So one who says hes an infantilist added me a couple of days ago. And well we talked again today and heres the conversation.
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endersdragon34 (18:15:02): hey there nafin bwat
nathanonewing (18:15:20): o_O
endersdragon34 (18:15:5
cool : :giggles:
endersdragon34 (18:16:01): I see your cousins on
endersdragon34 (18:16:07): want to twy to get him to talk to mes
nathanonewing (18:16:35): I'll ask
nathanonewing (18:17:19): He just logged off
endersdragon34 (18:17:29): awww
endersdragon34 (18:17:3
cool : your mommies on???
nathanonewing (18:17:45): nope
endersdragon34 (18:17:53): stupid mommies
nathanonewing (18:18:0
cool : my mummy isnt stupid
endersdragon34 (18:18:19): well she should be on!
nathanonewing (18:18:44): She has problems with her internet, has college, and work, I can't expect too much from her
endersdragon34 (18:19:30): awww thats no fun
endersdragon34 (18:31:04): :pounces you and tickles:
nathanonewing (18:31:12): eep!
endersdragon34 (18:31:3
cool : :giggles:
endersdragon34 (18:31:42): you diapered
nathanonewing (18:32:07): not at the moment
endersdragon34 (18:32:24): too bad your going to have an accident :tickles you harder:
nathanonewing (18:32:33): eep! *squeals*
endersdragon34 (18:33:31): :keeps tickling until you pee yourself:
endersdragon34 (18:33:43): seeeeeeeeeee thats why you should always be diapeed!
nathanonewing (18:33:59): eeep o_o
nathanonewing (18:34:06): *has wet clothes*
endersdragon34 (18:34:13): poor baby
endersdragon34 (18:37:47): need your new big bro to change you???
nathanonewing (18:38:22): yah but I no see my bwuthurs heer
endersdragon34 (18:38:43): wellls can I be!
nathanonewing (18:38:57): Nope
endersdragon34 (18:39:19): why not
nathanonewing (18:39:45): Because I hardly know you, you can't just meet me and expect to be apart of my family =
endersdragon34 (18:39:53): your cous is back on
endersdragon34 (18:39:54):
nathanonewing (18:40:43): he is
endersdragon34 (18:41:00): soooooooooos
endersdragon34 (18:42:50): ???
nathanonewing (18:43:06): hm?
endersdragon34 (18:43:1
cool : he willing to talk to me???
nathanonewing (18:43:32): dunno yet haven't asked
nathanonewing (18:43:37): I'll ask when I come back from dinner
endersdragon34 (19:32:33): hey again bro
nathanonewing (19:32:43): Hey
endersdragon34 (19:32:57): :giggles: you answered to bro! S
endersdragon34 (19:33:36): so whab about your cous
nathanonewing (19:33:54): I'll ask
endersdragon34 (19:35:30): :waits:
endersdragon34 (19:40:31): wellsssssss
endersdragon34 (19:45:47): ???
nathanonewing (19:46:06): Hes really busy right now
endersdragon34 (19:46:1
cool : otays
endersdragon34 (19:46:26): so what does it take to be your bro
nathanonewing (19:47:06): Time, love and friendship, plus the brotherly feeling I get
endersdragon34 (19:47:46): :giggles:
endersdragon34 (19:52:36): :kissies you:
nathanonewing (19:52:4
cool : o_o
endersdragon34 (19:52:54): what
endersdragon34 (19:52:59): cant brothers kiss each other
nathanonewing (19:53:43): I'm not your brother
endersdragon34 (19:53:56): well future brothers maybe!
nathanonewing (19:55:10): hmm
endersdragon34 (19:55:26): :kissies you again:
nathanonewing (19:55:37): no kissy >_>
endersdragon34 (19:55:43): I like kissie!
endersdragon34 (19:55:45): :kissie:
nathanonewing (19:56:04): If you wanna be my brother you're not going the right way =
endersdragon34 (19:56:32): otay what is the wight way
nathanonewing (19:58:00): Why do you wanna be my brother anyways?
endersdragon34 (19:58:15): sounds like fun!
endersdragon34 (19:58:17):
nathanonewing (19:58:44): Being brothers isn't just about fun, those I love as a family I love as if it were real, its not a game to me
endersdragon34 (19:58:57): sowwy
endersdragon34 (19:59:00): it would be nice
nathanonewing (19:59:25): hmm, well you don't even know what I'm like =
endersdragon34 (19:59:33): twu
endersdragon34 (19:59:35): I can imagine
endersdragon34 (20:00:02): I think you had tramatic experiences in your past
nathanonewing (20:00:31): whats tramatic mean?
endersdragon34 (20:00:41): really really really bad
nathanonewing (20:00:53): Why do you think that?
