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Gabby-chan's Amazing Journal
This is my awesome journal! I may rant, advertise, or post my fanfictions! Just read, comment, PM me, look at my profile, or send me a friend request! hehe! just have fun!
Chapter 9-A Classic Marauder Christmas
It was Christmas Eve Day at Hogwarts. Dinner was to come in a matter of two hours. I sat by the fire place nuzzled in James’ arms. Alex and Peter were down in the kitchens helping the House Elves prepare dinner, for Alex was trying to make sure there was no meat. Remus and Kat were in the library reading books, studying, or whatever it was they did in the library. Sirius and Liz had ran off somewhere, maybe a broom closet to snog for all I knew. James smiled down at me and I smiled back.

“Happy Christmas Eve!” I said cheerfully. I nuzzled my head into his chest affectionately. As I pulled away I caught a whiff of something.

“Are you wearing cologne?” I asked curiously, He grinned.

“Yeah. My mum and dad got it for me as an early Christmas present. I told them about you a few weeks ago, and they thought I might need it.” James laughed. “I told them I didn’t” He said cooly. I giggled softly. Before I stopped giggling, James rummaged in his pocket and pulled out his wand. He tapped the air, and a mistletoe appeared.

“I stole the idea from Padfoot.” He said smiling. He raised his eyebrows. I rolled my eyes and giggled again. I shifted upward towards his face and kissed him. For some reason, this kiss was a little more passionate then past kisses. Maybe it was because we had been dating for awhile. Six months to be exact. James and I had stopped kissing at the precise moment that the portrait hole swung open. In walked Remus and Kat carrying a stack of books.

“Come on you guys, really? It’s Christmas for Merlin’s sake!” James exclaimed.

“I am aware of that, mind you.” Kat said slamming the books down on a nearby table. Remus did the same.

“It’s never to early to start studying for your N.E.W.T.S.” Remus assured him. Kat nodded in agreement. I just giggled. I knew that they didn’t study the whole time, and Kat knew it too. I glanced at her and them Remus and back at her, raising my eyebrows. She blushed a furious red. I giggled again. The next moment, Alex and Peter strode in with smiles on there faces.

“Christmas dinner is going to be good tonight!” Alex said rubbing her belly. Peter repeated this motion. All of us laughed at how ridiculous they looked. Once again, and for the last time, the portrait hole swung open to reveal Liz and Sirius. They looked slightly flustered and they were laughing uncontrollably.

“Did someone hex you two?” Kat questioned.

“No.” Liz said twirling her finger around a strand of her hair.

“Then why are you out of breath and laughing?” I added.

“We were snogging in a broom closet on the seventh floor..” Liz said grinning. Sirius looked embarrassed. He was blushing furiously.

“Liz! Why did you have to tell them?” Sirius whined.

“Why do we have to hide it?” Liz stated. Sirius pouted , knowing he had lost. I thought about what Liz had said. They were in a broom closet on the seventh floor. I wondered if the broom closet happened to be the Room of Requirement, but they enchanted it to be a broom closet, because that was the best place for snogging. I giggled to myself. I would talk about the Room of Requirement with Liz later. My thoughts were interrupted by a loud grumble. I turned to look at James.

“What? I’m hungry.” James said frowning.

“Well it looks like its time for dinner! Let’s go!” Alex said excitedly.


We all arrived into the Great Hall. It was beautifully decorated with the usual 12 Christmas trees, mistletoes, Christmas stockings, holly, wreaths, and garland. I marveled in awe. For some reason it got more marvelous every year. Instead of the four house tables that were usually out, there was just one, for those few stragglers that stayed at the school during Christmas. The staff sat at there usual table at the front of the Great Hall.

“Good evening.” Dumbledore said in his soft voice. “Please have a seat and enjoy.” With a snap of Dumbledore’s fingers, food appeared at the table in the center of the Great Hall. There were very little students that stayed behind. Two Hufflepuffs, one Ravenclaw {not including Kat and Liz}, and the eight of us. The minute the boys saw the food appear, they sprinted to the table. I smiled and walked to the table swiftly. The table was covered with everything from dinner to dessert. Thanks to Alex, there wasn’t much meat to choose from. This disappointed Sirius and James. We all piled our plates with tons of food. Before we began eating, Dumbledore stood up.

