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Charactes I use in RPs
Corpse Run

Realm of the Devil King was the popular new MMO right now, it drew hardcore players and casuals alike. It was the first to bridge the gap between online roplayers and those that preferred the tabletop variety. It had a vast character creation system with branching class trees. What impressed many people was the immerse VR system that was used as input. The system had existed for some time now but this was the first game to truly take advantage of it.

The game took place in the world of Darofare, an expansive world with countries and oceans to explore. It was also an ever changing world, NPCs not only took the roles of shop and innkeepers but kings and lords with personalities and desires. They interacted with other countries, made treaties and sometimes wars the results of which actively shaped the lands that players interacted with.

Behind the headset he was unimportant, a 20-something working a dead-end job trying to save up for college. He was overall unhappy with his life but this was his annual escape. It didn't matter who he was outside, because inside he was Thane . Level 51, Grim Reaper class. Despite the title he was still flesh and bone, though he kept it covered with a long black coat and hood as well as a mask to hide his face.

Thane was usually avoided when he strolled into towns. Most afraid to go anywhere near him, players that chose the Grim Reaper class were so rare he was often mistaken for a mid-level boss. It was a powerful class but it had a steep price, the souls of player characters. It was supposed to be used to grant bonuses to players who were critically wounded and couldn't be healed by normal means, a reaped soul re-spawned quicker and retained more of the treasure and gear they had upon death. However most that played Reaper used it as an excuse to murder other players and because of this Reapers were almost constantly challenged to duels by vengeful players, most got tired of it and quit playing that class.

Thane liked the Reaper class, it was powerful and he was challenged to enough duels to meet his daily quota of souls. Today was one of those days, a crowd had gathered as a rather righteous feeling paladin stood across from him. "Prepare yourself Villain," he said, drawing his sword. "I challenge you to a duel!"

"I've met my quota twice over today," Thane said to him, holding his scythe out a pair of phantom spirits appearing and circling around him, "but I accept." He glanced at the crowd around and as usual many of them were placing bets on who would win.

[No Title]

The rain was coming down hard that night as Pallas approached the manner, sword over his shoulder. Apparently a vampire lived here, word had spread that she ruled over the handful of towns at the bottom of the mountain, demanding a tribute every month or so to keep her fed. Of course the townsfolk desired someone kill her but there were also a group of devote followers among them. Acting as her personal police force they kept people from speaking ill of her and taking care of anyone that might want to try and get rid of her.

This didn't stop people from sending requests to bounty hunters and monster slayers, the few that did manage to get to the manner were either killed or bribed to leave her alone. This didn't sound too bad to Pallas, he was a desperate man at this point. Work wasn't going so well, there seemed to be less and less monsters around these days, and with so many bounty hunters around it was hard to get to a bounty before someone else did. It was dangerous but the reward was quite large, he would even take a bribe if offered, he assumed she'd pay more than the townsfolk and he was alright with that.

Pallas finished his cigarette and tossed it to the ground where he stomped it out. It was his last one so he'd have to get some cash from this or deal with the withdraw symptoms. "Here goes nothing," he said as he made his way forward to the massive doors of the manner, from this close up it looked more like a castle. He grunted with effort as he pushed the doors open, revealing a dimly lit entryway. He expected something to be waiting for him, a guard dog of some kind but there was nothing, for now.

Tyrant King


3010: Overpopulation had been a problem on planet earth for decades, it was obvious that simply trying to restrict the birthrates of humans was insufficiant. Attempts to build colonies in space stations and terraforming planets had been made, but it would be decades more before they were ready. During this time, probes had been sent out to scour the universe for planets with liveable conditions that mankind could migrate to. One such planet that was found was named Tridai VII. The planet's climate was nearly identical to that of earth's, it was a jungle planet with only wet or dry seasons and it was twice the size of earth.

