A week ago I was browsing through Moviestop and found sandwiched on the bottom self in the family section a DVD of Pipi Longstocking with Inger Nilsson (not that atrocious American musical version, I've grown up and learned how bad the acting was in that and I have apologized to my mother a hundred times for constantly replaying that horrible movie).
In the past I was (still am) in love with the old foreign movies and series. I had the first on VHS someone had copied for me and I watched that thing to death. So when I saw it for sale I grabbed it happy to see that the cover was a reprint of the original.
Anyhow I finally have the chance to sit down and watch it. The very first thing I noticed was the company who had produced the DVD, I had another by them nothing I would brag about so my expectations for the quality wasn't that high. But then I was hit with one hell of a surprise. The quality is amazing for something from 1969 and on a HD TV that blew my mind, the colors are bright and vibrant and wonderfully remastered.
No I'm not high at 12AM.
If you have ever seen the 1969 film then you know it's not the absolute best movie in the world. Again this if from 1969, production wasn't great then same with the effects. Ugh nothing annoys me more than when people complain about the effects of things from old movies. Do you know how pissed off I got when someone compared the hand drawn Strawberry Shortcake from the 1980s to the computer animated one they have out now?
I could hit every person whoever says s**t like that with a metal bat.
Anyhow for what they had then from Dutch/Germany it was good and entertaining to kids. It still is. The funniest thing about it though is that I don't remember a time when I wasn't aware that it was dubbed over, I might not have known what it meant back then, but I knew that it shared that same awkwardness with the old Kung-Fu movies. Sadly my mom found my old VHS and watched it then called and said that in all of the years that we've had it and as many times as I had watched it with her she didn't notice that they weren't speaking English.
Maybe I was too observant as a child. Oh well. I hope to get the other movies on DVD soon.
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