“Happy Christmas too all. Thanks for staying her at the comfort of Hogwarts. Even though, I’m sure you all want to be with your families.” At this, Sirius snorted. He absolutely despised his parents. Dumbledore cleared his throat and Sirius’ zipped his lips. “As I was saying. We are glad to have all of you here.” He paused and looked into all of their eyes. He could see that we were hungry. “Now you may eat.” He finished with a small chuckle. All of us dug in. The food was delicious. There was everything from meat to vegetables and puddings to pies. Thanks to Alex and Peter, there was a lot more vegetables then meat. Gosh, how easy it was to manipulate those house elves.

After a while all of us leaned back in our chairs and rubbed our full bellies. I let out a long sigh. Dumbledore stood up again.

“And now, I leave you all with fully bellies of Christmas joy. Your beds await to be slept in and the day awaits for you to open presents. Good night to you all!” With these final words, everything disappeared and we all stood up to leave.

“Best” Alex said.
“Dinner” Kat said.
“Ever!” I said with a smile as we all exited the Great Hall and headed up to Gryffindor Tower. We all walked lazily through the portrait hole and sat in our regular spots.

“You know what I feel like doing?” Liz said have enthused. We all stared at her. She frowned. “Well aren’t you going to guess. Even though you never will?”

“Candy for me, love?” Sirius asked. Liz shook her head smiling.

“Confetti?” James guessed. Liz shook her head again, still smiling.

“Ramen?” I guessed. Liz gave me a disappointed look.

“MJ?” Alex said. Everyone stared at her. Peter just shook his head agreeing with her.

“No!!” Liz said impatiently. “You guys aren’t even close!”

“Porn!” Kat said standing up. Remus stared at her wide-eyed. The rest of us burst out laughing.

“Haha! No! But you were close!” Liz said threw fits of giggles. “Remus?” He just stared at Kat and didn’t answer. “This should all shock you!” She said grinning mischievously. She got up and walked across the room towards Alex. Alex stared at her nervously. Liz took out her wand and produced a mistletoe over her and Alex. Liz grinned again and planted a kiss on Alex’s lips. Liz backed away from Alex and moved to Kat, repeating the same thing she did to Alex. Then she came after me. I wasn’t sure what to do, but I just let Liz do whatever she wanted, seeing as she might get mad if I try to interfere. Liz produced the mistletoe over ours heads and her lips touched mine. They tasted slightly like the dinner we had had less than an hour ago. She backed away and I grinned. The guys faces were absolutely priceless. They were staring in awe at Liz. Kat was smiling like me, Alex just looked shocked.

“Well…that’s all I wanted. I wanted to kiss each of you lovely ladies.” Liz said smirking

“Nice tongue Lizzy baby!” Kat said smirking as well. Everyone stared at her. The girls laughed, the guys just continued to stare.

“I think…its time for bed.” I said slowly. Kat and Liz said good-bye as they headed out the portrait hole to the Ravenclaw common room. Remus, Peter, and Sirius scurried up the stairs. Alex walked in sort of a daze. James sat on the couch across from me, still shocked. “James…” I said getting up and sitting next to him. “Are you ok?” I asked.

“I am….fine.” He breathed out. “I knew Liz was random…but…bloody hell…” He said widening his eyes and ruffling his hair. “That was…pretty hot to watch. Did you like it?” He stood up.

“It…was different.“ I admitted. “I guess I liked it. But not as much as kissing you.” I said standing up and kissing him.

“Well that’s good to hear.” James said kissing me again. “Well Happy Christmas Eve. See you in the morning.” He said kissing my forehead and walking up the stairs to the guys dormitory. I heard the door shut quietly behind him. I stood for a few moments by myself. I smiled and twirled in circles. I threw metaphoric confetti in the air and headed up to bed, excited for the next morning, Christmas Day.


I woke up, but kept my eyes closed. It was Christmas morning. I couldn’t wait to get downstairs to see what I got. I shifted positions in my bed and was about to open my eyes when I heard the door open. I stayed in my position. I heard whispers but I didn’t want to see who they were from. I felt someone climb onto my bed. I began to get a little nervous. I felt the covers ripped off me and I opened my eyes. Liz was standing over me with a mischievous grin on her face.

“Whoa!” I shouted and jumped off my bed. Kat was over on Alex’s bed tapping her forehead for her to wake up. “Liz! What the bloody hell!!!” I shouted so loudly that the guys most likely heard me.

“I was trying to rape you awake!” Liz said winking. I huffed out a sigh.

“Some warning would have been nice!” I exclaimed.

“No it wouldn’t!” She replied. “Then your reaction wouldn’t have been as fun. Happy Christmas!” Liz said hugging me. I hugged back.