endersdragon34 (20:00:59): the way you act
endersdragon34 (20:01:03): and alot of TBs have
nathanonewing (20:01:17): no they haven't >_>;;
nathanonewing (20:01:43): Jared for instence: has brillient parents and has a wonderfull childhood and boyhood
nathanonewing (20:01:53): Most TB's I know have had nice lives
nathanonewing (20:02:00): everyone has troubles
nathanonewing (20:02:0
cool : but they get overcome
endersdragon34 (20:02:10): I think you had trama still
nathanonewing (20:02:15): I haven't
nathanonewing (20:02:30): What kind of trama do you think I have had?
endersdragon34 (20:02:37): not sure
nathanonewing (20:02:47): Usually those with Trama grow up to be bad people
endersdragon34 (20:03:13): I had trama you know
endersdragon34 (20:03:19): but I think you have too
nathanonewing (20:03:23): Yeah well you're not me or anyone else
endersdragon34 (20:03:40): relax
nathanonewing (20:03:46): Well I haven't and I'm begining to see why my cousin doesn't like you
endersdragon34 (20:04:19): whats that
nathanonewing (20:05:10): You think things about people that are not true, you try and butt into peoples familys and what they do =
endersdragon34 (20:05:27): :shrugs: I am a bit sociopathic I amdit it
endersdragon34 (20:05:35): that doesnt mean I am not nice
nathanonewing (20:05:45): No I can see you're a nice person
nathanonewing (20:05:59): I think you need to slow way down though
endersdragon34 (20:06:01): then why wouldnt you want me in your family
nathanonewing (20:06:14): I don't want random strangers in my family
endersdragon34 (20:06:29): were not swangers silly!
nathanonewing (20:06:53): You're new to me =<
endersdragon34 (20:07:0
cool : :sighs: I hate waiting
nathanonewing (20:07:31): I get annoyed at it sometimes too, learn to live with it
endersdragon34 (20:07:44):
endersdragon34 (20:12:04): hmmm can we speed up time???
nathanonewing (20:12:30): You could but that wouldn't help you now would it? only the surroundings
endersdragon34 (20:12:53): you are so no fun
nathanonewing (20:13:21): Maybe not with you
endersdragon34 (20:13:36): well then be more fun with me like you are with your family
endersdragon34 (20:16:57): :kissies:
nathanonewing (20:17:30): Quit kissing me >_>;;
endersdragon34 (20:17:37): but I like kissie!
nathanonewing (20:18:10): Yeah? Well kiss anyone else but me =<
endersdragon34 (20:18:31): somebody woke up on the wrong side of the crib
nathanonewing (20:19:49): Dude you're the one damaging my good mood
endersdragon34 (20:20:07): by kissie you???
nathanonewing (20:20:36): Just don't kiss me, maybe when I have any kind of feelings for me I'll let you
endersdragon34 (20:20:54): so you dont have any feelings for you right now
nathanonewing (20:21:15): I love you too bits, you're my world...
nathanonewing (20:21:1
cool : Course I don't
nathanonewing (20:21:24): =<
endersdragon34 (20:21:29): you misunderstood what I said
endersdragon34 (20:21:43): and you missaid what you said
nathanonewing (20:22:07): Nope you just don't understand what I said
endersdragon34 (20:22:16): you said you dont have any feelings for you
endersdragon34 (20:22:26): you meant to say you dont have any feelings for me
nathanonewing (20:22:4
cool : oh that
nathanonewing (20:22:57): does a typo matter? =
endersdragon34 (20:23:12): your too mature
nathanonewing (20:23:36): only because you're not working into my childish ways
endersdragon34 (20:25:07): :sighs:
endersdragon34 (20:25:09): your too complicated
nathanonewing (20:26:01): uh huh
endersdragon34 (20:34:56): that suggests trama again but I wont say that
nathanonewing (20:35:1
cool : I'm this close to blocking you
endersdragon34 (20:36:03): for what???
endersdragon34 (20:36:0
cool : stating an opinion???
endersdragon34 (20:38:01): relax
nathanonewing (20:38:05): Its very VERY rude to jump to conclusions and think someone has had a tramatised life.
nathanonewing (20:38:27): No one knows me better than me
endersdragon34 (20:39:19): it is rude to jump to conclusions???
