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My Journal includes: Pictures, Drawings, and Stories.
K'Dee's SongFic [[Part 1]]
So this is a Songfic based off of a Anime called Soul Eater about my Character, K'Dee Roberts. This story won't make a lot of sense if you have no knowledge of the Anime... So... If you WANT to read it [sorry it's so incredibly long] then... I hope you know a bit about Soul Eater... anyway, Enjoy.

This is Part 1 of 2

Song Used: 'All these things I hate' by Bullet for my Valentine


Once more I'll say goodbye to you
Things happen, but we don't really know why
if it's supposed to be like this
why do most of us ignore the chance to miss
oh yeah

The peach hues of the remains of a sunset lit the horizon on the beautiful summer evening. K’Dee sat on the rail of one of the several higher decks that belonged to the school, Shibusen. Her right leg she hugged close to her chest resting her chin on her knee. The other dangled off the side and over the dangerously long descent. Tears stained the young weapon and new Death Scythe’s cheeks which, along with her nose, had become a rosy pink from the previous crying.
A cold threatening glare focused towards the West across the barren landscape. It was the direction Justin and Kitsune had traveled to flee from Death City. The two were now traitors in the eyes of K’Dee, or rather, eye. She should have taken heed to her Meister’s words from the beginning and now saw that before she was too naive and failed to see through the pairs acts. Apparently Justin was a Kishin, not a friend of Shinigami-Sama but a fiend, a follower of the enemy. Then there was that stubborn Witch, Kitsune, or Kitsy as K’Dee had formerly referred to her as. The girl did no wrong but figured she’d follow the Tainted Priest anyway.
However this should’ve been no surprise, in fact it was inevitable. Kitsune followed that boy around like the spoiled rotten puppy she was. The vixen girl always complained about her lack of trust with the students of Shibusen, and that she wasn’t accepted; which now it seemed for good reason. K’Dee couldn’t understand why she would throw herself down over and over begging for Kitsy, her ‘friend’, to forgive her and trust her again. It took ages for her to finally do so. Although it was all now transparently clear to her that the Witch didn’t even want to trust her. It wasn’t ever the students fault either that there was a trust issue between them and Kitsune. It was her who was always so reserved and closed-up. Trust comes only when given. ‘So why did Kitsy expect to gain people’s trust when she failed to even trust back?’ K’Dee thought to herself but could not give herself a definite answer.
Then the Witch had met Justin, boy did she warm up to him fast. ‘What did he have that we all didn’t?’ The Weapon could remember the scolding she would receive from Kitsy when she hugged her, and then how the vixen girl would throw herself into the older teen Ex-Death Scythes’ arms appearing to be begging for affection and compassion.
Thinking of Kushtin [as K’Dee and the rest would later call him once discovering his secret] made her irate as well. After all he had come to Shibusen, a Kishin, gained so much of Shinigami-Sama’s trust and once the Death God believed every word that he spoke he turned on him, Shibusen, and all of the innocent who deserved protection from monsters like what he had become. The despicable young man inflicted great pain on his once ‘loved’ God, mutilating him, and warping his mind far beyond the edges of even insanity. He lived but it was unknown for a far too long stressful while whether or not Shini-Sama’s mind would find its place again. It sickened the single-eyed girl to even think of them and now as the newest Death Scythe, she intended to do anything Shinigami-sama asked of her even if that be to destroy the Witch and the Kishin.

