Ah.This sucks.I really hate the people at my school.I'm not too fond of people in forums either. The people at school I have to put up with until college,then their pregnencies and overdosed deaths will catch up with them.And I'm moving out of the country when I'm able,so yeah.But the only real escape I have from them,this site and youtube,has been losing it's usually entertainment.I supposedly have a boyfriend on here,even though he never replied to my answer to his request.I can see he's logged on recently,and it's not exactly a self confidence boost to realize he's probably avoiding me because I'm a dumb,clingy teenager or something.Then I go to entertain myself in forums,where someone asks us why we're sad/happy,PROMISES to respond.I mention I miss someone,and what do you know?Later that day he says he doesn't care about anything anybody says,that he wishes we'd all die.Yeah well ******** you too,buddy.ARGH,I just hate people sometimes.Most the time I love people,all existance,and want it to prosper,but right now,I just want to kill things.Innocent,defenseless things that scream in fear before death.I guess I can say whatever here,because even though my archive says several people read these things,I rarely ever get a comment.I think out of the 40-60 of these I've done,I've had 4 comments that weren't from me or one of my alternate accounts.Yeah,real ******** awesome.
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