“Thanks. Was that my present?” I asked. She bobbed her head. I rolled my eyes but smiled. Alex and Kat were sitting on Alex’s bed laughing.

“Come on! I wanna open presents now its almost noon! Let’s go!” Alex said. We all rushed down the stairs. The guys were already tearing into there presents. Peter had opened up his gifts from the guys. He got candy of course. I watched him open my gift which was a box of fruit loops. He smiled at me from across the room. Liz had gotten him a “How to Date” book. Peter laughed. Liz got him a spiffy tie and pair of socks, and Alex had gotten him an MJ Poster.

“Make sure you cover his eyes when you guys are getting dressed. Don’t want him to see anything!” Alex said laughing which made everyone else laugh. The guys looked white as ghosts. Alex then went next. She received a silky brown scarf from Peter. He gave her a hug and a kiss on the cheek. Remus got her "A Big Book of 'Nutty' Jokes: The Lame Edition" This made her laugh and Remus smile for a good present choice. Sirius got her a mood belt. Not the cheep Muggle ones. This actually changed with her mood instead of body temperature. James got her a plaid bow with matching plaid converse. Alex put the bow on her head. Kat got her an MJ CD, which made her nearly tackle Kat. Liz got her a necklace, ring, earring combo with squirrels and I got her squirrel slippers. This made her squeeze me to death and she stuck them on her feet right away. This made James jealous that she didn’t put on his converse.

Remus was next. He opened my gift first which was a bag of Every Flavour Beans. He thanked me by a small hug. Liz got him a Werewolf Joke Book. This actually made him laugh. Alex got him a leather wallet. He nodded his head. The boys got him candy. Kat said she had a present for him, but would give it to him in secret later.

“Way to go mate!” James and Sirius shouted together. Remus rolled his eyes.

“Its not that kind of gift you pricks!” Kat scolded.

Kat went next to hope that the boys got her good enough gifts. James got her a kitty purse which she adored and she forgave him. Sirius got her black and white gloves which she practically shoved on her hands. Sirius grinned from ear to ear. Peter got Kat a sketchbook and a quill that upon touching it, once you set it on the sketchpad, it draws what you last visualized in your mind. Alex got her a kitty sweatshirt with ears on the hood. Liz got her a cute jewelry box, that I was very jealous of. Kat tackled hugged Liz and Alex. I got her a stuffed panda which she held in her arms as she held me. She saved Remus’ gift for last. She opened the black box to find beautiful diamond earrings. She put them away in her new jewelry box. Remus gave her a smile.

Sirius was already eating the candy that Remus and Peter had gotten him. He opened James gift and was absolutely shocked. He had received a color changing robe. Sirius put it on as it changed to a bright lime green. I got him a candy wand which he began to eat the minute he opened it. Alex got him a black hat, which he thrust on his head. Kat had gotten him a “How To Handle Liz” book. I laughed since I had helped write it. Liz’s gift was last. It was a stuffed black dog with a note attached that said "This is your b***h". Sirius laughed and kissed Liz. Seeing everyone else’s gifts, Liz went after her’s.

Liz opened up my gift first, which happened to be a stuffed froggy. She nearly chocked me hugging me so tightly. Alex got her froggy socks that glowed in the dark. She ran into the bathroom to put them on. I watched the light go out.

“Yes! They glow!” Liz shouted from the bathroom. She came running back out to finish opening the rest of her presents. Kat got her a green fuzzy blanket which she wrapped around herself. James got her an alarm clock. With this present Liz crumpled up the wrapping paper and threw it at him.

“What! It is so you can wake up your damn self!” James said laughing and glancing at Sirius. Remus got her a book of Riddle and Puzzles. She opened it and started reading some. The first few she got easily but after a few, they got complicated and she just threw it with the rest of her presents. Peter’s gift was next. He had gotten her a green hat and a huge bag of confetti. She persisted to throw it all over him. Liz searched around for a gift from Sirius. She frowned when she couldn’t find it. Sirius pulled it out of the pocket of his pajamas and handed it to her. It was a white gold watch. Liz’s eyes lit up when she saw it. She put it on her wrist and tackle kissed Sirius until he fell over.

James laughed at them as he started to open his presents. He opened the candy from Remus and Peter. Damn did these boys like candy. They were definitely not going to be easy to handle later. He got to Sirius; gift and nearly gasped when he opened it. Sirius had also gotten him a color changing robe. He put it on and it turned gold.

“Thanks mate!” He said hugging Sirius, after he had finally gotten away from Liz. James opened Alex’s present next, which was a black hat that matched Sirius’.