endersdragon34 (20:39:23): how does that work
endersdragon34 (20:39:3
cool : minds jump to conclusions a million times a day
nathanonewing (20:39:43): It is if you say I've had a tramatic life
endersdragon34 (20:40:23): :sighs: relax
endersdragon34 (20:40:39): your really defensive about this
endersdragon34 (20:40:4
cool : which I should take offense to but I am not
nathanonewing (20:41:45): Excuse me? You take offense to something you are saying? I know about my life and you know about yours, stop sticking your nose into things and thinking things that are not true
endersdragon34 (20:42:10): nathanonewing (오전 5:02:29):Usually those with Trama grow up to be bad people
endersdragon34 (20:42:47): that was a prime example of jumping to offensive conclusions
nathanonewing (20:43:37): Fine, I won't say that, you don't say those with Trama grow up to be infantilists, infantilists don't have to be the sweet cute loving people they are because of bad backgrounds
endersdragon34 (20:44:00): I said that is a frequent occurance
endersdragon34 (20:44:14): which it is
nathanonewing (20:44:19): Well its not with me
endersdragon34 (20:44:3
cool : :rolls eyes: your way too defensive
nathanonewing (20:44:57): And you're blocked. Congratulations!
endersdragon34 (20:45:04): dont do that
nathanonewing (20:45:21): You're lucky I don't like being mean
endersdragon34 (20:45:22): fine I am sorry
endersdragon34 (20:45:31): I won't state my opinions ever again
endersdragon34 (20:45:34): you happy???
nathanonewing (20:45:43): I'm sorry too, just don't go on saying I have a tramatic life which I have not
nathanonewing (20:46:04): And your opinions are fine as long as its not rude or unthoughtfull
endersdragon34 (20:46:36): did I mention I am on the autism spectrum
endersdragon34 (20:46:42): I don't get theory of the mind at all
nathanonewing (20:48:17): If you knew that why bother trying to get into my mind?
endersdragon34 (20:48:37): I am good at psychoanalyzing people
endersdragon34 (20:48:46): just not figuring out what they are thinking
nathanonewing (20:49:0
cool : what does psychoanalyzing mean?
endersdragon34 (20:49:21): figuring out stuff about people by their words
nathanonewing (20:49:44):'re not very good at it
endersdragon34 (20:49:57): well even the best are wrong sometimes
endersdragon34 (20:50:39): for not having a degree in psychology and not having an neurotypical mind I am great
nathanonewing (20:50:56): uh huh, good for you
endersdragon34 (20:51:13): dont pout... its not cute
endersdragon34 (20:51:52): so when do I get into your family :_
endersdragon34 (20:51:55): ***
nathanonewing (20:53:09): You don't >_>
endersdragon34 (20:53:20): never???
nathanonewing (20:53:35): Not by me anyways
endersdragon34 (20:53:5
cool : well then who decides
nathanonewing (20:54:46): Anyone who wants you in the family
endersdragon34 (20:56:35): but not you???
nathanonewing (20:57:02): Nope
endersdragon34 (20:57:10): thats not very nice
nathanonewing (20:57:52): Well you got on my bad side
endersdragon34 (20:58:13):
endersdragon34 (20:58:22): well you could have just accepted me earlier
nathanonewing (20:58:4
endersdragon34 (20:59:15): you want to know why I am so impatient
nathanonewing (20:59:25): why?
endersdragon34 (20:59:43): because by the time you would accept me to be part of that you will hate me
nathanonewing (21:00:00): Thats silly
endersdragon34 (21:00:04): its true
endersdragon34 (21:00:0
cool : it always happens!
nathanonewing (21:00:16): The more I like you the quicker you get to be in my family
endersdragon34 (21:00:31): but you will have me before you want me to be in your family
endersdragon34 (21:00:46): you don't get it
nathanonewing (21:00:54): Nope and I'm not going too
endersdragon34 (21:01:01): not going to what
nathanonewing (21:01:16): 'get it'
endersdragon34 (21:01:26): I hate htis
nathanonewing (21:01:45): Than block me, you and me obviously don't get along
endersdragon34 (21:01:55): because you choose not to
nathanonewing (21:02:42): Its your choice. I can block you if I want too and might do so
endersdragon34 (21:03:01): stop threatening it!
nathanonewing (21:04:15): So what? Are you going to get more upset if we keep arguing or are you going to get more upset if I block you?
endersdragon34 (21:04:2
cool : I don't know
endersdragon34 (21:04:52): I spend all ******** day trying to help kids who have pasts like mine then I come here and you treat me badly I am tired of it
nathanonewing (21:05:19): Hey guess what mate? I'm not one of your patients
endersdragon34 (21:05:36): no I thought I could be your friend though
endersdragon34 (21:06:00): whatever
nathanonewing (21:06:04): Well sorry that you're not
endersdragon34 (21:06:37): endersdragon34 (21:06:52): look at some of the comments there
nathanonewing (21:08:1
cool : I don't care what other people think
endersdragon34 (21:08:30): your missing the point
nathanonewing (21:08:36): I didn't bother reading
nathanonewing (21:08:43): And I'm not bothering with this anymore
nathanonewing (21:08:4
cool : I'm blocking you
endersdragon34 (21:08:52): no you wont
nathanonewing (21:08:56): Sorry but you and me just don't get along
endersdragon34 (21:08:5
cool : you like me
nathanonewing (21:08:59): watch me
endersdragon34 (21:09:05): becaues you choose not to get along with me!
endersdragon34 (21:09:13): what do you want from me
nathanonewing (21:09:23): I don't =
endersdragon34 (21:09:32): you don't what
nathanonewing (21:09:41): want anything from you
endersdragon34 (21:11:00): well your not adding me to block so what should we talk about
nathanonewing (21:11:26): I'm looking for the block button would you believe >_>
nathanonewing (21:11:34): Ah found it
Was I too mean or did just right?
