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Gabby-chan's Amazing Journal
This is my awesome journal! I may rant, advertise, or post my fanfictions! Just read, comment, PM me, look at my profile, or send me a friend request! hehe! just have fun!
Chapter 2
Chapter 2-Fruit Loops, Coffee Love, and Underwear Schemes

I felt the warmness of his lips. My hands were around his neck, my fingers in his untidy black hair. My eyes opened and I was starring at the ceiling of my four poster bed. Damn it…I had been dreaming of what almost happened last night, until Sirius Black interrupted. I wonder how his shin was feeling today. I smiled to myself satisfyingly. I opened the curtain of my bed and saw Alex’s was empty. She must be in the Great Hall already. I got out of bed and dressed quickly. I walked into the bathroom, fully dressed in my robes, and looked at my hair. It was tasseled back and forth. I brushed it out quickly and put on some makeup. After I though I was presentable enough I walked down into the common room. There I faced my worst nightmare. Sirius Black. He was smiling and waving at me.

“Good morning Gabby dear! How are you this morning, not still mad are you?” Sirius cooed. He was now by my side. How did he get there? I looked over to the couch and there sat Alex, Peter, and Remus. Alex and Peter were snacking on fruit loops and Remus was buried in a book. James seemed to be missing from the group, I wonder where he was.

“I am fine…..” I said hesitating slightly. “How is your shin?” I said smiling to myself. I brushed past Sirius and sat down on the couch next to Alex. “So Alex, how long have you been up with them?” I said sighing, wishing I knew where James was.

“Oh only a little while. It wasn’t that bad.“ Alex tried to say through giggles. I hated when stuff went on when I didn’t know what was going on. I rolled my eyes, and saw Sirius was now limping over to the seat next to me. I immediately then clung to Alex, as he sat down.

“To answer your question, yes, my shin hurts………” Sirius said, giving me a puppy dog face. I scowled, and laughed.

“Save those puppy dog looks for Liz.” I said angrily. “So where is James?” I asked a little to quickly. Alex, Peter, and Sirius started cracking up, at first I was afraid to ask why, but it was about my new boyfriend so of course I had to ask. “Ok can anyone tell me what the bloody hell is going on?” I said, a bit of anger in my voice. I immediately turned to Alex. She was one of my best girlfriends, so she should be able to tell me.

“Well…..” Alex couldn’t continue. She was laughing to hard, that she was getting about ready to fall off the couch. I rolled my eyes in annoyance. Maybe Remus would tell me?

“Remus? Can you tell me what’s going on without falling on the floor laughing?” Remus had only been laughing silently behind his book. Obviously everyone of my friends in Gryffindor knew what was going on, and it had to do with James some how.

“Gabby, I hate to inform you,” Remus began. He had now put his book down. “But James was….” Remus didn’t continue because down the stairs, as if on cue, came James. Everyone was silent for a few moments, before they started bursting into fits of laughs again. Alex, was now on the floor, and Sirius was now laughing his way over to his best friend.

“Ok Padfoot….that’s enough….” James said a bit irritated. Sirius and everyone else finally calmed down, and Remus had gone back to reading his book. Alex and Peter went back to munching on their fruit loops. I was now on the couch. James walked over and sat down on the couch next to me. He placed his hand immediately in mine. Its like he could read my mind. I glared at the others, still wanting to know what they were laughing at.

“So James….” I began cutely. “What were they all laughing at?” I finished, a bit more normally. He lowered his head and frowned.

“Its all Sirius’s fault….if he hadn’t woken up early…..he told everyone else…..” James muttered angrily under his breath.

“What, what is it?” I asked frantically curious.

“Ok well, we both know what almost happened last night.” James began. I small blush appeared on the edges of my cheeks. I saw James shoot a small glare towards Sirius, who didn’t seem to notice. “Well….” He continued. “I had a very interesting dream, of that moment, not being ruined and apparently, I had been talking in my sleep about it….and Sirius heard me….and told everyone, so that’s why they’re laughing…” He finished shyly. His forehead looked a bit hot, as he glared at Sirius again. “So anyways, not about that anymore, how did you sleep?” I blushed slightly again.

“I slept wonderfully. The bad thing is I woke up.” I said through a yawn. “How did you sleep?” I said smiling sweetly.

