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Gabby-chan's Amazing Journal
This is my awesome journal! I may rant, advertise, or post my fanfictions! Just read, comment, PM me, look at my profile, or send me a friend request! hehe! just have fun!
Chapter 6
Chapter 6- Fuzziness, Boogaloo, The Quidditch Match, and Halloween Pranks

I woke up early on the Saturday of the first Quidditch. It was still dark outside my window. I sat up and stretched my arms over my head. I glanced over to see Alex sprawled out all over her bed.  I tried to think of what she could be dreaming about. At that instant, I started giggling to myself. Alex’s mind was…hmmm...how do I put it. Let’s say corrupted. Actually pretty much all of our minds were corrupted. Especially James’ and Sirius’ minds. I walked past Alex and into the bathroom. It was still early, so I took my time getting ready. My first step to the routine was shower. I got in the bathroom and locked the door behind me. I turned the water on and felt it getting hotter. I slid out of my pajamas and hopped in. the warm water startled me slightly, but I got used to it after a few seconds. I felt the water trickle all down my back and I felt my hair getting heavier as the it absorbed the water. I ran some soap on my body and then shampoo and conditioner in my hair. After a few more minutes, I felt I was clean enough, so I stepped out. I immediately wrapped a towel around me, waiting for the warmth to run out, and the cold to soak in. Staring at my reflection in the fogged mirror, I ran a comb through my hair and blow dried it. I then consisted to take a straightened to the fuzzy mound called my hair. I applied makeup to my face and put on some clothes. Since it was a Saturday, I didn’t need to wear my robes. I threw on a pair of dark blue jeans, a white tank top and then my black fuzzy ball sweater. I mean, who doesn’t like fuzzy balls? Once I was fully ready I walked out of the bathroom. I walked out at the exact moment Alex was waking up.
“Why good morning my dear Alex, did you sleep well?” I said in a very happy tone.

 “Ehhhh….” Alex replied. I shouldn’t have sounded so excited since she just woke up. She walked into the bathroom and got ready herself. I sat on my bed waiting for her. I looked at the clock on the wall. It was 9:30. The Quidditch Match was at 1:00. I moved my gaze to the window. The sun was out and there was a light breeze. I could tell that it was gonna be a nice day for the match. I heard sounds coming from the bathroom and then Alex appeared. She had on brown pants and a white shirt with a squirrel saying “Don’t Touch My Nuts!”, and white fuzzy hobo gloves. Yay fuzziness!

 “Sorry about earlier. I was just getting up and can’t really communicate that well. I slept wonderful!” Alex said happily. All the while, I was laughing my arse off. “What are you laughing at?” She followed my gaze to her shirt as I continued laughing. “I know! Its funny ain’t it?” She said giggling.

 “Well that is good that you sleep well. I have been up since about 7:00.” I bent my head down.

 “Nervous about the match?” Alex guessed. I nodded my head.
“Well why don’t we go downstairs and see if the guys are awake?” Alex lead the way down the dormitory steps. We entered the common room, and Alex was right again. The boys were awake. Remus was reading as usual, Peter was waiting patiently for Alex, and Sirius and James looked as if they were a bit nervous about the match like me.

 “Good morning boys!” Alex and I said in unison. They looked up and smiled. Sirius’ smile was a bit too big for my liking. He ran over to me and Alex excitedly.

 “Why Gabby!!! I absolutely love the fuzzy balls on your sweater! And Alex, your fuzzy hobo gloves are wonderful as well.” Sirius grinned. I rolled my eyes and sat next to James.

 “Good morning beautiful.” James said sweetly, kissing my cheek. I blushed  “So you ready for the match today?” James asked. I took in a deep breath and nodded.

 “Yeah I am a bit nervous. I just hope it doesn’t cause tension in our group if one or the other team wins.” I said sighing. I looked down and saw one of my fuzzy balls hanging off my sweater. I persisted to pick it up and start playing with it.

 “Hey everyone look! Gabby is playing with one of her fuzzy balls!” Sirius said grinning. I looked up furrowing my eyebrows. I took my fuzzy ball and I whacked him with it.

 “Hey everyone look! Sirius got hit with one of my fuzzy balls!” I said laughing, which made everyone else laugh. “So I think its time for breakfast. We should eat something before the match.” I said getting up. Everyone else got up and followed me out of the portrait hole.


