info on something part 1!!!
ok i am going to just discuss what i did today. I took a test in math and i also started to watch the movie The Outsiders. Also i lost one of meh mange books and then i got a ton of homework to do and i just now finished it at 11:46 pm and i am soo tired but i am listening to one of meh fav songs so of course i am gonna keep typing til the song is over lol .....ok well it ended but another good one came one so i will also listen to that hehe. ....wat i just realized is that i have been going to sleep around this time since sunday D: no wonder why i am always tired...*sigh*....oh great another good song came on...well i will keep talking until this one is over then i will stop talking lol. ok wat to talk about...... hmmmm........oh yea what the homework was about. well it was science homework and i will have a test over it tomarrow...well actually its in like ten minutes lol. well the song ended so byez lol.