Torn apart at the seams of my dreams turn to tears
I'm not feeling the situation

K’Dee sat on the front porch that extended from the ancient shack her and her family resided within. Her right leg she hugged close to her chest resting her chin on her knee. The other dangled off the side of the deck and over the short descent to the dirt and weeds below. Tears stained the young weapon’s cheeks which, along with her nose, had become a rosy pink from the previous crying.
A depressing gaze cast over a couple who were laughing and enjoying there summer evening. They made there way across the front of the yard on the cracked sidewalk where grass had escaped it’s prison and tried to grow and reach further toward it’s goal.
The young girl pulled her coat over her shoulder concealing the exposed skin, as well as the bruises, just in case the pair decided to glance her way. However, it wasn’t a surprise that they didn’t. It seemed all human kind tried their best to avoid making eye contact with her.
As the laughing people disappeared down the walkway K’Dee’s spacey stare focused, but not particularly, back to the sidewalk. How she wished she could be like the grass, to escape her prison and grow and learn, to achieve her goals. However that would never happen, her dreams were impossible to chase, “My dreams… won’t come true,” She told herself as a reminder, “Daddy says so.”
“K’DEE!” A voice bellowed in an ordering tone from inside the house.
The girl flinched then scrambled to her feet and inside she went bumping into the man who had called her. He towered over the girl, staring at her with the deadliest of glares. In his mouth hung a lit cigarette; in his hand was a nearly empty bottle of booze. His clothes, which consisted of baggy pants, tank top, and an almost dress shirt like garment over that, were old and were in some spots torn. Greasy light brown hair hung in his face, which was unshaven and rugged looking. Several strands of hair attempting to conceal his forbidding and harsh grey dull eyes. The guy looked like he had seen better days and all together he appeared to be that of a bum, which in many ways he probably was. But in fact, this man was K’Dee’s father; John Roberts.
The young girl gazed up at him with big eyes, like that of a puppy that knew a punishment was most likely to follow. Slowly John moved his hand to her shoulder gently and began to walk her further into the house, when, in the blink of an eye, K’Dee soon found herself flying forward crashing into the wall, a small cry of pain and shock escaping her lips. The girl laid motionless blacking out for a brief moment before beginning to tremble violently, her eyes were squeezed shut; she was expecting more, but prayed it not to be so. “You know Katherine left,” The man hissed with such hatred and disgust in his voice. He muttered a few swear words and probably something else that was horribly offensive toward the woman that K’Dee couldn’t quite make out, then continued, “That means it’s YOUR duty to pick up the place, make sure things are somewhat clean, cook meals… and do what whatever else that stubborn insubordinate woman did.”
Katherine was K’Dee’s mother, and who she also was named after. Katherine Deserae Roberts was the name that they shared, but the younger Katherine received her nickname within the year she was born and had been referred to as KDee since then. The mention of her mother brought tears to the preteen’s eyes. She felt that her mother was the only one who cared about her, the only one who noticed her, and the only person in the whole world who would truly love her for who she was. She always had protected KDee and stood up for her, well, until recently when she suddenly disappeared leaving her to fend for herself with her abusive father. K’Dee would often ask herself through thought, ‘Why didn’t she take me with her?’ Then later wonder if her mother actually had no feelings for her and only protected her because it was a ‘mother’s duty’. Did anyone love her? Was no one proud? It pained K’De to ask herself such questions, and though desperately wanting to the answers she wouldn’t ask, fearing as to what the might be. Questions and thoughts such as these would always overflow the young weapon’s mind.
“Quit your cryin’ and get to washin’ the dishes!” John yelled as he kicked K’Dee in the ribs.
With a small shriek and a frantic nod of the head she was up and running for the kitchen, all the way Mr. Roberts watching her every move until she had vanished behind the wall and into the near by room. The man slowly shuffled his feet towards the only couch in the house and plopped down on the ripped and stained reddish brown sofa what had stuffing escaping the seams to watch some television, which didn’t seem to be in any better condition than the couch.
When K’Dee came into view of the sink she sighed and her shoulders dropped. In front of her stood a mountain of pots and pans, silverware of all sorts and you can’t forget the mound of plates. Bugs of all kinds scurried across the dirty horrid weeks [maybe even months] worth of dishes. ‘this is gonna take a while…’ K’Dee thought.
But she didn’t waist time, spending time scrubbing dishes sounded much more appealing than receiving a beating. Every now and then K’Dee would peak around the corner of the Kitchen and glance into the hazy living room checking up on her father and making sure he wasn’t becoming impatient with the pace that she cleaned. Each time he was sitting in the same spot, his back towards her, and focused on the explicit program on the flickering Television set; occasionally taking a swig from his bottle of booze, which he had recently replaced since he had drank the last, and a puff from his cigarette. However the alcohol and cig he currently had was probably more than just his second bottle and pack. That man went through the drugs as if there were a replacement for water and air.
Time slowly ticked by though that evening, and by the time K’Dee had finished it was past sundown. Exhausted she hauled herself out of the kitchen but perked up attempting to look fine once within sight of her dad. She sat on the couch cautiously and as far away from John as possible, which wasn’t far due to the size of the couch. After mindlessly watching the fuzzy picture for maybe a half an hour her glance made its way from the television and followed her nose. A fowl, putrid odor drifted from a chain locked door that was not but six feet from were she sat. However her curiosity came to an abrupt halt when she felt an arm wrap around her and pull her close. K’Dee yelped and began to tremble then hurriedly looked up at her father to try and guess his actions. He stared at the door then down at the girl, a warning look on his face while patting her shoulder roughly, although after that it didn’t take him long to zone back off into watching TV. Her heart pounded wildly in her chest, and she was held firmly to his side, she could hear her pulse in her ears and her breath was shaky.
Another hour had past, and by now the girl had calmed. It almost looked as though John and K’Dee were just like any other father and daughter. Despite the cruel things he constantly inflicted upon her, K’Dee still, by some odd reason, loved her father beyond measure. She sat curled up beside him, her head resting on his ribs. However this was a rare sight, you’d never catch her doing this if the man didn’t appear to be so relaxed and at ease. Eventually the young girl found John had fell into a deep sleep, the butt of a cigarette barely clinging to his lips, from the day’s worth of alcohol. She lay still trying her best not to disturb him. Suddenly a different sound rumbled through the air; A growl escaped her stomach joining the sound of the faint TV. Once hearing this K’Dee quickly clamped her hand to the source of the grumble and glanced at her father making sure she had not disturbed him. His mouth was hanging open and snoring as the ever changing colors and lights danced a crossed his face and body. K’Dee decided she was safe and slipped out from under his arm to search for food. Silently she walked back to where she spent her afternoon and evening, and began her hunt. She searched through all the cupboards, drawers, and fridge but found nothing aside from cockroaches, both dead and alive, stale bread crumbs, and an old carton of spoiled milk.
Yet again her stomach cried out for fuel but K’Dee had nothing to answer its call. Her mission failed, the girl decided there was nothing left to do but try to get some sleep. She tip-toed down the hall to her room, and quietly shut the door behind her. Katherine and K’Dee had once shared the small room what contained nothing but a dirty old twin bed, wooden box with a candle on it for light, and some newspaper articles KDee had hung on the wall as decorations. Most of which were pictures of Shinigami-sama, Shibusen, and historic articles about new Death Scythes, but more specifically about a thirteen year old boy, Justin Law, who had just recently became the youngest Death Scythe ever. And as a twelve year old girl why wouldn’t that excite you? Hearing about someone around your age becoming a legend was something to remember. The preteen crawled under the sheets and stared toward the collage of clippings that were tacked to the wall, and eventually drifted off into sleep, having visions of broken and shot dreams of Shibusen.
In the morning before any rays of sunlight had reached over the horizon, K’Dee was awoken by the rattling of chains and the slam off a door being thrown open. The child held still, her heart racingand her breath held as she listened intently to the movement. Clanking bottles, mumbles and curses from her father and the sound of something being dragged or pushed across the floor was what she heard. It was apparent he was in his ‘secret room’ as K’Dee would refer to it as, not only because of the evidence of the chains but also the horrid smell had floated it’s way back into K’Dee room poisoning the already smoke soiled oxygen that resided within.

Run away try to find that safe place you can hide
It's the best place to be when you're feeling like