We all entered the Great Hall and sat down for breakfast. For some reason, today was fuzzy day. I had on a sweater with fuzzy balls, which Sirius was still obsessing over. Kat had on stylish fuzzy boots, Alex with the fuzzy hobo gloves, and Liz had on a fuzzy bag that contained her confetti.

 “You guys are like the Fuzzy Club!” Peter said when we sat down at the beginning of breakfast.

 “Yeah!” We all said high-fiving each other. Breakfast appeared on the table, but none of us really ate. We just sat and chatted.

 “So, I was totally thinking. What would happen if Michael Jackson ever came to Hogwarts!” Alex said enthusiastically.

 “I bet he would steal Sirius and bring him into a closet!” Kat said laughing. Everyone else laughed except Sirius. Liz patted him on the back.

 “Sorry, but MJ does enjoy little boys.” Liz said giggling. This only made everyone laugh more.  “Muggles are strange…” I said idly. My mind was set on today’s match. Its not that I was nervous about the game itself, but I was nervous about the outcome. I had faced Kat and Liz before, but this year seemed…different some how. The match drew closer and closer. Mostly our breakfast chat consisted of Michael Jackson and what would happen if he came to Hogwarts.

 “I think I would try to be his friend!” Alex said grinning. I rolled my eyes, which them happen to wonder towards the clock. It was 11:30. 

“James you’ve been awfully quiet this morning, is everything ok.” I asked him with stars in my eyes. He looked up at me. His green eyes meeting my blue ones. He grabbed my hand and kissed it softly.

 “Nothing is wrong. I promise.” He said giving me a smile.

 “Ok.” I replied back. I let my hand fall to the bench, but it stayed intertwined with James’. “So what do you guys wanna do for the next hour…or so…?” I asked. We had that much time until it was time to get ready for the match.

 “Oh. I dunno.…” Was mostly everyone’s reply. Sirius though just sat there, apparently in deep thought. It looked like he might hurt himself.

 “I have an idea!!” Sirius said popping up. All of us looked at him intently, wondering if this idea was going to be utterly brilliant or completely stupid. “Let’s go to the lake and visit Boogaloo” He announced loudly. The boys faces lit up and the girls just looked confused.

 “Who?” Alex, Liz, Kat, and I stated in unison.

 “Boogaloo. The squid that lives at the bottom of the Black Lake.” Remus stated “We’ve had the pleasure of meeting him.” Remus used the word pleasure, very loosely.

“Oh my dear Remus, whatever are you speaking of? Boogaloo is a wonderful creature!” James said smiling and high fiving. The girls all still looked confused, me especially. My determination was that Remus had a very unfortunate experience with this ‘Boogaloo.’  “So do you ladies want to see Boogaloo or not?” Sirius voice rang out through the Great Hall. I saw his eyebrows waggling out of my peripheral vision.

“Sure why not.” Liz replied shrugging her shoulders. We all grabbed our things and followed the boys out of the Great Hall and onto the grounds. It was a crisp and clear fall day. The sky was cloud free and perfectly blue. The sun shone about in the middle of the sky. The temperature was moderately warm, with a light breeze. We walked down towards the lake, Sirius and James leading the way. Sirius was doing this sort of retarded march looking thing, or whatever it was. James was just walking along graciously, his arms swinging at his sides. Remus and Peter stayed near the back towards us girls and us girls were walking reluctantly afraid of what we might encounter. We arrived at the base of the lake. The water was calmly rippled by the light breeze. It seemed like a perfectly beautiful day.

“Oh Boogaloo!!” Sirius called and whistled. Alex, Kat, and I came to a halt a little farther away from where James and Sirius were standing. Liz seemed to be inching a bit closer to see what was going on, and Remus and Peter were far away near a tree. “We have some new people for you to meet.” He cooed.

“I have one quick question.” Liz said, she had her hand semi-raised in the air like she was in class. “Who exactly names the squid Boogaloo?” She asked with a puzzled look on her face.

“Me!” Sirius called pointing to himself. Liz retreated over to him and slapped him in the side of the head.

“You couldn’t think of anything better! Honestly!” Liz scoffed.
Sirius rubbed the back of his head where Liz hit him. At that next moment a long slippery blue tentacle shot out of the water and into the air. It startled me slightly and I jumped. Everyone was staring up at the tentacle in the air. Then in the next moment the rest of the head of the squid and half of its tentacles shot out of the water as well.