3070: A ship had been built, the Queen of Droni within its hull was 1,500,000 passengers, including crew, who waited to start a new life on the Tridai VII's surface. The ship itself capable of being broken down, it's hull becoming the walls of a new civilization. But the rebuilding process was inheritly more difficult than first expected. The planet was still in its early stages of life, similar to earth's prehistoric era. The animals of this planet quickly became agressive due to the large ship that had touched down on their planet. Many of the crew and the awakened passengers were bewildered to find a Tyranosaurus Rex attacking the ship for tresspassing in its territory. Though the ship was strong enough to withstand the creature's attacks, the creature itself would not give up so easily, though it stopped physical attacks after an hour, it waited patiently outside the ship for days, it even would hide itself and wait for someone to venture out and investigate, wich would cause the animal to attack. There were those that claimed that the animal was intelligent, it knew that they could not stay within the safety of the ship forever.

Eventually the beast gave up, and those within the Queen of Droni could begin building their civilization, but the rex was not the only creature to threten their civilization. There were many other predators to keep the guards nervous. The raptors were the worst, those that thought the rex was intelligent were quickly proven wrong, hunting in packs, they hid within the darkness of night using tactics to scare and distract guards while they picked them off one by one. High walls were quickly built around the newly built city. The civilians constantly lived in fear of the creatures that stalked them from beyond the walls. Many calling the plannet inhabitable because of them, wishing to return to Earth. But there was no ship to take them and distress signals would take years to reach that far. What was originally supposed to be a colony became a world govornment. This government created strict rules and laws to keep their civilians safe. These laws were understood as nessicary, but as the years grew on, their civilization grew. It grew to the point where the walls could no longer contain their growth. Plans were created to expand underground, but the production was slow and turmoil quickly grew.

Eventually there was rebellion, those that wished to venture outside the walls, and those that chose to stay. These two factions became known as the Tridinian Defense Front and the People's Republic of Tridai. The people who aligned themselves with the Republic were exiled from the city walls to be eaten by the beasts outside. The people of the PRT managed to survive the creatures and build civilizations in the high canopies of the trees, far from the reach of the animals below. But living seperatly was not enough, eventually disputes grew over resources, weapons, etc. Eventually war was declared and the two sides continued to fight each other for dominance of the planet.

3473: Maxwell Avison, age 32, had lived his entire life among the PRT. In the time since the divide, life among the trees had advanced. They had even been able to harness electircity, generators stolen from the TDF. Anything they gained was stolen from the TDF. They often snuck into the city and raided what they could, during one such expadition they stole something of great value, a WREKA. WREKAS were animals that had been altered before birth to be loyal to the TDF, their size and strenght was miltiplied beyond that of a normal animal. The raptors were too smart for it, every attempt ended in failure, but it did work on animals such as the stegosaurus, wich were used as labor animals, or the triceritops wich were mounted with weapons and used as warhorses coupled with the advanced military might the TDF had, who had access to mines beneath the city. The TDF had managed to begin expanding the city outside of their original limitations and . During a raid on one of the science bases, Max had discovered an egg that had just finished the WREKA process, but not just any egg a rex's egg. It seemed that this was the first attept at puting a rex through the WREKA process. He suggested that they take it and use the rex against the TDF once it was full grown, it took alot of convincing but the PRT eventually agreed to it, but Max would be forced to take full responsibility for the rex.

Max had taken care of the egg until it hatched, Max was the first thing it saw and quickly attatched itslef to him as its father. Max figured it was due to the WREKA process but Zebiados, as he was named, learned very quickly and was very loyal to Max. As he grew, Max tought him to fend for himself as he was forced to live on the ground, but PRT scientists devised a way for Max to comunicate with him so that Max could give him orders from a distance. A small chip placed at the back of Zeb's skull when he was young allowed him to hear Max's voice when he spoke through a specific comm link channel. Now at adulthood, Zeb defended the PRT when not under any commands.

Max was on his way back from a scouting expadition, TDF camps have been appearing in the jungle. He had set off alone to see if he could find any clues as to what they were up to. He had found nothing, he was on his way back when he came across a TDF marching party that was on their way to PRT lands mostly solders with a pair of spider tanks, no WREKAS. Max spoke quietly into his comm link. "This is Stone Guardian, a flock of clay figures with a pair of creepers are on their way to the nest. My position is F45, requesting backup."