When at last the sun had rose and the light decided to greet that side of the Earth, K’Dee slipped out of bed and walked the short distance to the living room, rubbing the sleep from her eyes all the way. Once reaching her destination the girl stopped and yawned, stretching her arms upward. She found John sprawled across the couch; drool on his unshaven chin and snoring loudly. There was a long pause as K’Dee just stood there staring at him, wondering what to do. The angry grumble of her stomach then interrupted, but gave her an idea.
On her tip-toes she ran out the door and was running along the parallel rows of dried and shriveled red rhody bushes that lined the path to the sidewalk at the edge of their yard. Once off their property she slowed to a walk and began down the pedestrian road barefoot. Thoughts of Ramen filled the preteens mind; it was enough to make her drool and it only made her stomach growl even more and louder.
She would go see her closest friend, who wasn’t much more than a well known acquaintance. However her friend’s mother always told her if she ever needed a meal or a place to sleep she was welcome to come. K’Dee hated the idea of mooching off of them like so, but her starvation drove her against her will. With a fast pace she walked, yet it took her at least twenty minutes to get to point B.
Hearing a knock on the door Ellen, a girl no older than twelve rushed to the door, but was stopped by her mother when she stepped from the kitchen to answer it. When she did, she saw K’Dee in her faded purple sundress and her coat which she held close around her shoulders. K’Dee smiled up at the woman; dirt covered her face she appeared to have been living outside for the past week or more. She could already recognize the look in K’Dee’s eyes. “My goodness,” The adult stated, “Looks like K’Dee could use a meal, and perhaps some new clothes?”
“I would love a meal Mrs. Winters,” She replied with a nod, and sounding eternally grateful, “But… I’m fine with my clothes. You don’t have to give me news ones, I couldn’t take them.”Actually she would’ve loved to have new clothes but her father might question where she got them or perhaps they would see her bruises. She didn’t want to risk either outcome.
Ellen peaked around from behind her mother, “Hi K’Dee!”
“Hello,” She waved shyly.
“Come in, I have something to show you,” And with that her friend grabbed her arm and dragged her into the house and up the stairs while Mrs. Winters went back to the kitchen to cook up a meal.

Around four that evening Ellen decided to walk K’Dee home. They both pranced down the sidewalk with smiles on there faces. Something that you wouldn’t often see on K’Dee’s. She laughed and joked around, there was a bounce in her step, and all together she acted like a kid, she acted like she should for her age. When the two came to the final stretch they had a race, first one to the first line of rhody bushes would win. K’Dee was in the lead, but once passing the tall buildings that concealed the shack and once coming into view of her house, her happiness plummeted, and she stopped, Ellen passing her with ease.
“I WIN! I WIN!” She cheered, “HAHA! I thought you were going to win, why did you stop--” she trailed off once noticing what K’Dee had focused on.
On the front porch in the shadows of the over hang sat John; his trademark bottle of booze in his hand and a cigarette up turned in his mouth emitting a stream of smoke. He coldly stared back at K’Dee who already knew she was in more than trouble. Gradually he got to his feet and started to walk down the three step tossing his smoke on to the cracked path way that led to the sidewalk. By now Ellen backed up to where K’Dee was, fear written on her face as much as the weapon’s. “K’Dee… uh… I’m going to go home… Take care… alright?” And without an answer she was dashing away.
It didn’t matter because K’Dee couldn’t answer anyway. She was paralyzed with horror and couldn’t think straight if her life depended on it. Every step John took to get closer she could feel the pain of the punishment growing. “GET IN THE HOUSE!” He shouted still several feet away.
The girl tried to move, but her muscles wouldn’t budge. “I SAID GET IN THE GOD DAMN HOUSE!” Fury burned in his eyes, his nostrils were flared and K’Dee could’ve sworn his eyes had turned a shade of red.
At last she found the strength to move but didn’t even get the chance to take two steps before feeling a sharp pain smolder across her face. She fell to the ground and screamed, “DADDY! I’M SORRY!”
He ignored her cries and kicked her in the stomach causing her to drop from the sidewalk and roll into the street. She curled up into a tight ball; tears streaming down her face from the pain. When she found the courage to open an eye at last, she saw John walking toward her, ready to give more, but he jumped back and K’Dee wonder why. Well she was answered when the sound of screeching breaks erupted from behind her. A small cry escaped from the girl’s throat, she thought for sure she’d be hit, but thankfully no impact came.
John glanced from K’Dee to the driver to K’Dee again. He then dashed to K’Dee side, grabbed her hand and began dragging her back toward the house, not even giving her the chance to stand up. “DADDY! PLEASE STOP! I’M SORRY! I’M SORRY PLEASE JUST DON’T HURT ME!” She pleaded.
The confused male driver by this time had gotten out of his car and began following John down the walkway, “Hey! HEY YOU!”
John tried his best to ignore the man, He was hoping no one word notice, but the little brat had attracted the guy’s attention. The idea of this man reporting his actions to the police didn’t sound to inviting to Mr. Roberts. He snarled.
The driver then grabbed John’s shoulder and forced him to turn to face him, “WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING, MAN?”
“F--- OFF!!” When he was forced to turn his immediate reaction was to punch the guy in the face which he did, and resulted in the man crashing to the ground. The man reached up towards his nose, which was now bleeding. He stared at the crazed father baffled and was becoming slightly troubled at this point.
“MIND YOUR OWN F---ING BUSINESS!” John shouted then continued into the shack, dragging K’Dee behind him who cried for the Driver’s help. But he was already running back for his car.
With a simple thrust of his arm, John sent K’Dee sailing toward the back wall. The one he always seemed to through her against. The inevitable impact finally came; K’Dee’s eyes flying open as well her mouth that specks of blood emanated from. She landed on her feet but her knees came out beneath her causing her to slide down against the wall leaving behind a streak of blood. John slammed the door behind him, and stomped forward. “WHERE THE HELL DID YOU THINK YOU WERE DOING!?” He yelled at the already petrified girl, “I THOUGHT I TOLD YOU, YOU WERE TO STAY HOME! I MAKE A BET YOU TOLD SOMEONE WHAT I DO TO YOU!!” He firmly grabbed a hold of both her shoulders and shook her violently, “DID YOU?? DID YOU!?!?” He shoved her back down, and threw the nearly empty bottle of alcohol at the girl as he stood back up. It just barely missed her head, but caused glass to shattered and leave behind nicks and trails of blood in her exposed skin.
He stared at her a long moment, then exhaled heavily. Suddenly, with a jerk of his arm and a blinding light his upper right limb transformed into a chain. A grim sick smile curled up on his expression. “I trust you already know your punishment.”
K’Dee just nodded frantically, tears causing nearly her whole face to glisten. John raised his chain arm. The girl covered her face with her palms, and squeezed her eyes shut. And once barely giving her enough time to do so, he brought down his arm with all the strength within him; the chain rattling and ripping through the air, bound to do the same with the girl’s skin.

