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Roxi grinned as she took the last band picture for her band, Vampire Kisses. She was the lead singer and the funniest part, she doubted vampires could ever be real. She found them rather lame. She hopped off the counter lightly and bit on the leather collar she had on. " Grrrr..." She muttered lightly before she grabbed her black ski jacket and slipped it on. Tieing the belt at her waist then walking out of the door.
Her heels clicked as she made her way out of the building. " Ohhh, I wonder if a vampire will sneak up on me tonight. They are meant to be lurking on Halloween." She said mockingly as she continued down the sidewalk towards one of the bus stops. She stood there silently as she yawned and glanced around. She easily knocked off what she thought was footsteps as a tree or something.