"The nest reads, Stone Guardian, reenforcments are en-route, ETA ten minutes," his reply came back.

"That's not soon enough," Max mumbled as he switched comm channels. "Zeb, I need you, follow my scent. There's alot of snacks here for you." Max knew it would only take a few moments for Zeb to get here as Max drew his pair of SMGs and fired a few shots to get their attention. The soldiers turned and returned fire as Max ducked back behind cover. The ground beneath his feet shook and Max smiled, no doubt the soldiers noticed as Max jumped out of cover and open fired as Zeb's massive maw protruded from the jungle, roaring loudly, crushing one of the spider tanks beneath his feet.



Tyel the dark elf, smirked to himself as another 'customer' came to his table in the inn he had wandered into tonight.

"Please," the man begged as he put three gold coins on the table, "I fear my future is bleak, at least let me know what to look out for."

Tyel smiled as he grabbed the deck of cards from the table and began to shuffle them. "As you wish," he said as he dealt the man five cards, facedown. "Choose one," Tyel said, "the future is something that is chosen, now choose yours. But choose wisely, these are no ordinary cards, each one is a possible future for you. Will you choose a life of peace? or death?"

The man swallwed as his hand reached out and hovered over the five cards in front of him before flipping one over. The card showed the image of a cottage on fire.

"T-that's my cottage!" The man exclaimed as he saw the card.

"How interesting," Tyel said, "it seems the fates have let you choose the fate of another, your daughter."

The man stood up quickly, "My daughter is with child! I must go, thank you for your warning!"

Tyel smiled as he watched the man rush out, knowing that he would be too late to save his daugher and her child."

That was how Tyel worked, in truth he was not telling fortunes as he advertiesed but instead was cursing those who came to him with misfourtune. Even if the fortune he tells sounds promising, perhaps a fortune of wealth and power, the person will lose something dear to them in the process, perhaps even dying for it. The humans were so stupid to beleive his fortunes as warnings of things to come, many paied greatly for his services and Tyel profited from it.

Tyel looked up as he saw someone else approach his table, "And how may I help you?" he asked.

Man, Machine, Monster


How long has it been? How long since he had seen another human. Was he even human anymore? He remembered it, some of it, flashes of memory. He remembered others, he was an experiment, or was he? He couldn't remember. What he did remember was the flash, the bright light that took them all away, all of them but him. All he has known was this form, his mind deteriorating, giving in to instinct. He had forgotten his human name, his human face. He could always change back whenever he wanted, but there was no point, if he did the creatures here would tear him apart. In this form he was strong, the most powerful thing in this wasteland. There was no longer a need for his human form.

How long had he spent on these desolate lands? Shooting at the giant insects for entertainment. He was doing this when he noticed something in the distance. He went to examine it. It was a wall, it was tall and wide, how far did it go? What was especially strange was that the scent was familiar, dare he think, human? He nudged the wall, testing how strong it was, which it was very. He roared at it, trying to get the attention of anything on the other side. He wanted to know how this got here, who made it.

A Pirate's Life for Me


Piracy,an act thoght to be long dead, but was reivived during the emergance of space travel. Xanxus was a man called the "Blackbeard of the Stars," He commanded his own ship his crew were mostly androids or robots, as he distrusted humans. The few he did allow aboard his ship, "The Black Void", were kept under his watchfull eye.

