Her cheeks were stained like bloody soil, moistened by boiling tears that leaked endlessly from her eyes. Her gaze remained fixated on the rusted blade laying in her limp fingers. She sat there frozen as the hours went by. Her mind was empty and lost far too long to return.
With one simple movement, she guided the razor to her delicate jawline, and effortlessly traced the blade down to her chin and around the opposite side of her face. She created a beautiful straight line that penetrated deep below the skin. An elegant necklace of red began to drape down her neck and cold lifeless chest.
Why had she waited so long to do this? Knowing that her task was complete for the night, she let her hand drop to the ground lazily. The sound of the blade hitting the iron ground echoed across her empty surroundings. Empty nothing.
"Good night, dear." Her deep voice shattered its way through every bone in her body.
She let out a long dark cry. A vile stench of rotten flesh seeped from deep within her throat. The violent outburst left her shaking uncontrollably. She wrapped her arms roughly around her chest, as if to steady her trembling figure. She blindly scraped away freshly healed wounds on her back. Skin curled in between her blackened finger nails.
It was over. Soul returned to body. Mind released from the the tight grasp of evil. The pain began to flow through every nerve. Why was this happening?
[NOT COMPLETE] Edited 5/14/14
My current mood drove me to write this horribly written story. My current mood also has me not giving a ******** at this point. I will probably edit this later because I am typing it on my tablet right now. I might just throw this worthless thing into the wall. I wanted to make her rip her face off and shove it down her throat. That would be her last meal and after she was done she would slowly tear herself apart until she died in shreds on the ground, but I don't feel like typing all of that. You get the beautiful idea. GOOD NIGHT.
Fatty Pom Poms Community Member |