It was a rather vivid dream again, I dont remember how it began, but I was at some sort of ranch.
I knew there were giant spiders in the ranch, but nobody believed me.
I told them, time and time again, but nobody believed me.
I remember looking at a picture of myself, where I had a crosshatched sunburn.
I spoke to a lady who was in the same room as me about it all, she just seemed frightened that I was crazy.
I ran away then came back and saw a silver dragon in the sky, a dragon without arms or legs but wings, with a tail that didnt taper but fanned out in an odd angle. It was trying to roar, made several attempts in vain, but tyhen bellowed out a huge melancholy roar that caused it to rain. I was sitting on the hilltop beside my boyfriend, it was raining so hard I could only see his silhouette. I asked him if he could see the dragon too.
instead of answering, he said that the mark of the spider is their obsidian eyes.
I didnt know what to make of it. When the rain let up, he was gone and I got frightened. I hurried back to the ranch house where it became4 sunny again. I rushed to find someone to tell about it, but others were watching me now, so I pretended to be buying a yellow shirt.
I rushed outside again, on the balcony, where I ran into a man by accident. I looked up to say sorry in a rush, then froze in my tracks. his eyes were black. no iris at all. I screamed and went to run away, but suddenly I was being tied up to some sort of wooden contraptions.
while they carted me away, I saw the spiders all over the ranch house.
I escaped from the wooden thing, and ran around the lake to the grassy other side, where my boyfriend and friend were sitting ever so nonchalantly. they were playing with cards, worried about losing them in the grass. I looked back over to the ranch side, and right at the waters egde, was Oops, sitting on the dirt by the water, unafraid of the spiders that were now crawling all about.
then I woke up. it was a scary dream... Im not usually afraid of spiders, is the wierdest part, Im just afraid of thing that want to hurt me. i dunno.