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Charactes I use in RPs
Wild West Show

It was about high noon when the train rolled into town. Alan stepped off the train and adjusted his hat to hide his eyes from the sun. How long had it been since his last solid drink? Too long. The train gave off a billow of steam before rolling away from the station once new passengers stepped on and Alan left the station. He was a tall man with a brown hat and a dirty beige duster. He had long blonde hair and a matching scruff growing on his chin. It wouldn't take much to figure he was an old soldier, even after his discharge he still held himself like one, old habits.

He didn't bother hiding the revolvers on his hip as he made his way into the bustling town. After the war he followed the push west, doing what he could to make money here and there, spending most of it on the drink. He never stayed in areas for very long, following jobs, taking what he could get. Usually he undertook ranch work or even the rare bounty if the reward was worth it. Even now he glanced at wanted posters on walls as he passed. But first thing was first, he needed a drink.

He made his way into the saloon, pushing the doors open as he stepped inside, moving to the bar. He reached into his coat and placed a few bills on the bar. "Whiskey," he said to the barkeep, "strong, leave the bottle." As the barkeep took his cash Alan turned and leaned against the bar, looking over the local patrons, most likely the regulars.


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Black wings spread, he swept in between the skyscrapers, for once he finally felt alive. And all it cost him was his soul. Daniel Bradsworth was never an outstanding person, he was small and frail and weak. In High School he was often picked on, even after he had graduated people had walked all over him. He has a terrible job, sitting at a computer all day, every day. He didn't even know what he was doing from day to day. His co-workers often piling their work on him, but he never had the will to reject them. It was fairly often that he considered suicide.

But then it all changed, while walking home one night he was jumped by a pair of me. They held him at gunpoint, demanded his money. Daniel froze, terrified he couldn't move. As their demands got louder, the barrel of the gun drawing closer to his head, the less he could hear, the less he could see until all he could hear was a voice in his head.

"Kill Them," it said, "kill them and no one will ever take you for granted again."

Before he could even answer the voice, his body was moving. He wrestled the gun from one of them and shot the other in the head. Then turning and emptying the clip into the first. Bullets riddling his chest, his looked up at Daniel as he gasped for blood. Those eyes of his begging for life, finally Daniel had power. He decided if this man lived or died. Daniel smiled as he raised his foot and stomped down on the man's head. It felt good, really good, so good that he did it again and again and again until there was nothing but a paste. He didn't notice the change at first, the next thing he knew he was flying and he was alive and he loved it.

From high above he saw a woman, a prostitute. Again the voice came to him.

"Kill her, devour her flesh, her heart and you will be powerful," it said to him.

Without word, Daniel obeyed. He dived out of the air at her, landing hard on her back. She screamed loudly but Daniel only sank his talons deeper into her shoulders as he reached down with his teeth and was about to tear into her flesh.

The Best of You

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Travis watched as his brother compleated the transformation, what stood before him was now nothing more than a monster. "Why?" he asked, "Why did you do this? Throw everything away? All the people we've met? What about Ayame?" Travis could feel tears stinging his eyes, "you said we'd stick by each other, as brothers!"

Sigfried turned his head to look upon his brother on the ground, defeated, dying. "Things change," he said, "We are the same, you and I. But yet we were so different, it's no suprise that the gods have given us these roles to personafy themselves into us! Dischord and Harmony, they are who we are. Accept this fate.

"NO!" Travis shouted as he tried to stand but only fell once more.

"If you keep that up you'll just die," Sigfried said, "And I'll have won before this even started. Goodbye, little brother."

Travis had not seen his brother since, decades ago, just like his brother, Travis had made the same deal, but to the other diety. He had become the embodyment of light and all that was good. But he refused to take up the full mantle, he was searching for his brother because he beleived he could find what's left of him inside that monster. Travis walked into a bar and sat down.

"What'll it be," the bartender asked.

"Information," Travis said, "I'm looking for a man, long silver hair, a treanch coat, carrying a guitar, have you seen him?"

"Sorry, can't say that I have," The bartender said.

"Then I'll be leaving," Travis said as he tried to stand but found two larger men behind him who forced him back down. Travis looked back to the bartender and saw that his eyes had turned red. "Minions of Chaos," he said, "You lot are like cockroaches arn't you."

"Silence," The bartender said as he pulled a gun from behind the counter, "Chaos has promised a heafty reward for your head." He placed the barrel of the gun against Travis' forehead.

"Please," Travis said, unimpressed. "Do you think a petty thug with a taste of power can kill me. If you were really a threat to me, you would've transformed by now."

"Shut up!" The bartender said before pulling the trigger.