“I slept great. Not to excited for classes today though. I wish it was still summer.” James stretched and placed his hands being his head. He started ruffling his hair again Ugh! He does that all the time. His hair cant get any messier! I glanced over to see Peter and Alex whispering softly to each other. Remus was still buried in his book, and Sirius was just sitting quietly, a little too quietly I might add. He looked deep in thought. I wondered if he was thinking about Liz. They needed to get back together. He just had to learn to stop flirting with other girls. I glanced up at the clock. It was only 8:25. My stomach let out a low grumble, and I smiled.

“Well I think its time for breakfast! Who’s coming?” I said enthusiastically. Peter, Alex, Remus, Sirius, and James all got up, and made their ways to the portrait hole. We quickly descended the stairs and arrived at the Great Hall. A few students were already eating breakfast. I looked over towards the Ravenclaw Table and there sat Kat. Liz didn’t seem to be anywhere, so I assumed she was sleeping. I walked over to the Ravenclaw table, and received some dirty looks from some of them. “Yeah, I am from Gryffindor and have friends in Ravenclaw, so what?” I scoffed, while ignoring them. I sat next to Kat momentarily. “Good morning Kat.” I said giving her one of my sweet smiles. “Did you sleep well? I see Liz is still enjoying her sleep?” I giggled softly. I stared quickly up at the sky. The sun was just barely coming through the light gray clouds that strewn across the ceiling of the Great Hall.

“I slept fine.” She said happily. “Yes, Liz is still asleep. I was afraid to wake her. She might try to bite my head off if I wake her…” Kat said cautiously.

“Well maybe we need to go wake her!!” I said, starting to stand up. I hesitated slightly. I glanced over at Sirius. He was sitting down next to James. Both of their heads together. They were mostly likely planning a new, start of the year prank. I wanted no part of it, well depended what it was. I could easily be persuaded. I smiled to myself, because I hatched a plan. “Kat, I will be right back.” I weaved through the tired students just making their way into the Great Hall. Most of them stared at me awkwardly, probably wondering why I looked so awake. I skidded to a halt at the Gryffindor table. Sirius and James were now eating, as were Peter, Remus and Alex. “Sirius!” I said a bit quickly. He winced slightly. I guess he thought I was going to hit him or something. “I am not going to hit you, I was wondering, you want to get back together with Liz, right?” I said even more quickly. He looked down at his plate of food. Half of it already eaten.

“That obvious…” He said quietly.

“Just answer me Black!” My voice a bit impatient. We had to get Liz up soon. They would be handing schedules out soon, and class started in 25 minutes.

“Yes, I want to get back together with Liz, why?” He said more confidently. I guess he was trying to be a man, and I say trying, not succeeding. I pulled him up by the back of his robes and consisted by dragging him out of the Great Hall. “Hey what the bloody hell Gabby, I just said I wanted to get back together with Liz, not go somewhere and snog with you, I mean I don’t want to hurt my best mate” I immediately let go of him and smacked him on the back of his head.

“One, shut up and just listen to me, two, I would never want to snog you, or hurt James, and three, go get some coffee.” I cried angrily at him. My voice seemed to echo through the Entrance Hall, and lead into the Great Hall. Sirius looked at me confused for a bit, but then he shrugged his shoulders, and went to get the coffee. I knew he was probably gonna listen to me, since he probably didn’t want to get smacked again. He came back a second later with some coffee.

“So what was the point of this coffee?” He said cautiously. “And why did you ask me if I wanted to get back together with Liz?”

“Well this coffee is for Liz, and your gonna be a nice little Sirius, and take it to her. She needs to wake up, because class starts in….” I paused and looked up at the giant clock above the entrance to the Great Hall. “20 minutes.” I finished. “I am not sure how to get into Ravenclaw’s Common Room, so we will ask Kat politely if she will take you there.” I grabbed Sirius by the back of the robes, a little more gently this time, because he had Liz’s coffee in his hand. I continued to drag him over the Ravenclaw table. Kat looked at me curiously.

“Gabby dearest, why are you dragging Sirius around?” She said, laughing to herself.

“Well, he has coffee for Liz, and if you would be so kind, as to show him where your common room is.” I said smiling. I let go of Sirius, and he rubbed the back of his neck.