All these things I hate revolve around Me!
Just back off before I snap

“Where have you been?” A voice questioned approaching from behind the Death Scythe. It was Elana, K’Dee’s friend and meister. “I’ve been looking all over for you.”
The young woman didn’t waste time to turn around; a happy smile easily concealed any pain she felt. “Been here all along.”
The meister came to a halt once seeing K’Dee’s red nose and watery eyes. Her head tilted slightly before mentioning with her usual flat tone, “Is everything alright?”
Nodding the weapon merely replied, “Of course, why wouldn’t it be?”
“Well… You look like you have been crying…”
“Must just be allergies,” She smiled cutely, her eye closing, and shrugged. “I do feel rather stuffed up.”
Elana studied the girl long and hard, ‘Either she doesn’t want to talk about it or she’s telling the truth.’ She thought, ‘I guess I’ll let it go for now.’ The dark-haired girl then continued on closing the short distance between them and leaned against the railing that K’Dee was perched upon. Glancing over the horizon she spoke, “Seems we don’t see each other much since you became a Death Scythe.”
A long pause followed before K’Dee slowly moved her gaze from the landscape down to Elana. “I’ve been really busy, sorry. Shinigami-sama is teaching me all the details to being a Death Scythe. I thought after becoming one the school work was over, but… I was wrong. Ugh.” Another pause. “How are you feeling…? After our fight against the Witch?”
“I understand… oh, and I’m fine. A better question might be how are you feeling? You took a worse beating than me when you threw yourself in front of that attack. It’s a miracle that when she stabbed you it didn’t go through an artery or something. You could have been killed.” The meister replied almost sounding angry but also protective.
The one-eyed girl shrugged, “Did you expect me to just watch her stab you with that jagged piece of metal? I don’t think so. It’s a Weapon’s duty to protect their Meister.” K’Dee shook her head before continuing, “And I’m doing better. I still have the stitches in and there is still a nasty gash. I have to be sure to change the bandages every few hours too,” She moved her hand gently to her abs tenderly touching the wound that was concealed by her clothing, “It hurts with sudden movement or if I work to hard, but Stein-Hakase said that as long as I’m not up and around too much I will recover in know time.”
“And here you are up and around.” A glimpse filled with concern peered at K’Dee.
“Hey!” The girl’s tone was jokingly defensive, “I’m not moving now, are I?”
A small and short lived laugh came from Elana, “I suppose you’re not.” A growling escaped Elana’s stomach, causing her to flinch and blush just slightly.
K’Dee giggled at this, it almost seemed the girl was startled by her own stomach. “Why don’t you eat something, silly?”
“I was looking for you remember,” Was her reply, “And now that I found you, would you like to go out to eat? I think I’m in the mood for some Ramen.”
The Death Scythe’s face lit up, “Ramen sounds great! Let’s go.” As quick as her wound would allow K’Dee swung her legs around and jumped back onto the patio. Grabbing a hold of Elana’s wrist, which caused her face to flush even more, K’Dee pulled her along happily back through the school and towards the nearest restaurant.
Once receiving their meal K’Dee stared down at the noodles with a joyous expression licking her lips before quickly snatching up her chopsticks, snapping them apart, and slurping the Ramen down. Elana comically gawked at this sight, this wasn’t an unusual act but it wouldn’t hurt for her weapon to use some manners now and then, especially now as she was supposedly an ‘experienced’ solider of Shinigami-sama. Wouldn’t someone expect better of her? Trying her best to ignore the way her friend ate and the loud slurps she produced Elana closed her eyes moved her chop sticks down to her bowl and began to eat as well. The two eating was quite a site, while one shoveled food down her throat creating a mess the other sat calming a across from her trying her best not to drip any soup.
K’Dee had finished in record time, and Elana had half her bowl left. While Elana quietly ate K’Dee sunk into her seat relaxing as a quiet belch escaped her mouth. The meister glanced up and noticed her partner was fiddling around with her chopsticks. No words had really been said since they had arrived and while it didn’t seem awkward at all Elana figured maybe for once she would start a conversation. “I know this is a bit of an off the wall question but,” She started making sure she had K’Dee’s attention first. When her companion glanced up she continued, “I’ve always wondered, How did you lose your eye?”
K’Dee stared blankly back at Elana, her eye narrowing briefly. “That’s not exactly something I like to talk about.”
The meister’s features grew shocked and slightly afraid, her heart stopping for a brief instant. Not because of what K’Dee said, there was nothing wrong with what she said, but what Elana noticed in K’Dee’s soul. That second it flickered. For a single pulse her pure and untainted soul seemed for just a moment to acquire the satanic form and insane aura of that of a Kishin’s. Was she just imagining that? She must have been there was no way that K’Dee, someone who was loyal to her God and seemed to be so cheerful during most times could possibly be infected with a Kisin soul. It was not possible, not probable. Elana blinked and cleared her throat hoping she had not zoned off for too long. “Alright, I understand,” She replied then went back to calmly eating her meal quietly, while within her mind questions buzzed like mad hornets only to settle when answers came. ‘… I will talk to Shinigami-sama as soon as I am done here. He can tell me what this is about…’

Once more you tell those lies to me
Why can't you just be straight up with honesty

