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Miles' Clipboard
I doubt I'll ever have the self discipline to update this enough to keep an actual journal, so posts here will most likely be of random thing I need to put up.
Name- Kullervo Lyden

Nickname- Vero

Meaning of name- Kullervo was a figure in Nordic mythology who, although gifted with powerful sorcery, was doomed from birth to be denied love and never learn the way of things. As such, he led a bitter life and punished his foes far beyond the crimes they did against him. His life ended when, in despair, he threw himself upon his own sword. Hopefully this won’t be the way Vero ends up.

Age- 17

Gender- Male

Class- Mage-in-training

Race- Human

Title- None

Kingdom Alliance- Born in Amethyst Kingdom, but has not officially declared an allegiance.

Appearance- Vero’s hair is a particularly average shade of brown. It’s messy and unkempt as teenager’s hair usually is, and is about chin length. His skin is much paler than average from staying inside all of the time while studying magic. Vero’s eyes are one of his only features that mark him as remarkable, the iris is a shade of purest sapphire and seems to reflect his emotions with perfect clarity. Bright and sparkling when he’s happy, and visibly darkening when in a bad mood.

Abilities- Magic: Currently Vero has the very basics of fire, water, wind, earth, and healing spells. Nothing elaborate, he can make the elements move, and can repair minor injuries like cuts.

Weapons- None, Vero is intensely focused on his magical studies and has no interest, or aptitude for combat.

Weaknesses- Physical fragility. This is a condition that has afflicted him since birth.

Instruments- None

Special skills- Magic, a bit of knowledge about mines and gemstones which he learned from his parents.

Clothing- Vero dresses fairly well considering he lives in such a small village. After his mother sells her jewelry in Gem City, she usually buys cloth and materials before returning home and selling again, or asking a friend to make it into clothes. Typically Vero wears a silk undershirt of pale sky blue, a brown leather jerkin, and a scarf that he meticulously pattered himself with mystic formulas. His pants are also usually brown, but he has one of softer hide, and a more durable working pair.

Personality- Vero is a quiet and thoughtful soul. He was taught by his parents to always see the good in people, and to never act in violence. He has since taken these lessons to heart, but still has a bit of trouble making friends from being shy. He’s truly a kind person at heart, but a bit distant from others since he doesn’t quite feel that they’re in the same world.

History- A long time ago, or rather, about twenty years ago. A man named Sean Lyden was returning home from a hard day in the mine. The day had started out innocently enough, but come dusk a mighty tempest had struck the small mountain village of Bluestone Valley, sending everyone home early in fear of the mine flooding. If the rain had been even a little lighter, then Sean wouldn’t have had to take a detour to avoid a flooded pass. But since he did, the man wound his way though a little-used path through the Azajo Bluffs. The path was treacherous, and many times Sean feared for his life. But as he neared the end of the path and the village, he spotted something that made all thoughts of his own safety instantly vanish. A small figure was lying crumpled at the foot of the bluff, Sean drew closer, and realized that the mass was a woman lying unconscious in a fresh pool of her own blood.

But this isn’t their story, it’s the story of their son.

A few years later, a storm almost as terrible as the one where Sean had discovered his now-wife Lirial shook his small cabin. But even though the storm threatened his very home, it was the furthest thing from his mind at the moment.
“It’s alright dear, we can get though this..” With as much tenderness as he could manage in, Sean lightly stroked his wife’s hand which was gripping the other one so hard that small rivulets of blood were starting to form between her clenched fingers.
All he received as a reply was a poisonous glare from the wild-looking woman lying on the bed next to where he sat.
“It’ll be fine, just breathe, breathe.” Sean winced slightly as his hand was caught tighter in the vice of Lirial’s fist. He shot a pleading glance at the midwife crouched at the end of the bed through pain-rimmed eyes.
“Alright dearie, push now, he’s almost there..” Came the nasal and slightly exasperated voice without even the slightest flicker of attention to the agonized brute.
The grunts and whines from the bed grew louder, and Sean’s hand was constricted even tighter than he thought possible. For one loooong moment nothing seemed to happen, but then all the tension in the room vanished, as if some giant had snapped and Lirial collapsed, slowly releasing Sean’s hand.
“ It’s done then?” Sean spoke in barely a whisper.
“I…I’m a father?”
The midwife was silent for a moment, holding the small form concealed in a soft piece of cloth.
“I, don’t know how to say this sir…” She began hesitantly.
Her words were cut off as the thick oaken door to the room flew open. At first it seemed as if the storm outside had broken though, but with another deafening BANG! It slammed shut again.