He talked to me with another AIM account. Which I soon found out things from Timmy about him and the name he had.
Fnofsports (21:12:39): I told you you would hate me before long, I want you to like me though...
Fnofsports (21:14:05): I showed you that site so you could see why I was stressed out
Fnofsports (21:14:26): but you wouldn't even other to look
Fnofsports (21:15:13): answer me damnit!
nathanonewing (21:16:01): o_o
nathanonewing (21:16:11): So you talk to me with another one
Fnofsports (21:16:17): I am trying to save a 13 year old boy from spending 20 years in jail
nathanonewing (21:16:19): I'm sorry I thought you thought I wouldn't block you
Fnofsports (21:16:32): I think I have reason to be stressed out
nathanonewing (21:16:45): I love kids I really do, but really I don't give a damn at the moment because you're the one trying to throw it in my face
Fnofsports (21:17:14): trust me I could do a much better job then I am doing now
Fnofsports (21:17:24): I just want you to know why I am stressed out
nathanonewing (21:17:39): Righto
Fnofsports (21:18:27): like for example if it was a guilt trip I was after I would tell you how this boys mother said he wants to be a counselor now because he hears kids crying at night at juve
Fnofsports (21:18:52): but thats really not what I am after
nathanonewing (21:20:03): I really didn't want to know that
Fnofsports (21:20:11): nobody does
Fnofsports (21:20:17): but thats why I am stressed out
nathanonewing (21:20:41): right
Fnofsports (21:20:50): so take me off block
nathanonewing (21:23:36): You know a boy named Timmy?
Fnofsports (21:23:49): whats it to you
nathanonewing (21:24:19): One of my closest infantilist friends
Fnofsports (21:24:2
cool : he say something bad about me
nathanonewing (21:24:46): Apparantly someone by the name of Fnofsports keeps wanting to spank his bunny bottom
Fnofsports (21:24:55): oh that Timmy
Fnofsports (21:25:04): I thought you meant another one
nathanonewing (21:25:13): proberbly Timme
Fnofsports (21:25:34): :shrugs: I do it jokingly
Fnofsports (21:25:42): he never really asks me to stop
Fnofsports (21:26:29): what about it
nathanonewing (21:28:41): Make sure you're nice to him
Fnofsports (21:29:23): take me off block
nathanonewing (21:30:53): Nope, Imma block you on this account too, I've asked Timmy to tell me if you're bad to him, so watch it
Fnofsports (21:31:03): please
Fnofsports (21:31:06): just talk to me
Fnofsports (21:31:21):
Fnofsports (21:31:25): I am just stressed out
nathanonewing (21:31:52): I don't feel like talking to you but Imma unblock you
nathanonewing (21:32:00): Just watch it
Fnofsports (21:32:16): what changed your mind
nathanonewing (21:33:21): I dislike making people upset, and that little please and you're just stressed seemed to me like you carmed down, so Imma giving you a chance
Fnofsports (21:33:57): but I can never be in your family...
Fnofsports (21:35:59):
nathanonewing (21:36:22): My uncle Fel would proberbly kill and eat you for supper >_>
Fnofsports (21:36:33): whys that
nathanonewing (21:36:59): He won't like you and can be very mean, I love him though <3
Fnofsports (21:37:10): why wont he like me
nathanonewing (21:37:41): He doesn't like new members straight away
nathanonewing (21:37:51): Hes like the leader of the group
Fnofsports (21:38:25): :shrugs: I doubt he would get to me
nathanonewing (21:38:40): I wouldn't care if he did or not
nathanonewing (21:38:4
cool : Right I need to do other things
nathanonewing (21:38:51): so I won't be talking now
Fnofsports (21:38:51):
Fnofsports (21:39:10): I feel alone right now
nathanonewing (21:39:56): Quit trying to go for my sympathy
Fnofsports (21:40:11): sorry I am just a bit attachive
Fnofsports (21:40:17): especcially when I like this
nathanonewing (21:40:17): right
nathanonewing (21:40:25): bye
So yeah
I kinda feel bad, but I think I shouldn't give too much sympathy out
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cool faces are not in the script they just there because of gaias coding, so ignore them
Community Member
he's a meanie! block him! twisted