Travis had moved his head an instant before, the bullet flying into the arm of one of the bartender's men. Travis elbowed the other in the gut, knocking him to the floor. It was obvious to him that the bartender was the only one with any trace of power, though it was very small. Most of the other patrons had run out now. Travis dodgd shot after shot as the Bartender was becoming frustrated to not notice when his gun clicked empty. Travis charged him and jumped over the bar, driving his knee into the man's face, knocking him out and breaking his nose and sending him into the wall behind him where several bars of alcohol fell off of the shelves crashing to the floor.

Gyo the neutral

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Gyo was born a demon, a powerfull one, he was revered by his kind as a god. But his massive output of spiritual energy atracted priests and hunters. Seeing him as a liability he was cast out, he had tried living among the humans, but then his kind, the demons, assumed he'd look the other way when they mercilessly killed humans, for no apparent reason in Gyo's eyes. But he learned that humans were a cruel race, they lied to themselves, in truth they were animals, only caring for themselves. Gyo left them too, he decided that he would be the force to intervine in the pointless struggles between humans and demons, he would end the unnecicary bloodshed, he would keep the balance. He took no sides other than his own, was his plan perfect? No, in fact, Gyo knew it was foolish, but it was all that he could do. Gyo now sat in a bar, eating a meal, when two men's quarrel over money they had cheated people out of got out of hand. They drew weapons and attacked each other. Gyo slowly got up, grabbing his sword he sliced both of them in two, their warm blood splashed onto his face.

Shadows of Spawn

((Superhero/villan RP))

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Ken Kurosawa, a.k.a. "K.K." A seventeen year old thug for hire. That is, until he died. A car bomb he never expected, he burned to death with one word on his mind, "Mariko". Ken had spent his entire life taking care of his bedridden little sister when their parents died, he even went as far as to sell is services in the dangerous environment that he did. Ken was a master of Karate and was a highly sought after person, either to be hired, or killed. Looks like somebody got to the latter.

Now it was five years later, and Ken had ben reborn as a Hellspawn, a general of the devil Malbogia's army. But he had lost his reason, Mariko, whom he came back for was sixteen now, defeated her illness and already started a grand career as an actress, she didn't need him to protect her anymore, or that was what he thought. Now Mariko is being targeted by demons and Ken has to kick them to the kurb each time. He leanred from his so called "mentor" the Violator that this whole thing is just a part of Malbogia's plan. To make him fight until his power is all used up, so that he would be forced back into the devi's arms only to lose a bit of his humanity and start over.

Ken refused to accept that, after a run in with the angel Angela and a slew of demons, including the psycoplasm induced Professor Carter whom kidnapped Mariko in order to enact some ritual and turned into an Anubis. But when Ken killed him, he returned to his human form and Ken is being blamed for the murder. Mariko does not know of her brother's return and Ken intends to keep it that way, but how is he to clear his name now? With the police and the FBI after him he seeks refuge in an abandonded church that overlooks all of L.A. But when he is knocked around by a pair of demons Ken decides he needs to learn his powers and seeks the help of Chevyo, a fellow hellspawn that had been rebeling against Malbogial for over five hundred years. He teaches Ken a thing or two, but when Mariko is hospitalized and attacked by a colluige turned demon, Ellis Bennit, Ken steps in and takes her down. Once again, the finger is pointed to Ken, though she had been dead two days prior when she had made the deal for her soul.

Ken was just leaving the home that Marikow was staying in he had intended to try and set things straight, to clear his name. But instead he told the rather dorky kid to protect Mariko, hoping that alone would be enought clues to what he meant. He flew over the streets of Los Angeles, pondering to himself. City of Angels my a**, if only they knew He perched upon the top of a church and wondered what to do next. He knew the Violator would give him a nasty earfull when he found out about his recent outings, it's not like he cared. That foulmouthed demon was a great annoyance, he wasn't all that scary now that Malbogia had taken his power and made him into what Ken and Bee, a small fary like demon, call the "Chibi-lator" it really pisses him off. He knew he'd have to go back to Chevyo eventually to finish his training, but he wasn't in the mood for that either. He sat pondering to himself as the sun slowly rose behind him.

New World Order

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In the year 2012, the world came to an end, every moment in history colided and became as one, because this included both the cereation nd destruction of the universe, there was utter chaos. Realty shifted and from the ashes of the old universe a new one was born. No one understood it. The past, present, and future all existed at the same time, often very close to each other, not to mention the multiple parallel dimensions existing on a single plane of time and space. Creatures that were in hiding were forced out, as for some that did not preveiously exist. Eventually the chaos subsided for the most part and the people lived their lives.

