User ImageYears since she saw his face, herd his voice. She hated it. Many people said vampires lived unending lives but they could always be ended. All depends on what happened. That makes is worse for someone when they're worried insane about a certain vampire who risks himself on a daily bases. Also another problem with just being in love with a vampire in total. Of course being a vampire youself, you didn't have anything else with the safe lifespan as you to fall in love with.
A vampire ball was being held, inviteing each and every 'good' vampire there. Meaning the ones who aren't dead, going to be dead, or broke a vampric rule. Amazeingly that was alot of vampires for the most part.
She stood in one of the corners, her black dress hung on her figur perfectly as any outfit did. Her eyes scanned for one person she wanted to see, needed to see. Then she could leave without a care. As long as she knew he was safe. Of course, she'd love to just spill her feelings but that wasn't something she'd do. Not infront of people that is. She knew when he got there he'd comment on the ribbons in her hair. He'd probally never relize they were the ones he'd given her whethen they were human, who knows how many years ago that was. She only knew the ages they were stuck at. Her at 21, him at 25.
A small sigh escaped her lips as she closed her eyes, allowing herself to lean back into the wall gently. She listened to the giggles, the happy chuckles, the small chat, the danceing, everything that was around her. Everyone there was happy, joining the party. Seemed like she was the only one who didn't feel great about it.