A week later dark clouds loomed over the ocean side city. Thunder rumbled and rolled over the landscape and calm metropolitan area. Darkness engulfed the earth despite the fact that it was still early in the evening. A downpour cut lose from the heavy clouds drowning out any sound.
K’Dee sat quietly in her small room staring out her window at the wall of the tall brick building that stood close enough for her to reach out and touch if she so pleased. She didn’t have much of a view. Rain pounded down on the roof of their tiny home, some of which leaked in dripping down at a steady pace but was caught by specifically placed dented and beaten buckets. The girl could barely hear the fuzzy television over the water. A flash of light followed by yet again an eerie and booming growl that was produced by the thunder heads. Then K’Dee noticed a different sound, foot steps. She perked up and turned to her door in time to see her father step up to the doorway. He had a hand on his stomach, which also held his shirt to his skin revealing how skinny he really was under his loose fitting clothing. “You hungry?”
The young girl nodded, “Starving.”
“Wanna go out to eat?” He asked next.
For a long moment she just stared at him, before her gaze made its way towards the wooden floor. “But… we don’t have the money to go out.”
“We don’t need money, Now come on.” As he turned K’Dee noted an odd grin slither over his face, one that caused chills to run down her spine.
John walked toward the door and grabbed an old dirty ball cap from an otherwise empty coat rack. K’Dee followed slowly behind him, pulling up her hood before stepping out into the rain. Her father walked slightly ahead of her, his boots splashing in the puddles, while K’Dee walked slightly behind, her bare feet leaping from one puddle to the next as if it was some sort of game. But her fun ended when he turned and gave her a scolding glare.
They had almost approached the pier; she could smell the aroma of deep fried foods floating their way. She thought they were going to pick pocket some people there then use the money to buy a cheap hot dog or something, but apparently that wasn’t the case. Before reaching the main road that ran parallel beside the ocean, they took a turn. “Stay here.” John ordered once halfway through the ally way. He then began in a sprint, barely making a sound that wasn’t hidden by the beat of the rain. He took a sharp turn, and he was gone. K’Dee carefully watched the corner he disappeared behind, but all was calm. After a minute when he had still not returned the girl sighed and slouched slightly.
Suddenly, a flash of light caused K’Dee to shoot her glance toward the sky to find its source. However no thunderous boom followed but instead the sound of a slice, a thud, and then the slam of the lid of a dumpster falling shut. The girl looked back to the corner her dad had disappeared behind and saw him slowly walking back, something glowing a whitish blue in the palm of his hand No, it wasn’t in his hands but hovering over them. The young weapon couldn’t help but gawk at this strange object; completely lost in interest and mesmerized. As he came closer, K’Dee could spot a wiggling tail floating off the side of it. Blue light illuminated the dark ally around her father and eventually swallowed her up as well once he was by her side. “W-What is that?” She spoke quietly and in awe, her eyes sparkled and were overwhelmed with curiosity.
“It’s dinner.” He simply stated before handing the girl the object and walking off. However he stopped before exiting the ally and glanced back at her out of the corner of his eyes. “Best eat that quickly before someone spots it.”
Carefully she wrapped her both hands around it forming a make shift cage as is floated. She was extremely careful with the object, unsure if it was fragile and if she dropped it would it be alright. “Eat it quickly?” she questioned, “Is it illegal to eat these?” It wouldn’t surprise her if it was; after all it was her father who provided it for her.
There was a short pause before he replied, trying to think up the right words to say. However by the time he answered not enough time had passed for anything to sound suspicious. “Oh no… They are just hard to find, and everyone wants them. If you don’t eat it quick, someone might snatch it from you.” He turned back around, his face now un-visible by K’Dee and he smirked, pleased with his response, and knowing the naive girl would easily fall for his trick.
“Aw, I see…” She replied quietly, seeming to herself.
K’Dee glanced around then picked it up by its little tail dangling the blue orb over her mouth before letting go and letting it fall in. Slowly she chewed on it, taking in and savoring the sweet flavor. It reminded her of a peach, the skin slightly tough and kind of fuzzy, while the inside was oh so juicy and full of taste. However this was far better than any peach she had ever tried, better than any food she ever tried. Just as she could recognize an amazing sweet essence an indescribable tang overcame her taste buds. It created goose bumps to rise from her skin, and sent a wonderful sensation throughout her body. At last, done chewing, she gulped it down. Her eyes grew wide, all the muscles in her body tightened, and she let out a small cry. Power surged through her body, however once the rush came to an end she fell to her knees. Before she could even wonder what just occurred, the black emptiness of passing out consumed her.

K’Dee woke to a massive headache, when opening her eyes at first everything was blurry but finally focused. She was lying on her bed, grey light of an early cloudy morning streaming in through the window. She carefully slipped off her bed and stumbled to the door where she saw her dad make his way to the door with haste, but halted once hearing the wood creak under K’Dee’s feet.
He stared at her and she stared back, “I’ll be back in a little bit. Stay out of trouble.” He was then gone.
The girl glanced at the floor, memories from her last meal feeling her thoughts. So many questions came to mind, although she wished for none to be answered if her father was the only one she could ask. She stepped out to the living room, where she noticed the TV was on, but volume was turned down. She scrawny girl plopped herself down and watched the static black and white snow on the television a while before she decided to look for the remote to turn it off. Unable to find it, she got up and walked up to it to flip it off. But before she could out of the corner of her eye and with the assistance of her nose K’Dee discovered that the door to the usually locked room was for once slightly cracked open. Slowly the young girl stood back up straight and glanced into the dark crack for the longest of times. She gulped, before hesitating forward.
Stepping closer, her heart rate sped up; her hands trembled as she reached for the knob. ‘What are you doing!?’ she asked herself mentally, ‘you could get into so much trouble!’ But she ignored the little voice in the back of her head. Now might be the only chance to witness what was inside. Gradually the door creaked open, then chains rattling slightly as it did; the foul odor filling her nostrils, causing the girl to gag.
Suspense welled up inside her, it was as if all the questions she ever had were hidden behind this door. Every little thing she was afraid to ask her dad was concealed within this room. As the door opened, light spread out across the pitch black room, allowing her to be able to make out and see shadowy but familiar shapes of objects she knew and recognized. There was another to that led outside, a table where a turned off lamp sat along with various tools and, and at the table was an old chair. So far everything seemed normal. Inch by inch light scanned over the room, light illuminated over half the room now and yet nothing seemed out of the ordinary. So what was he trying to hide?
Then K’Dee saw it. Her knees gave way beneath her, she stared, her eyes wide and filled with pure undeniable horror… no that was an understatement. Her heart had seemed to stop; her entire body trembled violently, her breath caught in her throat. Tears welled up in her eyes, her mouth was agape, and as the door swung open by its self even more, more nightmares revealed themselves. The smells, the sounds, even why mom left, everything seemed so obvious. K’Dee was correct, the opening of this door did answer every last question she possessed. Although, now she wished they still remained unanswered. K’Dee couldn’t help she become increasing nauseous the more she looked, eventually she curl over and vomited what little she had inside her.
There in the dark room, rivers of mostly dried but also some fresh blood slithered there way toward the center of the room to a drain. Corpse’s and mostly eaten carcasses of humans hung from hooks on the wall, their flesh rotting away and falling apart, while flies buzzed around them using there dead tissues as a breeding ground. They seemed to stare at her with dull empty eyes. K’Dee thought she even recognized one of the many as the man who was driving the car that almost hit her. But worst of all, there in the corner surrounded by dried and dead flowers was a woman’s figure piled in some sort of sick and twisted shrine. K’Dee slowly crawled towards the body, it was the body of her mother. Whimpers and cries came from deep within the girl, tears streaming down her cheeks and staining her clothes. Gently K’Dee turned her mother’s head to look at her face. Her skin was icy, and felt like leather, she was stiff and difficult to move. Her face was rotting away along with all her other skin and her hair crinkled and fell apart at the slightest touch. K’Dee was speechless, a gut wrenching feeling making it’s home within her stomach. “Mom,” The girl attempted to say, but no words came out, just a small squeak. The stench of the room was nothing now, nothing compared to the overwhelming emotions that bubbled over inside her. Hate, depression, revenge, anger, grief, sorrow, disgust, misery, but most of all the feeling of Betrayal.
It then hit her, like an arrow right through the heart. What she ate, it was a soul; she vaguely remembered it from a news paper article she read about Shibusen. Red was a ‘Kishin egg’, Purple was a witch… Blue… Blue was a Human. “Oh god…” She quietly mumbled to herself. “I-…I ate a human’s… soul?”
Before she could think of what she had done further, the sound of chains rattling from the back door rung through the air, causing K’Dee to jump, and a feeling of horrible dread to sink in on her. She couldn’t move, instead just stared her eyes wide and not even knowing what to expect. The door flew open, slamming against the wall and causing the bodies to shake. Her father’s dark figure carrying a limp person on his back appeared in the doorway that led outside. He threw some keys down on the table then started in, but stopped abruptly once noticing that the door that led to the living room was wide open. His eyes narrowed darting through the room as his mouth turned down into a grim frown. At last he came across K’Dee huddling close to her deceased mother a look of terror easily readable on her face. John let the body slip from his back; when it came in contact with the floor there was a gruesome thud and sound of cracking bones.
K’Dee yelped and finally finding some strength in her legs scrambled to her feet and for the door, although her efforts were pointless. John, with no difficulty, reached down and grabbed the girl’s neck, pulling her up to look at her face to face. His glare so satanic, so terrifying, K’Dee could see the evil thoughts and plans forming in his eyes. K’Dee squeezed her eyes shut, clawing at his un-phased hands that suspended her in the air as she desperately gasped for a breath that would not come. Her eyes flew open, a look of horror and regret visible within them. He grinned a toothy insane smile. His glare held an appearance far more petrifying than death itself.

