!!!

right right. here's the fanfic. enjoy.

The Great Pretender

It was a quite, sunny morning. The weather outside was suffering mildly from the rainstorm of the night before. Yet even through the rainstorm, one resident of the home of the great inventor Georg was wide awake, making clicking sounds until the early morning. The morning had come, and it was now near the turning of the hour upon seven. The alarm clock was to go off then, yet it would not beep loudly like all of its kind; this clock would play a song. It was a song that was mildly out of date, but it was a favorite of the clock’s user. And thus it was programmed into the clock as its alarm.
Do you wander through this life,

The clock rang in the early morning, and before it had gotten to play the second verse of the song programmed into it, it had already been turned off. The blue haired youth who had turned it off instantly sank back into the bed, pulling the covers over his head.
Like a child without a care?

He had not gotten himself to rest when a younger, blonde youth opened the room’s door. He looked inside to find that his elder brother had not yet gotten out of bed. Frowning, the boy voiced loudly, “Kalas, get up! The alarm’s already rung, and you need to cook breakfast!”
“I’m up, Fee. I’m up!” replied the sleeping youth. Slowly, he sat in his bed, staring accusingly at the sun outside.
“Good!” Fee replied. “Now hurry up!” And with that, he left the room and closed the door behind him.
Do fear the things you love?

Kalas threw himself back down into the bed, but did not attempt to fall asleep, instead, he tried to recount what he had done last night. In his mind, he reviewed his night’s work, figuring out how far he’d reached. When he was mentally satisfied of his review, he got up and headed towards the bathroom for his morning routine.
Do you seek the things you fear?

Fifteen minutes later, Kalas didn’t have time to be satisfied with his appearance. As soon as he had looked in the mirror and thought he looked OK, a sound of loud vibration emitted itself from his desk. Retrieving the source of the vibrations, Kalas answered the call from his cellular phone.
When the world comes crashing down,

“Kalas here.”
“Oh, so you’re up?”
“Sagi! I told you not to call me from the cell! You can only text me on here.”
Did you just smile and say,

“Yeah, well. Your brother shut the phone in my face…Is it a school day?”
“Duh, Sagi.”
“Oh, I’ll leave you to your work then. I’ll call back later.” And thus the conversation ended.
I am the Great Pretender,
Oh yeah,

Kalas then made his way to the kitchen. Adorning himself with his apron, he proceeded in the making of breakfast while his brother prepared their bagged lunches. When Kalas had finished preparing the table, Fee had already called their grandfather to join them for the meal. The old man was found in his lab, as usual, which was located in the basement. He was in there from the early hours of dawn, and normally didn’t eat anything unless his grandchildren fetched him.
Willing to dream forever,

After the meal was over, Kalas walked Fee to his school, for Fee’s school was halfway down the route of Kalas’s school. Kalas then walked in silence the rest of the way.
Oh, I'll just float away and let the waves keep
Pulling me in,

He was joined by one of his friends, but she was not in a talkative mood, so they kept the silence unbroken.
I'll just hang out here and watch the world pass
Over my head,

Upon arriving at the school gates, a voice called from behind Kalas, “Kalas, wait up!”
Kalas turned around to see his best friend running towards him. The boy was wearing a smile on his face…and also that hat of his that his sister forced him to wear. When he had stopped next to Kalas, the first thing Kalas did was snatch the hat and wear it himself—at least it matched what Kalas was wearing: jeans with a white plain shirt that had its sleeves rolled up to his elbows. The boy on was wearing the same exact shirt, but with the sleeves properly rolled down and buttoned at the cuffs. He was wearing red colored pants, and held his backpack in his off hand.
“Evening Lyude.” Kalas greeted his friend after abducting his hat.
Because I still believe in
All of the things you said...

“It’s morning Kalas,” Lyude replied with a semi-frown, “and give me the hat back, please.”
A yawn escaped Kalas, “Well, its evening for me. And no, no hat.” Lyude and Kalas had been best friends since early junior high school, and the hat has always been a point of argument between them. Lyude wore the hat as to not arouse the wrath of his sister, and thus was bullied by Ayme, Giacamo, and Folon during school. Kalas always came to the rescue at first, but then he simple started taking the hat away from Lyude before the start of the school day.
“Good morning, Mizuti.” Lyude greeted their silent friend.
Oh, all of the things you said.

“Hmm…” Mizuti gave no reply, but glared at Lyude.
“er…Is something wrong?” Lyude asked uncomfortably.
“I’m tired.” Mizuti replied. Her whine was almost comical, coming from the fact that she never whined. But Lyude and Kalas refrained from laughing, knowing that it would end up with their heads chewed off, and proceeded into the school building.
Are you searching for the truth,
But all you come across is lies?

