What is LOVE?
I'm in love yet I dont know what it is? Does anyone know? Is it the feeling so wonderful you want to barf? or the feeling or pain so awsome you want to smile forever?
When I look at the guy I love, I feel... happy, scared, and... everything at once.
What do YOU think love is?
I feel its the same as HATE.
both are very strong, powerful feelings that can cause people to do silly things.
I've gone from loveing someone to hateing them to loveing them. I know how it feels for ME. But I cant type it... i dont understnd it. What is LOVE to YOU?
Is there true love?
I dont know, but I do know people can fall in love, say its true love, then hate each other. No love is perfict... thats why most of use fail in trying to save it. It canont be 'saved' it must juts be there, and when its gone, its gone.
Love Volim Community Member |
Community Member
it means: if u can define hate or love, my friend, what a dissapointment.
[yeah, translation is kinda crappy. it's hard to make good translations outta some songs, but yeah, i hope u understand why i wrote that there]