When you say those things in my ear
Why do you always tell me what you wanna
oh yeah

John dropped the girl and quickly transformed his left arm into a chain to bind the girl’s hands in. Mumbling swear words to himself, he made his way past the dead body he dropped and toward the door he had just entered and locked it. Still dragging K’Dee along behind him he then made his way to the living room of there small house. Once passing through the door that opened to the inside of the house, he pulled his arm forward resulting in K’Dee flying toward the couch, crashing into it and making it shift a couple feet from it’s original position. John next pulled back, causing her to smack against the wall and leave a slight indent.
All the while K’Dee cried and whimpered, tears racing down her face.
“GOD DAMMIT KID!” He screamed at her, once releasing her hands from his chain grip and letting her lay limp in a pathetic bundle beside the wall. “I THOUGHT I F---ING TOLD YOU TO STAY AWAY FROM THERE!” There was a pause, the static from the TV the only faint sound that could be heard aside from sobs. “So…What do you think?” John voice somehow seemed to calm.
K’Dee slowly lifted her head to look at him blood dripping from the corner of her mouth, tears staining her cheeks and shivering violently, but she did not answer.
He held his hands out, jerking them around as he spoke, “WHAT DO YOU F---ING THINK!? DO YOU THINK YOUR OLD MAN’S F---ING CRAZY!?”
The girl franticly shook her head no, knowing that if she said yes, the punishment could very well become worse.
She flinched at the name he called her, her eyes squeezed shut and her hands tightened into fists. “You’re… a monster…You’re going insane,” She raised her voice to match his,” YOU COMPLETELY LOSING IT! HOW COULD YOU DO THAT TO MOM!?”
John gritted his teeth, but a toothy psychotic grin couldn’t help but creep over his face. Were her words amusing to him? Was he enjoying her yelling? That’s what it seemed like, along with helping him find the strength to continue. Chaos it was a wonderful thing, fear and terror missed with insanity and confusion. Nothing could please him more. In a quick movement John kicked his foot forward, and K’Dee found herself without breath and slamming against the wall yet again. “That b***h did nothing but complain, ‘Why do you drink so much?’, ‘you’re cigarettes are costing us a fortune!’, ‘We don’t have any money’, ‘why did I ever marry you!?’” The man mocked, “I COULDN’T HANDLE IT ANYMORE! …AND I WAS STARVING!” He lowered his voice to a whisper, “So I killed her, and devoured her soul. But of course saved her body, she had such a pretty face to just let it go to waste.”
“YOU’RE DISGUSTING! …” She whimpered thinking about her mom piled up in that odd shrine then tried to continue by crying, “YOU’RE GOING TO BECOME A KISHIN IF YOU DON’T STOP!”
“I don’t care, souls are my addiction, my drug. Plus, I’m beginning to think Asura’s actions are the ones to follow,” He paused, “And what about you? You don’t think you’ll become one? Soon a craving that will drive you crazy will set in. You’ll have no power to control your own actions and end up just like your daddy. It’s so much easier to just let go and lose control.”
She gulped, the idea of becoming a kishin was not an appealing one. How could she fulfill her dream of serving Shinigami-sama, if she was a kishin? “NO! I… I can’t become a Kishin…”
“Too late!” His tone almost sounded cheerful. John glanced toward a near by table at a knife.
K’Dee’s eyes widened who knew what he was going to use that for. “Hold still,” He ordered.
However K’Dee obviously didn’t, she quickly stood, her hands converting into blades. Only once before had she transformed any part of herself into weapon. “No!” K’Dee cried, “I have had enough! I WON’T SETTLE FOR ANY MORE PAIN YOU INFLICT ON ME!”
Laughter erupted from John, “You amuse me. This is indeed a first, you actually dare to stand up to me!?”
Her eyes narrowed, “I’m done with all this, I won’t take it ANYMORE!”
The adult just shook his head, then lunged at her, grabbing her neck and shoving her to the wall with one hand, while the other turned into a chain and bound her blade like hands together to disable her. K’Dee squirmed, trying to kick her suspended feet at him. “L-Let…. g-….GO!” She struggled to say as she did all she could in her power to inhale oxygen with no prevail. Her head started to feel light, and eventually her blade hands turned back. Squeaks and gasps were the only sounds that now escaped her.
John also turned his chain arm back to normal, as well as set her down, while pining her to the ground by stepping forcefully on her chest. He reached over and snatched the small weapon from the table and raised the knife into the air, it gleamed in the dim light. “What should be your punishment…” He pondered as he looked at the shiny weapon and examined it. “Death is too quick… And I’d miss the feeling I get when I see the horror on your face.” He smirked moving a hand to her chin making her looking into his blood shot eyes. He then appeared to receive and idea, “Ah!”
Carefully he moved the blade of the knife toward her eye. “AHH!” She screamed hoarsely, as she closed her eyes tight, “STOP! NO!”
“KEEP SCREAMING! I LOVE IT!” John took his left hand and pried K’Dee’s right eyelid open, steadily moving the blade closer and closer taking in and enjoying every scream whimper and plea that the young girl would toss out. At last the tip of the blade touched the girls eyeball.
The feel of the cold metal on her eye made her scream bloody murder. The blade continued further in, puncturing the organ with such ease. A jelly liquid gushed out slithering slowly down her face and ear shattering shrieks, one after another came from K’Dee splitting through the air violently. The pain was unbearable, by far the worst thing K’Dee had ever experience, and probably ever would.
‘What did I get to deserve this? What did I do wrong? I’d do anything to go back and change it, just make this pain stop. Please… just make it stop.’ She cried within her head repeatedly.
Her father’s grin seemed to grow more as the blade sunk and squished its way deeper. Suddenly there was a jerk in John’s hand, quickly making the blade of the knife shove into her eye socket before violently tearing it from its rightful place, the veins and tendrils snapping apart one by one. Vision in her right eye slowing blurred with red one final snap and it was gone no longer could she see her father’s insane face enjoying the torture he imposed on her . A blood curdling scream erupted and using that as his cue John stood up, tossing the girls eye playfully in his hand getting one last look at the pathetic child before exiting to his not so ‘secret room’.
The girl lay limp on the ground, her breathing shaky and shallow. She tightly curled her self into a ball, her fingers gripping to her arms out of pain so tensely that they would likely leave cuts from her nails. Finding some strength she slowly moved her left hand up to her face. Her trembling hand ran along her cheek, feeling warm liquids spill from her eye socket, carefully and with great caution she slipped two fingers into the newly formed hole. K’Dee cried quickly bringing her hand away. Slowly she opened her left eye, which grew wider upon seeing the sea of blood and goop her head rested in. Gradually she managed to get to her feet using the wall for support and leaving behind bloody handprints on the white scuffed paint. A hand reached up to her eye socket again trying to hold back anymore blood, but her attempts failed miserably. To her room she slowly shuffled weeping and sobbing all the way.