"Capitan," Xanxus' first mate Nero's face appeared on a screen, "A ship has appeared just off the starboard bow."
Xanxus grinned, "Identification," he commanded.
"It seems to be from the Order," Nero said, "It's rather medium sized, probably a cargo ship."
"Prepare to attack," Xanxus said, "Keep them distracted then transport me aboard."
"Aye sir," Nero said before his image dissapeared.
Xanxus' smile widended, the order was a group funded by the government, they were full of secerets from weapons to things that dealt in the supernatural. He had longed to get his hands on them, and now was his chance." He donned a black sleeveless shirt and secured his weapons belt, he carried a pair of pistols with numerous extra clips. Once he gave the signal he was transported aboard the enemy vessil. Appearing in the cockpit he suprised he piolets and killed them both. He brought the ship to a halt and said into the radio, "I've secured the ship, cease fire."
"Aye sir," Nero's voice said.
Despite him being a human, Xanxus liked Nero, very loyal and trustworthy. Xanxus made his way to the back of the ship, there was no security to speak of. He looked among the cargo and found nothing of value, it all seemed to be for the crew, they had been traveling for a long time.

London After Midnight


Zenlo smiled as a chilly wind swept behind him, blowing his coattails behnd hm. Loudly Big Ben rang midnight, Zenlo was a member of the White Order, a holy group of demon slayers. He loved his job, traveling the world to kill the thing that went bump in the night. Though he knew that there were those that thought he love his job too much. Namely the officials in the Vadican. But he didn't care, if it wern't for these people, he might have turned out to be a serial killer. He was a man who loved violence and death. But his job has spoiled him, now he only wished to fight demons, the only creatures that gave him a challage. He smiled again as the shrill scream of terror filled his ears, "Showtime," he muttered.

Death of an Angel


Few remeber the Angel of Death as an "angel," The title had been aquainted to an image of a dark hooded being. A symbol of doom, and destruction. In a way, they were right. The angel of death is still tecnecally an angel, a fallen angel. Thier punishemnt is to reap the souls of humanity for all of eternity, their perfect white wings become tainited black as a reminder of their failure and they are never to set foot in paradise again. When a angel takes a human soul, they see their life pass before them. Their pain, their sorrow, their joy, their happyness. An angel of death will forever remember these images.

Azriel, watched the empty streets of this forgottne city. His scythe over his shoulder, his dark wings spread behind him. He didn't mind his punnishment, he found that most angels were stuck up and boring. He didn't care for them, he had been cast out as an angel of death hunderends of years ago for fratrenising with a demon. She had tricked him, and now he was paying for it. Recently this city had been ransacked by demons, Arc had received a message from God to go there and take care of any survivors and erradicate any demons that stayed behind. He scanned the streets, searching with his eyes and with his senses to find any signs of life.

Let's Play


The year 2024 in Destiny City and Van is a rising star in the new virtual reality game Battle Xros. The game where the players are immersed in a virtual world where tney battle other players. The game is played with the players themselves, battles are in real time. Each player can take a number of forms of their own design, each form created by the player fits into one of various categories. These categories match up with special battle rules, such as Giant Monster, or Mecha battles. Each battle is tracked and broadcasted worldwide via the internet. Winners claim a prize from the loser, the prize changes depending on how much each plaer wagers on the battle. Wagers can include special items, forms or reputation. Each player must have Battle Xros wristband to play, this is what is used for everything the player does, including non battle things such as form management and item equipping.


Van smirked to himself, he was in an Avatar Battle, in these battles, players are not allowed any special forms and use items and equpment to battle. Van used his favorite dual swords, the V-Blades. He had a few items up his sleeve but he would keep those secret. The stage was small, the rooftop of a very tall skyscraper. His opponent, an older man, used this to his advantage by equipping a jet pack tircked out with guns. He used them to keep Van on his toes as he barely could keep dodging them. Van had a plan though, his opponent was using his weapons too wildly, and since these weapons worked like they would in the real world, they would overheat soon. Van waited for this to happen, and sure enough, after a few close calls, it did. His opponents guns refused to fire. Van took his chance and revealed one of his secret items, the Vanguard Hoverboard. Van smirked as he saw his opponents face as Van rushed tward him, slicing him across the chest with his blades. Van's personalized victory tune played, signaling his victory as the world dissapeared around them, replaced by the real world, wich was the roof of a three story building. "Nice game," Van said as he checked his wristband to see his prize, wich turned out to be a Power Boost. "Don't be afraid to challenge me again sometime, it was fun," Van told the guy as he left and started walking home.