“Thank you for releasing me.” He said irritably. I glanced over at the Gryffindor Table, where our friends were staring at us, obviously wondering what was going on, seeing as, I had dragged Sirius out of the Great Hall, and then back into it.

“Ummm….ok….” Kat said hesitantly. She exited the Great Hall, Sirius following behind her, giving James a thumbs up. As they both exited the Great Hall, I made it my advantage to feed my still rumbling tummy. I sat down next to James, and filled my plate with eggs and bacon. Alex and Peter were having a collective discussion, I caught bits and pieces of it as I ate.

“Hey Peter, what is your favorite type of pickle?” Alex asked him. It seemed like a very strange question to me, but Peter answered it, like an idiot blinded by love.

“There are different kinds?” He said curiously.

“Yes, of course there are different kinds. There’s dill pickles, kool-aid pickles, sour pickles, German pickles, and tons more.” She said enthusiastically. Peter just smiled at her.

“Well I haven’t tried all of those, but I guess I am gonna have to.” He said, still smiling. I just giggled silently in my head. I looked over at James, who seemed a bit distracted. He looked deep in thought.

“James, is something wrong?” I said a bit concerned, while nibbling on a piece of bacon.

“Oh, no everything is fine. You don’t need to worry. You‘ll find out soon enough.” He said, moving his head slightly, and kissing the top of my forehead. I blushed, as I continued to eat. Wait a minute, I will find out soon enough. What was he talking about. Was this what Remus was talking about last night? When he had said James will tell me if he wants to. Were all of them in on some kind of plan? All of this made my thought race. I looked up at Remus, who kept making small, but obvious glances towards the entrance of the Great Hall. I wondered if he was waiting for Kat to walk back in. We all knew that he had a crush on her. But what guy wouldn’t. Though Kat is shy, she is also very beautiful. I kept mindlessly reaching for the food on my plate, when I looked down and realized it was gone. I shook my thoughts, and saw Remus smile out of the corner of my eye. I looked over at the entrance of the Great Hall. In walked Kat, her hair blowing back as she walked back to the Ravenclaw table. I wondered how Liz and Sirius were doing. I put more food on my plate before I heard James shout.

“Way to go mate!” He shouted. My head swiveled back to the Great Hall entrance. In walked Sirius and Liz holding hands. My plan worked, they were back together. My face lit up as I waved to Liz. She gave Sirius a quick kiss, and skipped off to join Kat at the Ravenclaw table. Sirius came over with a giant grin on his face. He came over and sat between me and James, I glared slightly, but the glare disappeared. I was glad that my plan worked, and Liz and Sirius were back together, and now all we had to go was get Alex and Peter and Kat and Remus. Sirius turned to me and gave me a hug. I stared awkwardly at him as he released from me. James gave him a look too.

“Ok Black, what was that for?” I said, still weirded out from the hug.

“Its thanks for you getting me and Liz back together.” He got up and sat on the other side of me, so that James and I were sitting next to each other again. I looked up to see that the schedules were now being handed around. I grabbed mine, and stared at it for a few moments. Good, Defense Against the Dark Arts first, Ancient Runes, Transfiguration, and then Potions, and breaks in between. Awesome. I grabbed James schedule. I had pretty much every class with him, except he wasn’t taking Ancient Runes. I smiled to myself. We would have classes together, and Quidditch. This would be a great year. I grabbed my stuff, and headed out of the Great Hall, with all my other fellow Gryffindors. The other good thing was, we had Defense Against the Dark Arts, with the Ravenclaws. I walked hand-in-hand with James, Liz with Sirius, Alex and Peter still talking about pickles, and Remus and Kat were comparing schedules, and talking about the upcoming Care of Magical Creatures class. We arrived in the D.A.D.A. classroom. James, Sirius, Liz and I took one table, while Alex, Peter, Kat, and Remus took another. The class got quiet as the teacher entered. Immediately went into a big long lecture about upcoming N.E.W.T.S, which hello weren’t until next year. I took the time to pass notes with Liz, who was on my right, next to Sirius. I grabbed a piece of paper and scribbled something quick with my quill, trying not to make much noise.