“Now you both match! Aww!” Alex cooed. This made everyone laugh. Kat got him a broom kit, which would definitely come in handy once the season is back. He opened Liz’s gift and was very surprised. It was the book Bambi. He gave her a puzzled look which made her laugh. But he gave her a hug anyway. My gift was last, and I wish he hadn’t. It was just a box of chocolates, which he devoured in minutes. I knew I was making a very big mistake.

Finally it was my turn. The first present I opened was from Peter. It was a stuffed bunny. I smiled and gave him a hug. I set it in my lap and opened up Remus’ gift. It was a And Then There Were None Limited Edition novel. Alex got me a set of hair barrettes and lip gloss. I put a hair barrette in my hair and glossed my lips. I opened Liz’s picture next which was a cute purple blouse. I shrieked when I saw it. I ran over and gave Liz a kiss on the cheek. Kat’s present was a matching belt and purse which made me do the same to her. Sirius present was next. I tore the wrapping and stared at it. It was a model of me, chasing the Snitch, but the snitch kept getting farther and farther away from me, like I was never going to catch it. I huffed a sight of anger and stared at Sirius. Liz ran over to him and pinned his arms back.

“Get him Gabby!” Liz said. Sirius shrieked and wriggled, which made Alex and Kat come over and help. Remus, Peter, and James just laughed as I darted after Sirius. I punched him in the gut several times and on the top of the head. I also kicked him in both shins. I blew my hair out of my face and stepped backwards.

“I am done with him.” I said still angry, and the girls dropped him. He fell to the floor and groaned in pain. James smiled and walked over to me as I got ready to open my final present which was from him. I tore the paper gently to reveal a black box. I opened it up to see a beautiful pearl necklace.

“Oh my gosh…” I exclaimed. He picked it up and put it around my neck. “I love it. And I love you. Thank you!” He paused.

“I love you too.” He said turning me around and kissed me. Everyone gave final thanks, couples gave kisses, best mates hugged.

“Wow. Its already 8 o’clock. Let’s go to dinner!” Liz said.


We all arrived back from dinner with full bellies again. It was nearly midnight.

“Now what do we do guys?” Remus said leaning his head on Kat’s shoulder. Sirius and James stood up quickly.

“MIDNIGHT SNOWBALL FIGHT!” They both exclaimed.

Before I knew it, we were all in the Forbidden Forest in our winter gear.

“Ok…let’s lay down some rules.” Remus said.

“No rules!!” Everyone exclaimed. We all began picking up snowballs and chucking them at each other. It helped to be a Quidditch player, because I had good hand-eye coordination. Remus, Peter, and Alex didn’t really do as well as the rest of us. I hid behind a tree and began stalking Sirius, with a snowball in hand. I aimed and fired it straight for the back of his head. He yelped in pain and turned and threw one right back at me. The fight continued for a few minutes before it toned down. We all found each other in the middle of the forest. We were soaking wet and very cold.

“I think its time to go back to the castle.” James said. We all made our way to the castle.


Kat and Liz went off to bed and the rest of us went back to the Gryffindor common room. The guys went up to their dormitory and Alex and I went to ours. I got out of my wet clothes and into my pajamas. Alex crashed before I was even finished. I smiled at her as I crawled into bed. My blankets felt warm. I held my bunny to my chest and touched the pearl necklace James got me. This turned out to be a wonderful Christmas.

Misses Prongs
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  • User Comments: [3]
    Miss Snuffles
    Community Member

    Tue May 26, 2009 @ 09:31pm

    Once again, and for the last time, the portrait hole swung open to reveal Liz and Sirius. They looked slightly flustered and they were laughing uncontrollably.

    “Did someone hex you two?” Kat questioned.

    “No.” Liz said twirling her finger around a strand of her hair.

    “Then why are you out of breath and laughing?” I added.

    “We were snogging in a broom closet on the seventh floor..” Liz said grinning. Sirius looked embarrassed. He was blushing furiously.

    “Liz! Why did you have to tell them?” Sirius whined.

    “Why do we have to hide it?” Liz stated.

    x'D I love how open I am about it.

    Miss Snuffles
    Community Member

    Tue May 26, 2009 @ 09:37pm

    Liz got him a spiffy tie and pair of socks,

    Mmm, that's supposed to be Kat, silly.
    I got him the How to Date book. xP

    Miss Snuffles
    Community Member

    Tue May 26, 2009 @ 09:47pm

    :3 I elohel'd a lot when reading that.
    :] You're writing is getting better too.

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