“Whoa.” I said astonished. Sirius and James’ faces lit up as they ran over to edge of the lake. The squid seemed to recognize them. One of his long tentacles came and tapped the boys on their heads. I was completely shocked.  I inched closer to the water’s edge near James. I grabbed his hand in slight fear. The tentacle reached out and hesitated slightly, like it was sniffing me, but not really. It then tapped my head. I smiled to myself and then at James. Boogaloo seemed to wave his tentacle in the air towards Kat, Alex, Peter, and Remus.

“Hi Boogaloo! Long time no see!” Sirius said grinning. It looked as if he wanted to hug the squid like it was an old friend. The squid gave Sirius an odd, but some what affectionate look. The squid then sunk back into the ocean.

“That was brilliant!” Alex stated. She was now over by the tree
where Remus and Peter were, as was Kat.

“I agree.” Liz and I said together.

“See! Told you would love him huh?” Sirius said to Liz. She glared at him.

“I am still a bit upset you couldn’t come up with a better name for him.” Liz stated in an annoyed tone.

“Well he seems to like it.” James added. I stared at the water, wanting the squid to come back. I would make James take me to see him again someday soon.  I looked at the huge clock on the outside of the castle which said it was 12:15.

“Well we better start getting back to the castle. The match starts in 45 minutes.” James stated matter-of-factly. We all trudged back up to the castle, to get ready for the match.


It was now 10 minutes until the match. We were in the Gryffindor Locker room, dawned in our scarlet and gold Quidditch robes with our brooms in hand.

“Ok. Now Ravenclaw is a tough team. We can’t under estimate them. They got some really good Beaters, and I heard their Seeker is good, but we have a better one.” James was saying. He placed his hand on my shoulder. “So are we ready team!” James said aloud.

“Yeah!” We all shouted enthusiastically. I heard the sound of students in the stands. The first Quidditch match of the season was about to start. My heart thudded in my chest. I was always nervous on the first match, especially since its against my friends. I heard the sound of the commentator introduce the Ravenclaw team. I heard Liz’s name announced as the Captain, Kat’s name followed. I could hear them flying outside. Then it was our turn. I was announced last. I watched as James flew out first, followed by Sirius, Nicole, Lola, Heather, and Zach. I was next. I took a deep breath and flew out smiling. I flew up and around the Quidditch field. Then I landed on the ground next to my teammates and across from the opposing team.

“Captain’s shake hands.” The referee ordered. Liz and James smiled and gripped each others hands firmly.

“Good luck Potter.” Liz said smiling.

“Good luck to you too Goodreau.” James smiled as well. They released their hands as the chest with the balls was carried out.  

“Now I want a clean game.” The referee ordered. The Quaffles, Bludgers, and Snitch were released,  the whistle was blown, and the game began. I took off into the air to begin my search for the Snitch. Since it was the beginning of the game, I didn’t look to hard for the Snitch, seeing as no one has scored yet. I watched as blurs of scarlet and blue flew all over the field. Occasionally Liz, Sirius, Kat, and James would fly past me. I looked across the field at the Ravenclaw’s Seeker Hilary Stevenson. She was hovering in the air, her eyes scanning the field like mine. I looked in the Gryffindor section of the stands. The Gryffindors were on their feet. I heard the commentator shout that Gryffindor had scored. I felt bad because I didn’t know who it was that scored. I now made it determined to pay attention. I flew around the field keeping my eyes for the Snitch. I had almost got nailed with a Bludger that was shot at me by Kat or Liz, I hoped it wasn’t on

In an hour and a half or so the score was: Ravenclaw 80, Gryffindor 120. My eyes were frantically scanning the field for the Snitch so that I could end this game. I flew all over the field, stopping periodically to get a good look around. I was over near the Ravenclaw stands when they erupted in cheers. Ravenclaw scored again. The score was now 90-120. I spotted James over in the corner near our goal.

“Gabby look out!” James shouted to me, I turned around to see a Bludger coming straight towards me. Suddenly out of nowhere Kat came in front of me, took her bat and whacked the Bludger away. My eyes widened. I heard selective boos from the Ravenclaws and some ‘Why did you save her!’ They didn’t really bother me.

“Kat, you just saved me! Thanks!” I said letting out my breath as I spoke.

“No problem. Were losing, I wasn’t going to let you get hit and have you guys forfeit.” Kat said smiling before she flew off.

“Gabby, are you alright!” Sirius flew to me.

