Might as give a well give an update on life.
A lot of you probs noticed I'm not on much. I have a metric ******** of homework. Let's tally it up:
English: 3 Biology: 3 (technically 2 but the teacher didn't input one of the grades??) Spanish: 2 (Except I was never given the worksheet for one of them) Total: 8 pieces plus the homework that's due anyway tomorrow which includes... English: 1 Math: 1 Art: 1 Total: Eleven or so assignments to deal with. A couple of them are quizzes, but you get the point.
On top of that, I'm looking for work in a layout shop somewhere. Currently I'm look at four: Wonderland, Melody (which is looking specifically for a coder), Rising Moon (unsure about this one) and Sunflower. I'm waiting for a reply from the person who runs Sunflower before I send in a message to any other shops, but currently I'm leaning towards Melody because I can set my own prices.
Why am I looking for a job? Man, I need cash for a special project, and a lot of it. I can't be on the computer to play zOMG all the time but something like coding? I can do that pretty easily on my iPad. I just have to make a sample thread, I guess... and I'm practicing with GIMP so maybe I can make halfway-decent graphics on there, or maybe do a mix of that and Sumo to make something pretty nice.
There's a dance next week at school and I guess I'll gJESUS ******** CHRIST WAS THAT CANNONFIRE
Oh yeah. S'pose I should mention. There's a Civil War reenactment going on down at the high school and from 9-5 they're firing a ******** cannon every hour on the hour. ******** ******** me.
...I think I'm gonna go make a meaty quesadilla and start a little work to get it out of the way because I want to get onto zOMG and make some money. I woke up at 6:30 after going to bed at 2 so I'm kinda tired.
Welp, looks like Cokes and food is the order of the day.
...Oh. And if someone can give me help on balancing equations that would be GREAT. Just send me something as a signal to get on skype or some s**t.
Okay, I think that's pretty much it. Gonna go start frying a quesadilla.
Oh. One more thing, now that I think about it. Please don't be my friend Mike. Mike gave me s**t for not updating my Alchemists ask blog when I was trying to study for two tests back-to-back. Please don't be my friend Dodo, either. Dodo gave me s**t for not printing out surveys the same night. Please don't give me s**t or I will b***h at you no matter who you are.
On that note, have a pleasant Sunday.
-- Jenn
Jennalaia · Sun Oct 06, 2013 @ 03:09pm · 0 Comments |