This has been in my notes for a while and I kind of need to have access to it on the computer soo
She sensed the burning spell streak past her left side, missing her by mere inches. Up ahead, the other girl cried out in pain as it clipped her arm.
"Keep running!" the Leader yelled, firing a spell backwards without looking. She heard a thud as the spell found its mark. On a regular day, she would admire the Leader for his accuracy without looking.
The term "regular day" could be used when she wasn't running for her life.
The Shield dodged another spell as her unit ran for their lives from the wizards after them. This was exactly what they didn't need. Their transfer was supposed to be a total stealth operation. Barely anyone up top knew about it. So who squealed?
"Tank!" the Leader yelled, looking to the young blonde man a little further back. "Can you stall them long enough for the Buff to cast Improbability?"
"Easy, Lead," the Tank said, flashing a grin.
"Yes sir!" she said, snapping to attention.
"The Scout is going to scout further up ahead. When she finds shelter I want you to take the broom and start constructing a barrier."
"Got it!" the Shield yelled over the sound of the Tank's Fire Rain decimating the forest. A small part of her felt satisfaction, but she stowed it away in the recesses of her mind to feel when they were out of danger. Up ahead, she could see the brown-and-red blur that was the Scout casting a spell before zooming out of her view. The girl must've cast Fleet Feet, which would definitely be a handy spell. Unfortunately, the Shield's specialty was not charms, but barriers.
The six unit members had spread a bit, but a large chunk of them still remained together. The Scout had gone up ahead, and the Tank had fallen back, but the Leader, the Shield, the Infiltrator, and the Buff were together.
"Halt in the name of the law!" a wizard behind them yelled.
"Aw, shut it!" the Tank laughed, casting spells left and right. Shuriken flew, blades flashed, guns spat, and bees buzzed as he did everything in his power to hinder their assailants. "You can't catch us! You never will!"
"Give up, why don't you!" the Infiltrator yelled daringly, darting under a tree branch. The wizard behind them only sped up in response.
The Shield's ears twitched as she heard a twig snap somewhere to their left. She glanced over the area and saw a moving shape. "Hey, buffing boy, toss some rays over there!" she yelled.
"Buffing boy, good one," the Infiltrator said.
Despite the situation, the Shield allowed herself a grin. "Thanks."
Said buffing boy pushed his hair out of his eyes. His hood has been tugged down long ago, and his hair flapped in his eyes often. "Got it!" he yelled, drawing his wand and muttering the incantation. He pointed his wand to the right as light exploded out of the tip, illuminating the area.
The Shield hunted the area in the few moments she had with her exceptionally good eyes. In seconds she located another, hidden wizard, eyes red from the affects of Keen Aye, holding his wand like one would an arrow on a bow. He was aiming for the Leader.
The Shield immediately quickened her pace. Above all, she could not allow the Leader to be injured. As the defense expert, it was her job to keep him safe. She touched the emerald ring on her finger, the one she used to channel her power. It glowed as it was activated and she muttered an incantation.
The Leader stumbled in surprise as he was swallowed up by a thick turtle shell. The Shield could see the wizard on the right firing off the spell, and she could sense its power. It would shatter the turtle shell easily. She muttered a quick, jumbled incantation to protect herself and leaped into the line of fire, holding up her arm as a thick pot lid started to materialize.
Unfortunately for the Shield, the lid wasn't thick enough to deflect the blow. The Hunter's Bow spell tore through her half-finished spell like wet paper, but it was enough to weaken the blow. The Shield tilted her head back but knew it wasn't enough as the entire left side of her face exploded in pain. She heard a crack from the turtle shell, but it wasn't enough to shatter it. The Leader was safe. She hit the ground hard, but climbed up anyway.
"Shield!" the Buff yelled in alarm.
"I'm fine!" the Shield spat. "Just cast the damn spell already, huh?"
"Do it!" the Leader commanded.
The Buff muttered something the Shield couldn't hear as she picked up her pace again. The Leader's turtle shell was already fading, but she watched as crystalline orbs formed around the members of the unit with a buzz. The Scout up ahead and the Tank a little ways back must have received it as well.
"Hey," the Tank yelled, "where's the Infiltrator?"
The Shield's blood froze. Where was the Infiltrator? Just a few moments ago, he had been running with her and the others...
