Old Friends

Namiko walked only a few blocks from her house. Even though she was young her mother and father allowwed her to go on walks as long as she didn't go far. A smile was on her seven-year-old face as she walked. She grinned as she looked up towards the winter sky.
"Snowflakes are so pretty." She said in a cheerful tone as she stood still. She then raised a hand out slightly to catch a snowflake and watch it melt in her warm palm. She closed her hand before she continued her walk.
Only a few minutes later she started walking past the children's play park. Her walk begain to slow as she herd the sound of someone crying. She glanced over to the park and loked threw it quickly to see a boy who looked only to be a year older then her, curlled up into a ball crying. With small steps she made her way over to him.
"Are you alright?" She asked.
"Go away! I don't need help from a girl." The boy muttered.
"I was only asking if you were alright." She said with slight hurt in her tone.
"Well, go away." He ordered
"Not until you tell me if your alright."She replied bluntly.
The boy begain standing. As he did Namiko relized his arm was bleeding. A small gasp escaped her lips as she looked at the blood.
"That's not good." She whimpered in a small voice.
"Go.Away." The boy murmmered.
"No! You need to come with me! My daddy will help." She said as she grabbed his wrist on the arm that wasn't bleeding and dragged him with her. After that day the two started a friendship. At first he was silent and mean but Namiko only looked past that. As they got to be ten and nine, he always was nice to her when they were alone. They normally would hang out at the children's park and just talk.

That was ten years ago. He wasn't there anymore. Namiko was now seventeen. He would be one year older then her as he always was.
Namiko sat on one of the swing of the children's park. It was the middle of summer. School was out. Everone was happy go lucky, everyone but her it seemed. She had her eyes closed as she listened to the silence that had surrounded the park since she was thirtteen. Since he left right after his fourteenth birthday. He always said that his family was just moveing but she knew him too well by then. She could tell by how he said it that it was a lie but she wouldn't argue it. There was no point with him.
Namiko jumped lightly as she herd her phone start to ring. She leaned down and picked it off the ground. She flipped it open as she placed it to her ear.
"Hello?"She asked.
"No. I'm not going to. If you show up here, I swear... No I'm not going to take a ride with you to talk it over. I don't like you. I will never like you. Just get over it! No, it's not like I have someone else. Forget it! It's a no." She said right before she hung up the phone. She opened it only to turn it off and drop it back on the ground.
"Still hanging out here I see." A voice said from behind her.
Namiko jumped again but looked over her shoulder just to have her jaw drop. "Y-you? You said you wouldn't come back! You said that you couldn't." She said in a confuzed tone as she looked at him.