They met Xelha at the lockers. She turned pink in the face upon meeting them, but soon the color faded. They then encountered Fadroh at Melodia’s locker, a red rose in his hand. Kalas simply rolled his eyes. Melodia was a sucker for roses, and Fadroh gave her one every time he was about to ask her out.
Did someone sabotage your route,
Left all the answers in disguise?

The two had gotten together shortly after Fadroh had enrolled at their school. Kalas had set them up because he was extremely tired of Melodia’s obsession with him. It had gotten him a free mischief ticket, and he was now free to fight back when Ayme, Giacamo, and Folon came around. Those three were the trouble makers of the school and always have been, and they had never gotten in trouble with anyone because they knew how to get away with everything…
When the world comes crashing down,
Did you just smile and say,

The school day passed normally, PE with Coach Gibari was as crazy as always, and Kalas completely skipped Home EC, for which he got a serious scolding by Ms. Savyna at the end of the class. When she compared him to Lyude, who had a perfect attendance record, Kalas just laughed. Lyude didn’t have a choice on that matter; his brother was dating his teacher.
I am the Great Pretender,
Oh yeah,
Willing to dream forever,

It was a routine to go to the park after school, and that’s where the party headed. Everyone started playing around…all except Kalas. Kalas had sat down underneath a large tree and pulled out a notebook, jotting down notes, but his comfort never lasted. Almost too soon, Lyude came running up to Kalas, asking if he would like to play with the rest of them. Kalas, as always, tried to resist, but his friend’s serene happiness was irresistible, and Kalas, as usual, accepted.
Oh, I'll just float away and let the waves keep
Pulling me in,
I'll just hang out here and watch the world pass
Over my head,

The day was spent like that; all fun and games, with little studying accomplished. It was sundown when Kalas returned home and prepared a meal for his brother, his grandfather, and himself. After eating, Fee started on the dishes and Georg returned to his study, asking to not be disturbed. Kalas retreated to his room as well, and instantly spread out his books and started studying. He finished near midnight, and at that time, Fee was asleep, and he was not going to be disturbed any longer. Confirming that his grandfather was in his study, Kalas finally started up his laptop and started clicking away on his keyboard,
Because I still believe in
All of the things you said...

“ They looked around, yet none were able to figure out this madness.
‘I really don’t believe this,’ Gibari grumbled, ‘How come Zosma Tower has so many puzzles?!’
‘Because,’ the Great Mizuti replied tiredly, fatigue clearly shown in her voice, ‘The Zosma Tower be a powerful and ancient—‘
‘I know, I know!’ Gibari yelled.
‘Then,’ Kalas spoke up as he pushed the uppermost-left block, which defeated its purpose and blocked the yellow block’s path. Everyone groaned at that, and Xelha, who has now stationed herself next to the lamppost, dimmed the light and relit it, effectively resetting the blocks. ‘Stop complaining and actually help out. We need to get to the bottom of this tower!’

Oh, yeah...

Still Grumbling, Gibari jumped downwards and obliterated the monster frog that came through the wall when the blocks reset themselves. The puzzle of this room had to be reset three more times, and when everyone had almost given up, a cry rang through the room, ‘I got it!!’ Lyude had shouted from his corner, ‘You’re pushing the wrong block first, Kalas—‘”

Why do I try,

“Augh! Sagi...” Kalas muttered in frustration. Sagi, to effectively capture Kalas’s attention and direct it towards the IM, had opened the IM with a Valentine setting and gave a buzz. Yet with the theme being Valentine, the buzz was initiated as a giant kiss on the screen, and, as it was supposed to do, it captured Kalas’s attention as well as freaked him out. “Sagi!” Kalas typed to him, “Don’t do that!” He then changed the setting back to normal, white theme, but Sagi wasn’t going to have it—he changed again it into the Garfield theme. Kalas sighed and read Sagi’s reply.
Woah, why do I try,

Malideiter: Can’t help it if you won’t pay attention to me other wise!
WhiteRaven: grr…I’m trying to do some work! You’re always disturbing!
Malideiter: yeah, yeah. Hey. Deadline’s approaching.
WhiteRaven: I KNOW!! I’m still working on it!
Malideiter: well, you better hurry up.
Yeah, why do I try...

WhiteRaven: And how am I supposed to if every single night you keep disturbing me?
Malideiter: work on it in the day.
WhiteRave: And have my laptop confiscated? No thanks.
Malideiter: well, you’re gonna have to hurry.
WhiteRaven: You’re gonna have to wait.
Malideiter: I don’t wanna get in trouble…TT__TT
WhiteRaven: Too bad.
Malideiter:…so…how far are you?
I am the Great Pretender,
Oh yeah,

WhiteRaven: Close to the end. All I have to do is finish Zosma Tower and you can have your set of the chapters.
WhiteRaven: Okay. And one more thing.
Willing to dream forever,

Malideiter: what?
WhiteRaven: I figured out what the sequel’s gonna be.
Malideiter: REALLY?! What is it?
Whoa right now, I said,

WhiteRaven: It’s gonna be more of a prequel really. It should tie up the loose ends of the original.
Malideiter: soooo? What’s it gonna be called?
WhiteRaven: Baten Kaitos Origins.
I am the Great,
I am the Great...