“I am fine. Don’t worry about me. I am trying to find the Snitch so we can end this!” I shouted back as he flew away. The crowd was on its feet watching the game. Suddenly I saw a glint of gold reflect off my glasses. I turned to see the Snitch floating near the ground. I passed the score board on the way and it was now a tie. 120-120. When the bloody hell did that happen. I flew faster towards the ground. It appeared that Hilary saw the Snitch too. We were both flying after it at full speed. It seemed like the rest of the game was halted. They were all watching Hilary and I follow the Snitch. We were both side by side and getting closer and closer to the golden ball prize. The Snitch suddenly dove straight up and then straight down. I had seen it do this before. Hilary followed it up, but I just waited until it came down. I sped after it as it flew to the ground. I stuck my hand out and enclosed my fingers around the struggling small golden ball. GRYFFINDOR WINS erupted from the microphone. Gryffindor was cheering loudly. My feet touched the ground and I dismounted my broom. I held the Snitch high in the air as the crowd cheered. My teammates touch down on the ground and tackled me to the ground.

“Nice catch Gabby!” Sirius shouted in my ear. I laughed to myself.

“Alright…guys…geroff me!” I said through the bodies. They got up off of me. I saw the Ravenclaw Team standing across from us. I smiled at Kat and Liz, the Snitch twitching in my hand. I ran over to Kat and threw my arms around her. We both fell to the ground laughing. “Thank you for saving my life!!!” I said getting up and dusting my robes off.

“Awww…it was nothing.” Kat said smiling, getting up off the ground,  and brushing her bangs back. I looked around. Sirius was grinning but at the same time wincing because Liz was standing next to him. I walked over to them.

“You guys played a great game. I thought at the end that I was done for.” I said smiling weakly. Liz gave me a convincing smile and a hug.

  “It’s alright. We will just have to beat you next time!” Liz said winking. Sirius gave me a thumbs up from behind Liz.


Well let’s see. That Quidditch match happened on October 11, and now its Halloween. So about 2 weeks have gone by. It was lunch time on Halloween, which happened to be a Friday, so there was still classes. Anyways, again, it was lunch time.

“No! we can’t do that! That’s stupid!” James said loudly at Sirius. The two of them were busy doing something, and honestly, I didn’t want any part of it, or did I…I pondered over this thought for awhile. Suddenly I heard the sound of flapping wings as the owls flew into the Great Hall. My owl, swooped down and landed on my shoulder. She nudged me gently and I gave her a small piece of bread. She took off back up to the Owlery. I saw that a few of my friends got random letters from their families. My mom wrote occasionally, but not so often. Unlike Alex’s mum. Alex’s mum would send her letters everyday. Sometimes more than one letter a day. I saw Alex roll her eyes as she read through the second letter of the day.

“God damn it Mum.” Alex grumbled.

 “What did she say this time Alex?” Peter questioned placing his arm around her shoulder to console her.

“Why doesn’t she just send  me a howler if all the bloody hell she is gonna do it yell at me.” Alex continued to grumble. She threw the letter at Peter. He read through it quickly. He set it down and put his arm around her once again.

“What is she going on about Alex?” Kat asked.

“She keeps complaining that I don’t send her letters back and that when I do send her letters back all I do is complain about how many letters she sends me, which only makes her send more!” Alex shouted tearing the letter into pieces.

“Come on Alex. Your mum loves you.” Remus said trying to comfort her, but this would only make her more angry.

“Just forget about it….we got to get to class anyway.” Alex said as she got up from the table. Everyone else followed.


It was now the end of the day. We walked out of  the Potions classroom after a dreadful hour.

“I swear. Slughorn’s got it out for me!” Sirius was whining as  we all walked through the portrait hole.  “I agree!” James said, also whining. They both held detention slips in their hands.

“He thinks just because we are in Gryffindor that he can torment us!” Sirius said.

“Ummm…no.” Liz stated bluntly. “You guys were planning your Halloween finale and Slughorn didn’t approve of it.”

“Well the idea he took wasn’t good anyway. We need a new idea…” James said. We all too seats on the couches. It wasn’t quite time for dinner. The elves had a small setback and were still cooking, so dinner wouldn’t be until 7:00.

“Well you guys keep thinking and we will keep on ignoring you!” Kat said fake smiling. James and Sirius stuck their tongues out at Kat.

“So what are you guys planning?” Remus said from over his book.

“We want a Halloween prank that will affect the whole school…aside from all of us of course.” James said still thinking very hard. I though too. The whole common room was silent. All that was heard throughout the common room was the crackling of the slowly dying fire as James and Sirius thought . I wasn’t sure why everyone one else was quiet.