The Scout was suddenly beside her. "I found a place about half a mile ahead!" she reported. "Holy s**t, Shield, what happened to your face? Your hair's all messed up too..."
That snapped the Shield into action. She was angry. She was angry that she was being chased, she was angry that her parents had kicked her out, but most of all, she was angry they had messed up her hair. It took a ton of work in the morning to style it perfectly.
Her rage boiling over, she stopped running and spun around.
"What the hell are you doing!?" the Leader yelled behind her. She ignored him and knelt, touching the ground and focusing. The power of earth flowed into her. It felt natural, but she shuddered at the feeling and pushed onward.
The wizards following them were getting closer... closer...
"Shield!!" the Buff shouted. "Get back here!"
The Shield blinked and forced her power through the earth in one move. It exhausted her, but a sinkhole opened up underneath their pursuer's feet. They fell through with a yelp. She didn't know how deep she'd made the sinkhole, but she stood up, dizzy, and stumbled.
She expected the Infiltrator to catch her, like he always did. Instead, a different pair of arms, stronger arms, held her up. The Tank.
"Hey, princess, take it easy," he muttered. "It'd be a shame to waste the energy of a pretty elf like you."
"Stuff it," the Shield grunted. "Where's the Infiltrator?" Where was he? She really did want to know. He was an abomination of her kind, and of the humans, but he was so nice to talk to.
"...um," the Tank murmured, looking back whence they came. "I think... I think Scout found him."
The Shield struggled to her feet. The Scout had apparently zipped out of sight to check the damage, and was carrying a figure. The Shield's heart dropped.
The Scout slowed to a stop, panting as Fleet Feet wore off. "I'm... I'm sorry, Shield... I'm sorry..." she said as she set the Infiltrator on the ground.
The Leader appeared beside her. "Did we lose him?" The Scout nodded. The Leader cursed.
The Shield knelt over the body of her close friend. His hood had been ripped off and his hair was plastered to his forehead with sweat, revealing his eyepatch covering the blind eye he'd been born with. He had been wounded multiple times before dying, she could tell, and his arm seemed to be twisted at an unnatural angle.
"He must've slipped back to get information and got caught," the Buff muttered. "What a dumbass."
"Shhhh!" the Scout hissed, elbowing her brother.
The Shield blinked and then realized something was off. The world seemed... flat. She lifted her hand in front of her face and moved it back and forth. It vanished as she moved it to the left. She closed her right eye and the world went dark.
"s**t," she muttered, reaching down and tugging at the Infiltrator's eyepatch.
"Ah?" The Leader blinked.
"That stupid hunter's bow cost my left eye." She pulled the eyepatch off her friend's body and snapped it over her own eye. "I'll be fine."
"We'll clean you up first," the Leader decided.
"I'm fine. More importantly, your head is bleeding, yes? I'll fix that once I've got my strength back."
The Leader sighed. "Shield, take it easy for a while, please. Let's go set up camp at the place Scout found."
"It's an old abandoned cottage," the Scout reported. "It's deep in the woods, and pretty small, but we can probably expand the inside after we rest."
"That's fine," the Leader said. "Shield, I want you to try to heal your eye in a bit, once you've got strength. Elves can do that sort of thing, right?"
The Shield shrugged. "I'd need holy water from a fairy spring to undo this kind of damage, and I highly doubt there's a spring nearby."
"There might be someone who knows," the Scout said. "I spotted someone while I was running. A little blond elf-looking boy. He was all alone, but he might know something."
"Whatever," the Shield said. "I can do fine with one eye. Peter did."
The Leader glanced at the Infiltrator. Normally, it was taboo to refer to another teammate as their real name, but Peter the Infiltrator was dead. There wasn't any point.
"Let's take him with us," he decided. "We can give him a proper burial, and we don't want anyone from the school to know we're here."
"That might be too late, we did make a giant ruckus," the Buff quipped.
"C'mon, guys, let's just go. We've had a rough night," the Tank said. "We'll have to make ourselves known to the school somehow anyway. We need a new Infiltrator."
The six members of the unit, now down to five, walked off together, carrying the dead body of their own.
And all of this, all of it, was watched by a small blond elf-looking boy with wise blue eyes.
Jennalaia · Mon Feb 24, 2014 @ 02:32am · 0 Comments |