“Hey, so my plan worked! I got you and Sirius back together. How did all that go? I asked him to give you some coffee and go wake you up. You didn’t try to bite his head off at first did you?”

I passed the note to her and tried to pretend to listen to the teacher. He stopped talking about N.E.W.T.S. and went into a discussion about what we will be learning this year. Finally, I got a note back from Liz.

“Honestly, I almost did bite his head off, but then he said he had coffee, so I was like, hell yeah coffee. So I got dressed, and drank the coffee, and when I was done, we got to talking, and he agreed that he would be more mature and stop flirting with all the girls.”

I read the note and smiled, giving Liz a thumbs up, as Sirius did to James earlier this morning. The class seemed to fly by, and before I knew it, it was over. We all got up from our tables, and configured a small line as we exited the classroom. All of us now had Morning Break. We made our way towards Gryffindor Tower, since most of us were in Gryffindor. We told the Fat Lady the password, and made our way through the portrait hole. I sat down on the sofa next to the window, James followed, and sat right next to me, his arm draped over my shoulder. I nuzzled my head on his shoulder. Sirius and Liz were sitting comfortably in a love seat by the fire, and Alex, Peter, Remus, and Kat, sat on the other couch.

“So, how did everyone like they’re first class of the new school year!” I said enthusiastically. Most of my friends groaned, and others just didn’t make any sounds. “So James, you and Sirius don’t have class next, what are you guys gonna do that whole time while were all in class?” I asked casually. Immediately, it seemed like time froze. Well not time, but James and Sirius did. Wide grins were slowly appearing on there faces.

“Nothing, in….particular…….” He said, still smiling. Sirius and James did a quick high five. I stared up at the clock, morning break had went by really quick.

“Well if this nothing, is something, I really don’t care, or want to know about it. But Remus, Kat, we have to get to Ancient Runes. Bye James.” I stood up and slung my bag over my shoulder, as did Remus and Kat. I gave James a quick kiss on this cheek. And exited the portrait hole, as did Liz, Alex, and Peter, who had Divination to go to. We split in the middle of the hallway, Liz, Peter, and Alex heading upstairs to the Divination Tower, and Remus, Kat, and I heading to the Ancient Runes classroom. As we entered the classroom, Remus and Kat picked a table to themselves, and I got put at a table with a person I didn’t really want to be sitting with. Jordan Platt of Ravenclaw. As I sat down, she glared at me fiercely. She has had a crush on James for as long as I can remember. And by now I am sure she knew that James and I were dating. “Hi Jordan…...” I said unenthusiastically, trying to be the better person and act nice. She just continued glaring at me.

“Hello Gabby….” Jordan said coldly. I rolled my eyes and turned to the table in the back where Remus and Kat were. They seemed to be in a deep conversation. I just wished they would get together by now, they were such a cute couple. I turned my gaze back to the front of the classroom where the teacher answered. Just like the D.A.D.A teacher, she started out talking about next years N.E.W.T.S.

“How boring…..” I muttered. I pulled out a piece of parchment and began doodling. I wrote James’ name, and put lovely hearts around it. I knew as I was doing it that it was stupid, but I didn’t care. I sensed someone watching me. I looked over and saw Jordan over my shoulder, scoffing in anger. “Do you need something Jordan?” I asked her quietly so the teacher wouldn’t hear. My lips were pursed into a scowl, while I waited for her to answer.

“Well I don’t get what James Potter sees in you. I mean look at you.” She said even more coldly, eyeing me up and down. I glared at her my eyes red with anger. I swept my bag up and I moved to the table in the back near Remus and Kat.

“Umm…Ms. Stokes, Ms. Platt? Do we have a problem here?” The teacher said idly.

“No problem!” Jordan said sweetly, she turned back and grinned at me evilly. I balled my fists up and pounded them on the table.

“Yeah…no problem….” I said, my teeth clenched. Kat looked over at me cautiously, as did Remus. I am sure Kat would ask me what happened after class.


“Gabby what happened in there?” Kat asked cautiously. Her hand was on my shoulder comfortingly, and she was smiling and trying to cheer me up. We were now out of Ancient Runes and heading to the Great Hall. It was now lunch time. I was still angry at Jordan for her comments. My fists, still balled up, were laying idly at my sides, as I half-stomped to the Great Hall, with Kat and Remus.