Malideiter: [sarcasm] wow. What a wonderful name. [/sarcasm] Seriously, what is with you and those weird names?
I am the Great Pretender,

WhiteRaven: Oh, come on. It’s not that bad.
Malideiter: yes it is. At least the original’s title was a bit more mystical.
WhiteRaven: So it’s no good?
Malideiter: It’s ok. It’s an out of this world as well as a down to Earth title. It should be okay.
WhiteRaven: You are the worst manager ever.
Malideiter: and you have the worst naming conventions.
WhiteRaven:...Never mind. I’m sure you’ll like the story.
But oh, I'll just float away and let the waves keep
Pulling me in,

Malideiter: really now. How come?
WhiteRaven: The name of the protagonist is…Sagi.
Malideiter: …you’re kidding.
I'll just hang out here and watch the world pass
Over my head,

WhiteRaven: I’m dead serious.
Malideiter: I leave you to write now. Bye bye. You finish and get started on next part and finish the book so you start on the prequel and I get to read it. <3
Malideiter: g’nite!
-- Malideiter has logged off at 11:34 pm--
Because I still believe in
All of the things you said, yeah, yeah,
Whoa, right now...

“Eleven thirty four!! I hate you, Sagi!!” Kalas grumbled. As he started on his story again, rain poured down from the heavens…
I said I am the Great Pretender, yeah,
You know that I am the Great Pretender,
Hey, you know what I'm singing,
Is I still believe in all of the things you said...

It was a quite, sunny morning. The weather outside was suffering mildly from the rainstorm of the night before. Yet even through the rainstorm, one resident of the home of the great inventor Georg was wide awake, making clicking sounds until the early morning. The morning had come, and it was now near the turning of the hour upon seven. The alarm clock was to go off then, yet it would not beep loudly like all of its kind; this clock would play a song. It was a song that was mildly out of date, but it was a favorite of the clock’s user. And thus it was programmed into the cclock as its alarm.
Oh, all of the things you said...

Bah. good enough formatting. anywho, have fun pplz! this fic is extra long! and extra confusing. maybe it'll even give u somthing to think about....

User Comments: [10] [add]
Blue Logic
Community Member
commentCommented on: Thu Feb 22, 2007 @ 09:22pm
heart heart heart

commentCommented on: Thu Feb 22, 2007 @ 09:36pm
Confusing? No, it's not. Interesting, very. Me likey! Lots! <333

You ought to go back and seperate the bits that were gonna be italized but ended up not when you have the time to, though. ^^;

Moonlit Star
Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Fri Feb 23, 2007 @ 03:25am
no...this is the correct format. yeah. definitly.

commentCommented on: Fri Feb 23, 2007 @ 03:33am
Really? I thought these were mistakes... Still, 'tis awesome either way. Blending the Great Pretender part into the story itself? ^^;

(Backwards order >>;; )

Malideiter: REALLY?! What is it?
Whoa right now, I said,
WhiteRaven: It’s gonna be more of a prequel really. It should tie up the loose ends of the original.

Malideiter: well, you better hurry up.
Yeah, why do I try...
WhiteRaven: And how am I supposed to if every single night you keep disturbing me?

“Good morning, Mizuti.” Lyude greeted their silent friend.
Oh, all of the things you said.
“Hmm…” Mizuti gave no reply, but glared at Lyude.

Willing to dream forever,
After the meal was over, Kalas walked Fee to his school, for Fee’s school was halfway down the route of Kalas’s school. Kalas then walked in silence the rest of the way.
Oh, I'll just float away and let the waves keep
Pulling me in,

He was joined by one of his friends, but she was not in a talkative mood, so they kept the silence unbroken.

When the world comes crashing down,
“Kalas here.”
“Oh, so you’re up?”
“Sagi! I told you not to call me from the cell! You can only text me on here.”
Did you just smile and say,

Moonlit Star
Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Fri Feb 23, 2007 @ 03:36am
GAAH! i didnt see those! *goes to change it*

commentCommented on: Sat Feb 24, 2007 @ 06:06pm
Moonlit just owned you.

Blue Logic
Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sat Feb 24, 2007 @ 09:53pm
that she did. ;.;

commentCommented on: Sun Mar 04, 2007 @ 01:59am
This is what hournals are supposed to be! This is AMAZING!!!!

Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sun Mar 04, 2007 @ 05:51pm
thank you!! mrgreen

commentCommented on: Thu Mar 22, 2007 @ 02:28am
heart heart heart heart heart

Me like, and me have no interest in BK, so meh say Its absolutly magnificent xd

Community Member
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