Wear your heart on your sleeve make things hard to believe
I'm not feeling the situation
Run away try to find that safe place you can hide

Still sitting across from Elana, K’Dee continued using her chopsticks childishly like puppets before snapping one in half and sitting back up straight. The meister just finished her ramen and glanced up at her weapon when she heard the crack. “What was that for?”
K’Dee shook her head, “I can’t believe them.”
“The Chopsticks…?” Elana questioned seriously but a puzzled tone then received a glare from her companion, ‘Something is wrong. Maybe this was what she was thinking about earlier.’ “Then who?”
“Kitsune and Kushtin,” The one eyed girl said with disgust as she placed her elbows on the table intertwining her fingers and letting her chin rest on them.
The dark haired young woman sighed, “Why are you surprised? Why are you devastated by this news? I told you from the beginning this was how it was going to be.”
The new Death Scythes head moved down, now resting her forehead on her tangled fingers to hide her face. Her bangs hung down like a curtain concealing her facial expressions. “I trusted them. They were my friends, I- I didn’t expect it.”
“But I warned you, and you ignored my advice to stay away.” Elana replied crossing her arms.
“I Know! And I’m sorry, I was foolish not to listen to my meister.” By now it sounded like a lump had formed in the young woman’s throat, “I just can’t believe I didn’t see it before.”
Elana said nothing, there was nothing else left to say. She was right all along and K’Dee failed to notice, it was a ‘I told you so’ moment and her silence and lack of sympathy was her way of indirectly saying it.
“To think, they might have had this planned from the very beginning… Who are they to toy with my emotions? How did that fit into their plan!?” K’Dee said curling her hands into fists and slamming down on the table with great force. “I just don’t get it…”
“There’s nothing to get, they betrayed you but more importantly all of Shibusen. They are the enemy, and if it wasn’t for Shinigami-sama’s excessive amount of kindness this could have all been prevented.”
K’Dee glared at Elana coldly as she spoke. “This is not Shinigami-sama’s fault. He was doing what he felt was right. He was doing what he thought was best for Shibusen.” She defended.
It then hit K’Dee, was Kitsune and Kushtin really only doing what they thought was best? Perhaps Kushy’s sudden Kishin madness wasn’t planned but, maybe it was accidental and trigged when the Demon God’s insanity was present… And then, maybe… Maybe Kitsy went with him to make sure he’s be safe and to make sure he wouldn’t lose control like that again. But then if that was how it went, how did joining Asura’s ‘side’ seem like the right thing to do? This only released more questions into her already full mind.
“Then apparently he thought wrong,” Elana snapped bringing K’Dee back to the situation.
“I gotta go,” The weapon replied angrily pulling some money on her pocket and slapping it on the tap before getting up and storming out of the restaurant. ‘How dare she talk like that about Shinigami-sama,’ She mentally said to herself, ‘I’m starting to believe it is Elana is the enemy here.’

It's the best place to be when you're feeling like
All these things I hate revolve around me
Just back off before I snap and you'll see!
All these things I hate revolve around me
Just back off before I snap