Standing at the entrance to the small cabin was a tall cloaked figure clad entirely in sodden white robes. The person within was completely concealed. But as the figure slowly advanced towards the stunned group flashes of gold could be glimpsed within the hood as it moved. He stopped directly in front of the trembling midwife who after a moment longer, collapsed with a terrified squeak. As she fell, one robed arm shot out incredibly quickly and caught the woman, taking the motionless bundle from her arms, and gently laying the unconscious midwife on the floor. The form turned to the speechless couple and a deep voice like the sound of the thunder outside rumbled sadly from the hood.

“Your child did not survive the birth. He was brought into the world without a spirit. But I will amend this.”
The robed figure slowly, and reverently dipped his hood until it concealed the tiny figure. At first all that seemed to happen was soft, indistinguishable whispers drifted from the bent figure and echoed impossibly throughout the room. Then a soft orange-yellow glow began to emanate from the hood, growing steadily brighter and brighter until the glow filled the entire room and was impossible to look at. Lirial’s anguished scream resounded thought the light and then….

It was gone.

Sean and Lirial sat blinking, their deepest fears rushing though their mind, where was the man, what had happened to their child and?!

The room was empty, the figure gone.
And there, lying on the bed as if nothing had happened was the baby. Tiny arms feebly waving and soft noises coming from it’s tiny mouth.

“What… what happened?” Sean asked in disbelief as with a cry of joy his wife surged forward and swept up the tiny pink figure.

“I don’t know who…” Lirial answered tearfully.
“But he did it… that man…he saved our son somehow.”

“Our son… Kullervo.”

Tattoos- None

Scars- No interesting ones.


Pets- The family keeps around a few canaries for use in the mind. Depending on what happens down there, the number changes.

Pictures- User Image

Character Introduction- “Mom?” There was an audible CREAK as the battered Oaken door to Lirial’s small workshop opened, and a gangly youth with tousled brown hair stepped through the doorway clutching a small leather case in one hand.

Lirial turned from her worktable where she was examining a large raw Amethyst and smiled warmly at her out-of-breath son.

“Vero! I didn’t expect to see you back so quickly. Thank you for going all that way to Myrtle’s for me.” Turning slightly, Lirial grasped the decanter of water she had sitting on her worktable and filled a small wooden cup that she then offered to her son, who accepted it gratefully in exchange for the leather case he had received on his errand.

“It was no problem mom, I mean Mrs. Boren’s house is just down the street.” He took a long sip from the cup before smiling and sitting down on a small stool that was a perfect match for the one his mother was seated on.

“But it was hot out there. Oh, and Mrs. Boren says that…” Vero’s face squinched up with concentration, and he looked towards the dusty ceiling, as if looking for the words.

“Uhm… the Necklace is rather old, so she’d appreciate it if you took the utmost care with it.” He said with the slow tone of one who is trying to remember something told to them very quickly and in a high-pitched voice.

“And that her daughter would like the stones changed from Opals to Rubies so that it matches her wedding scheme.” Vero’s head fell back down wearing a goofy grin.

“I think there was a lot more to it. But you know how Mrs. Boren is.”

Lirial shook her head and gave a tired, but genuine laugh along with her son.

“Well I guess I’ll just have to hope that I can figure out the rest on my own. But honestly that Myrtle…” Lirial shook her head and then pointed at the door.

“Thank you Vero, that’s all that I needed today..” The corners of her mouth twitched in amusement as her son stared anxiously at her, his eyes flicking from her face, to the door. And his body was fully tensed, ready as soon as she gave him permission to spring to the door and rush back into the house.

“So you may go and study now. The new book I bought when I was in Gem City last week is sitting on your bookshelf. I believe that it has a history of Phoenixes and a detailed chapter on fire spells.” The words were barely out of her mouth when with a cry of joy Kullervo burst forward, gave his mother a quick hug and a hurried “Thank You!” before he had vanished, the door swinging lazily where he had neglected to close it in his haste.

Chuckling softly, Lirial crossed the room and caught a quick glimpse of her son as he disappeared into his room. She grasped the worn door handle and slowly shut the door. A melancholy look of both proudness and sorrow crossing her face as she too returned to her work.

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