 “I got it!” Sirius said finally breaking the silence. “What we do is we spike the food so that when people eat it really freaky things could happen to them ---”

“Yeah and for each house the affect will be different. We could turn the Slytherins into pumpkins and,”

“Gryffindors into something hairy sort of like a werewolf look alike, no offence Moony!”

“None taken,” Remus quickly cut into Sirius James’ plotting. The were finishing each others sentences and cutting into each others ideas which got wilder by the minute. Everyone just stared at them.

“I like the idea!!” Peter and Alex said at the same time.

“I like it too…but one question…how exactly are you going to spike all the food so everyone is affected?” I asked, injecting a little common sense into James and Sirius’ thoughts. Sirius and James just looked at each other then back at me and said in unison,

“House elves,” as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
Everyone rolled their eyes. The boys stood up quickly and tore out of the Gryffindor common room like wild animals.

“Should we be afraid?” Kat asked cautiously. Remus looked up from his book momentarily and Peter looked over at Kat.

“No.” They said in unison.


It was now finally time for the Halloween feast. Dumbledore stood up and with five little words, food miraculously appeared on the waiting plates in front of hungry students. Everyone immediately dug into the Halloween themed food, everyone except Sirius, James, Peter, Remus, Liz, Alex, Kat, and I. No one, not even the Gryffindors noticed them not eating, everyone was to busy eating and chatting, it was strange how everyone seemed to be getting along, no one was on high alert waiting for a prank to happen. It was as if being in the Great Hall under the eyes of every member of staff nullified the competition. They didn’t have to wait long, all five tables went up in smoke as the potions Sirius and James had convinced the house elves to put in the food, took effect. Once the smoke faded away the screaming and shrieking started up. The staff would have attempted to control the situation but they themselves were a bit preoccupied with their appearances. The older students were a little more composed compared to the younger students who were making most of the noise, screaming and crying. I stared around as all these events took place. I laughed when it happened to the Slytherins, as did the rest of us not affected. The Gryffindors had all grown a set of ears and a tail, whiskers and were looking suspiciously feline like. Only it wasn’t in the cute kitty way. They had sharp teeth, sharp claws and crazy looking eyes . The Slytherins were looking very orange and well very round. It was an odd sight, they resembled bright orange beach balls with arms sticking out, and legs not quite reaching the floor, with the same expression of horror copied onto all their faces. The Ravenclaws looked like massive hairy bats, ten times the size of a normal bat with beady eyes, long leathery wings and sharp, pointy teeth. The Hufflepuffs had extremely pale papery skin, red eyes and very sharp fangs. The placid Hufflepuffs had been turned into bloodthirsty vampires. The students alone had all of us in hysterics, Sirius had to clutch onto Liz to stay sitting upright he was laughing that hard. There was no doubt among anyone who was responsible and as that dawned on the students the expressions of terror turned to a number of emotions. The Slytherins glared with outright animosity towards the Gryffindor table only the effect was marred slightly by the fact they all resembled pumpkins. The rest of the students along with the staff just looked exasperated. The headmaster stood up and held up his hand, an obvious gesture for silence. Unfortunately this had the opposite effect as the hand promptly fell off and landed on the table with a clatter. That did it again, all of us, who had been calming down fell about laughing once again. The staff had been the most difficult but eventually they had decided on something. It was James’s idea to turn them into zombies. Their skin was grey and falling off in places, their hair matted with blood. Their clothes were artfully ripped and shredded and their eyes were wide, white and bulging. Quite a few of the staff and students looked a little queasy but the falling off of limbs was just part of the effect, it wasn’t real. Dumbledore looked amused as he reattached his hand. Sirius now had one arm round Liz and the other wrapped around James to keep himself upright. Remus, Peter, Alex, and Kat sat across. They had all calmed down enough to be capable of more than laughter, so with big smiles on their faces and tears of laughter in their eyes. James and Sirius tried to regain composure. They stood up and took a bow. This was indeed the best Halloween ever.

Misses Prongs
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  • User Comments: [1]
    Community Member

    Mon Jun 15, 2009 @ 08:27pm

    Well friends, Gabby is getting annoyed by my self centered comments so... well hi world! Um, well I can't say much because with out me this world would be more shitty then it already is. And Gabby, you know it! Hehe, I guess maybe I should actually talk about the journal entry. I guess that is actually what these comments are for. Well, I liked your prank... I'm never good at thinking those up.

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