“Nothing….I really don’t want to talk about…..” I said, teeth loosening very slowly. Remus was walking a bit more quickly to try and keep up with me and Kat’s fast pace. We arrived at the Great Hall, to here shouts. I listened intently and realized it was Liz’s voice.

“What the bloody hell did you two think you were doing!” Liz’s voice yelled angrily. I quickened my pace even more and came into view of the Great Hall. I saw that Liz was over by the Gryffindor Table. Peter and Alex were there, watching in horror, as Liz’s face was red with anger. She was yelling at James and Sirius. I rushed over to see what was going on. “There you are!” Liz said pointing at me. “You need to hear about this too.” I stopped short. James and Sirius were seated next to each other, heads bowed in disappointment from being publicly yelled at by Liz. I listened to what Liz had to say. “You’re gonna love to hear what these two did to occupy they’re Free Period.” She said, her voice still angry.

“I knew they were up to something, and I don’t want to hear about it.” I said rolling my eyes and sitting down. Liz walked over to me and pulled me back to a standing position.

“Oh I am sure you want to know.” She said angrily. “Well I had forgotten my Fogging the Future book in my dormitory, so I had to go and get it. I walked into my dormitory and it appeared to be empty. I heard someone move, and then this idiot…” She said pointing angrily at Sirius. “Fell out from under their invisibility cloak, which neither of us new that James had.” I took a quick glance over that James. I had no idea he had an invisibility cloak. I wondered deeply why he had never told me. I felt Remus and Kat skid to a halt behind me. They apparently wanted to know what was going on as well.

“Ok so they used the invisibility cloak to sneak into the Girls Dormitory, so what?” I didn’t want to find a reason to be mad at James, but frankly I wasn’t.

“Oh no….” Liz said still angry. “they didn’t just sneak into the dormitory. They were looking through my underwear. Well ok Sirius was looking at my underwear. They had already snuck into your dormitory and enjoyed looking at your underwear.” My mouth dropped in surprise. I looked over at James who wouldn’t look up at me. He had his head down still, and he was frowning. Sirius was the same way. I took a deep breath in, before responding. Seeing as I was already angry for Jordan’s actions, my anger was already peeked.

“What the bloody hell did you think you two were doing!!” I repeated what Liz had said. “I knew you guys were up to something, but this is just undignified! James I didn’t think you would do something like that!!” I was red with anger now. Liz and I pretty much took turns yelling as everyone in the Great Hall was staring at us. I am surprised that McGonagall hadn’t come over at separate us yet. James looked up at me, but for only a moment, before looking back down.

“I am sorry…..” James whispered. “It was wrong and your right undignified. I really am sorry. It will never happen again.” It was hard to not be mad. James actually agreed that what he did was wrong, though I knew Liz would still be mad, because this was expecting of Sirius.

“I just started going back out with you this morning, and you already do something stupid!” Liz continued to yell angrily. “Congratulations Sirius, you receive the Stupidity Award!” She went to hand him a fake award, but instead slapped him in the back of the head. Liz was so angry, I was surprised she hadn’t taken her wand out and hexed him yet. As if on cue, Liz took her wand out, but then Alex and Kat stood up to stop her. They pulled her arms back and Alex took the wand.

“Calm down Liz.” Alex and Kat said at the same time. I took a couple of big deep breaths. My anger started to disappear. I was listening to James apology over and over again in my head.

“Its ok, I forgive you.” I whispered quietly to James. Alex gave Liz’s wand to Kat, and Kat dragged Liz back to the Ravenclaw table. I sat down and wasn’t hungry so I didn’t eat. James was continuing to apologize, but I just keep telling him that I wasn’t mad. Sirius was still white as a ghost. Lunch seemed to end quickly. Liz seemed to simmer down slightly, Sirius apologized to her, and she said she accepted it, but she was still a bit angry. We all had class after lunch, except Sirius. Kat, Remus, Peter and Alex had Care of Magical Creatures, and Liz, James and I had Transfiguration. We all said good-bye and separated outside the Great Hall, headed for class.

Misses Prongs
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    Sun Jun 14, 2009 @ 01:40am

    I would like everyone who reads this post to take a moment of silence to honor my beauty!

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