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View User's Journal

"I'll never forgive you...if you stop being a wimp!"
Ohhhh.....my gosh. Things are looking up! ^^
Guess what everyone....?
Come a little closer....yup....just a little more...

I'm in a good mood!!!!!! *throws a party*
I bet you all wanna know why right? *grins*
Well....how would you feel if you only have 3 more days till you see your most bestest friends in the entire world!?

Huh? Huh? You would party too. You would just fly right out of your chair/bed. I'm feeling....good today. Especially good.

For many reasons. Too many to count right now. *dances to Nightwish* ANyone wanna party with me? *hugs everyone at once*

i donno why really......

heart heart BUT I'M SOOOO HAPPY!!!!!! heart heart

Oh yeah.... don't forget everyone..

VOTE!!!!!! please?

Thanks so much! *kisses and hugs and onigiri!*

4laugh ~Terri-chan~ heart

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