Vincent sighed to himsef, he sat upon a ledge of a broken old building. Vincent was a demon, he was in the middle of the battle of Armageddon when the "incedent" happend, that was 300 years ago, he was suprised that he had lived so long, there were few that were still around, even of his kind. Many of his kind and the angels sought to continue the battle, and they all killed each other. Vincent saw no point in continuing the war, for now at least. In all this time he had not heard from the devil, the angel's God has been silent this whole time too. He wondered if they had been destroyed, Vincent stood up and extended his claws and looke upon the city. Though it was night, the city was alight with flames. It was currently known as "Chaos City" because it was one of the few cities of he future that were of the End, though it used to be known as "New York City" the name had to be chaned because several versions now existed, humans were rarely see here, it was a demon city now. Vincent dropped from the building to the streets, he was hunting, for anything really. He setteled for a Doriod, a large wolf like dog with numerous tails. He skinned the beast and striped it's meat, holding it above a fire unil it was to his liking he began to eat. He looked to the side as he heard someone or someting approaching. He assumed they wanted some of his kill, he didn't mind, even he could not eat all of a creature this big, and keeping the leftovers was bothersome.

Hunted, or Hunter?

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Sigfried strolled into the "Demon's Heart" it was a bar/nightcub he frequently visited. He had a deal with the owner, Dean, Sigfried got free drinks if he attracted customers. Sigfried was a demon, a powerfull one at that, by coming here he kept other demons at bay out of fear. But he attracted demon hunters, these were the people whom Dean was interested in, they'd hunker down an steak the place out until Sigfried showed up, spending cash while they waited. When Sigfried did show up he'd always turn the hunters away, or put them in body bags. As long as Dean got their money he didn't care.

Sigfried strolled up to the bar, well aware of the numerous sets of eyes glued to him like lasers. He sat down at the bar, placing his guitar case next to him. "Big crowd tonight," Sigfried said to Dean, who was working bartender tonight.
"I think it's a record," The stout man said, "Think you can take them all?"
"Don't you worry yourself, you'll get your money," Sigfried said, he knew it was a matter of time before the bullets would fly.


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Kenshin waded through the cold water, night was falling fast and he was running out of time. He had been told that this place was holy, he had come here in hopes that he could supress the demon, if only for a single night. Somewhere he hoped that this place was powerfull enough to cleanse him. He watched as the sun drifted behind the horizon. He panicked and dropped into the water. Several long moments passed and he came back up from the water.

"Son of a b***h," Darius said, "now I'm all wet!" The demon complained as he walked to the shore, "Damn it's cold. He trying to kill me with hypothermia now? Kinda low kid, you'll die too. Darius shook himself off once he got out. It was the end of summer and fall was approaching, Darius shivered in the night air. "Geez, now I'll have to find a new set of clothes too. It's really gonna cut into my slaughter time." A large sword materialized in his hand, "Shouldn't be too hard."

Life of the Dead

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It happened without warning, the walking dead, now it seemed very ironic to Kimino Katashi. With all the media coverage, films, comic books, video games, books. Hell there was actually a Zombie survival guide for Christ's sake. But when it happened everyone was so suprised. Kimino was just playing Left 4 Dead 2 the other day. Now he was forced to live it. It really suprised him how stupid people were, they were the first to go. Now the only ones left were the smart, the crazy, and the lucky, or a combination of those.

Kimino didn't know wich of those catagories he fell into, when the first flesh eater burst in through his window and bit his mother the first thing he did was grab a kinfe and kill it. He knew the rules, his mother was next to go. He didn't give it any warning or thought, it would've been harder that way. Things were different to him since then, nothing seemed to matter. He used to be cautious, but now he just didn't seem to care. His life expectancy was cut extreamly short so he decided to live the most of it.

Kimino stood on the bridge that crossed the river, the military had put a wall up during the first day of the outbreak and guarded it heavily. But they didn't know that this was a worldwide thing. It was abandonded after a week. But the wall was left behind, trapping everyone inside those both alive, and dead. Kimino was getting out today, somehow he'd get over this damn wall and get out of this city. He was about to step forward when he heard the sound of a vehicle approaching behind him, wich was suprising as he figured he was the only one left in the city, he turned around to see what it was.

Faithful Servant

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Apollyon frowned as he lifted his sword over his back, blood dripping from it, "it's not here," he said. He had come to this little village in search of the Dawn Stone, a gem set within a ring that boosted the power of a demon and allowed an opening to the demon realm, the home of all demons. Millenia ago it was sealed with that same ring when it was hidden away. He wasn't the only demon after it, it is beleived that the demon who opens the gateway will receive the ultimate blessing from the demon king, ultimate wealth and power. Apollyon had an ace up his sleeve, Lienna, his servant. Originally a human girl who had pledged herself to him. He had altered her and given her strenght. She worked for him, followed his every command, he often used her to get information as she wasn't near as suspicious as himself.

"Lienna," Apollyon called, "Come, we're leaving."

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