John’s snoring filled the small house. K’Dee stood at the beginning of the hallway peaking around the wall. Wrapped around her head was a piece of fabric she had torn from her sheet to help stop the bleeding from her recently acquired wound. Blood had seeped through the white sheet leaving a large stain. Looking around the room she came across the stains and smudges of blood that was still unsurprisingly there from the evening before.
Her father flopped around on the couch; causing the girl to flinch and cower behind the wall some, but once hearing his snoring yet again she relaxed and began into the living room. Bloody tears were dried on the girl’s right cheek, and newly forming ones began from her left eye and attempted to soak through the cloth over her right eye. The young girl stepped in front of the couch where he was sleeping and knelt by him. “Daddy…” She said extremely hushed making sure not to wake him, “I-I love you…” She clenched her fists. “But… A-At the same time I hate you so much… Why did you have to kill mom? W-Why do you want to become a Kishin?”
The girl hung her head, trying her best not to break down into a wet sobbing fit. “You’re going to get hurt if you keep this up. Asura, is not a God to look up to… He’ll …he’ll, who knows what he’ll do.”
K’Dee had not noticed that the man’s snoring had begun to quiet and eventually come to a halt. “Dad… All I wanted was for you to be proud of me… for you to love me. I would give anything to know you cared about me as much as I had cared about you.” She took another pause, “But I never saw any love of compassion, I never heard you say you were proud of me… The only thing I heard was your laughter as I cried and screamed.”
Standing back up she raised her right arm and altered it into a blade and slowly moved it down hesitating at her father’s neck. “I’m Sorry for what I am about to do… But I don’t want anymore people hurt.” She spoke, trying to stall time, not quite sure she wanted to move through with her intentions, “Death is quick, you said, and I don’t want you to go through the pain of losing yourself and becoming a Kishin first.”
A smirk took form on his face, “I’d like to see you try and kill m-”
K’Dee gasped once hearing his voice and as an instinct reaction quickly jerked her hand out of fright resulting in her slicing through the man’s throat, blood gushing out and splattering the shocked girl.
Quickly she transformed her hand back to its normal form, her finger tips were covered in blood from where the blade had sliced through him. A horrible wave of regret and grief overcame her. Her father was dying, and at her fault. He tried to speak, but only gurgles came from him. Her once mostly sure decision now seemed like a huge mistake. K’Dee threw her arms over the limp man, crying into his dirty clothes. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” She repeated over again between sobs.
A fighting hand grabbed at the back of her dress tensely gripping it as if for dear life. “To think… that I actually loved you…Y-You little… b***h.” He managed to squeeze out. A choking wet gasp of air was heard and then the hand slowly loosened.
His words stabbed her, ‘He… He really did love me?’ She clutched at his lifeless body burying her face into his dirty clothing. Misery and regret filled her to the brim, she wouldn’t have thought of murdering him if he loved her, would she? ‘It doesn’t matter,’ she mentally reassured herself, ‘If he didn’t die, then hundreds of others would have.’
A red glow then caught her attention and she glanced up. Through teary eyes she could see the pre-kishin soul of her father hovering in front of her face. Her lip trembled along with more tears spilling from her eye. Quickly she snatched the soul from its place and hugged it close to her chest, as if in an attempt to fill the emptiness that she now felt within her. She sat alone in the dim glow of the red light holding the hand of her dead father with her right hand while clinging to his soul with her left arm.

Torn apart at the seams of my dreams turn to tears
I'm not feeling the situation
Run away try to find that safe place you can hide
It's the best place to be when you're feeling like me

K’Dee woke the next morning leaning against the couch where she had fallen asleep beside her dad the night before. She walked to her room, and searched through her dresser; finding only one set of clothes that belonged to her mother. She slipped out of her small dress that she was now growing out of, and pulled on her mom’s baggy pants and her shirt. Tearing off another bit of the sheet she replaced her make- shift bandage then began for the living room. However stopped and stepped back to her pillow before reaching the door. The girl shook the pillow free of its case and tossed it aside intending to use the case as a travel bag. Something then caught her eye, a picture that lay on the bed beneath where her pillow had been resting. K’Dee tilted her head, she had never noticed it before; It must have been her mothers.
Grabbing the picture and getting a closer look she saw that it was her family. It appeared K’Dee was only about the age of five and was being held in her father’s arm as she clung happily to John, who was actually smiling. Her mother stood beside them, his other around her waist. That moment seeing that picture was the only time she had seen her father smile. She stared at it a long time, but no tears came. Her eye seemed empty, her expression seemed numb. Gently she folded the photograph and slipped it into her pocket. K’Dee then grabbed a picture of Shinigami-sama off the wall as well and placed it in the same pocket she put the one of her family in.
The girl exited her room and shuffled though the house looking for anything she could possibly use on her trip. Not finding much she then walked to her fathers ‘secret room’, dreading to go back, but knowing there would be something in there she needed. She plopped the remotely empty pillow case on the ground then searched through her fathers pocket looking for the keys. Once finding them she walked over to the door and unlocked it, a wave of smell rushing at her. After a couple gags she stepped in trying her best not to look at her mother’s body. K’Dee now searched though the men and woman’s pockets searching for anything that could be of use. She found several pieces of gum, four sets of keys, two many used pieces of Kleenex, and three wallets.
Saving the gum, she then went on to looking though the wallets. All together she found one hundred and twenty seven dollars which she stuffed all into one wallet that she would take with her. Not the slightest feeling of guilt punctured her, until she found pictures of the people and their children. They looked so happy, and loving. To think, their kids were home now wondering why their mommy or daddy wasn’t home yet and where they could be or what happened to them. K’Dee wished her family was still together, still happy as they seemed in their family photograph, she couldn’t even remember the happy times they shared.
Shrugging off her feelings she entered the living room once more and made her way past the couch and towards the front door. She grabbed her fathers baseball hat and put it on her head, using that and her hair to hide the bandages that wrapped around her head. Her bangs covered the cloth over her right eye, and the hat covered the cloth around her head, making her appear to be perfectly normal. She then grabbed his jacket and tied it around her waist just incase she would need it later on.
K’Dee stood at the door a while trying to recall anything else she needed. Her gaze focused on her father and the soul that hovered over the ground next to the couch, then appearing to remember one last thing she ran off to the room bringing back yet again more ripped up sheets. Carefully she walked over to her lifeless father and scooped up the soul, wrapping it up in the cloth and placing it in the pillow case. The girl tied off the end then swung it over her back, kissing her fathers cold cheek before making her way slowly to the door.
She hesitated looking back at the man she called her father. Her life was changing, and she was unsure if it was for the good or the bad yet. Locking the door she slipped out of the house, “Rest in peace, Dad… perhaps I will see you again someday in Hell.”
K’Dee walked down the path towards the sidewalk, picking a red flower from the one living rhody bush at the end before walking down the road toward the train station.
Once there K’Dee managed to get her pillow case loaded, and wanting to save her money for food instead of a train ticket the girl waited for a couple to leave there suitcases for a moment before turning into her chain scythe form and packing herself inside one of their suitcases.
The ride to Death City was bumpy and dark, but she eventually made it undiscovered and got her items back with ease. So far so good, perhaps things were beginning to look up.

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