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Richard was shocked by what he saw when he opened his eyes, the last thing he remembered was that he was on the battlefeild, there was a bright light and now he was surrounded by stone leviathans that shot into the sky. Metal creatures with blinding eyes, their loud shouts giving him a headache. One of them startled him as he walked across one of the black paths, he abruptly drew his blade and penetrated the creature's skull. Despite being made of metal, these creatures' flesh was very easy for his blade to penetrate. To his amazement the creature's body opened up and a human being got out. He seemed quite upset as he approached Richard, who mearly brandished his blade at the man and the man was discouraged. It was nighttime here, the stars shinned in the skys obove him, he wondered what it would be like to see the area from the top of one of these towers, it would have to be something he will try later, as for right now he had to find out where he was, and what happened to him. As a prince, his people would be worried about him, and he couldn't have that.

((More starters on the other page))

I also do Fan Based RPs, ask about them if you are interested.

RPCs With No Starters

Ask about my unlisted characters

  • User Image

    Name: Shade and Azriel*
    Age: 26 & 357
    Species: Human & Demon Spirit
    Profession: Adventurer, Trader of rare, demonic or exotic items, Jack of All Trades for hire.
    Abilities: Four swords contain the spirits and powers of the Four Horsemen
    Weapons: Katana x4
    Bio: Shade's family is cursed with being the key to the end of days. Should the firstborn of each generation fail to pass on their genes before their death, they will unleash Armageddon. Each generation is attached to Azriel, the spirit of the Apocalypse who is housed in the skull that Shade wears on his shoulder. He acts as Shade's partner and conscience. Despite his polite attitude he can manipulate Shade into starting the End Times when he sees fit.
    Theme Song: "Courtesy Call" by Thousand Foot Krutch

    User Image

    Name: Dr. Bifrons
    Age: 23
    Race: Human
    Abilities: Magic/Sorcery, specializes in Necromancy, a liscenced medical doctor and has extensive knowledge of the human body
    Weapons: Scalpels, he carries normal sized ones in his coat and can summon one large one.
    Bio: Ever since he was young, Bifrons has had an unnatural obsession with death. Naturally he loved zombie movies, and it was there where he got the idea to raise the dead. While he never did much about this idea, it sat in the back of his mind for years. He was very intellegent and was able to graduate from High School at age 14, he persued a medical degree and wanted to be a mortuary worker, a goal he quickly acheived. It was during his first week on the job that a very unusulal body came in, from the outside it seemed normal, but as he cut it open, he found a book in its chest cavity. As unusual as that was, the book itself was stranger, it seemed to be bound in human flesh, the pages written in blood. Upon touching the book he could suddenly read the strange text. The book entailed spells, hundreds of them, many of wich involved raising the dead.
    Personality: Bifrons is usually a calm and even headed person, but if he gets too excited he slides more and more into madness.
    Theme Song: "Move Your Dead Bones" By Reanimator

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    ((for Nightmare Before Christmas RPs only))

    Name: Zane
    Age: 166
    Abilities: various magics
    Weapons: none
    Bio: A youngster by Halloween Town standards, Zane thinks that their little town is not dark enough. He thinks it should be a celebration of the dark ones, like himself, not the childish thing he sees it as. He currently seeks to overthrow the 'Pumpkin King' Jack and take his place.
    Theme song: "This is Halloween" by Powerglove

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    ((For X-men RPs only))
    Name: Marcus Wright
    Codename: Nightmare
    Mutant Abilities: Manipulation of his entire body, as long as he undestands it compleatly.
    Non Mutant Abilities: Extensive knowledge of anatomy and the human body, as well as a vast understanding of bilology. Near perfect memory.
    Age: 15
    Bio: When Nightmare first came to the school, it appeared that he could only control his skeletal system, that his body adapted to the changes as a secondary ability, but after time passed it was discovered that he could manipulate his whole body. Nightmare is generally quiet, keeping to himself and studying. He is obsessed with monsters and often uses his powers to transform into them, this is how he earned his codename.

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