Total Value: 184,724 Gold
[Item Information]Item List:
Ballet Toe ShoesPicolitrosso's Urn 11th Gen.Enchanted Book 5th Gen.Blushing Bride's VeilMagical Girl's Lovely Heart GlovesWedding Doves And RibbonsEnchanted BookWhite Flow Prom DressFemale BraFemale UnderwearNatural Jade PendantSapphire Forehead JewelThis is in mourning for the acceptance of California's Proposition 8, which overturns the State Supreme Court ruling that allowed same-sex marriages, as well as calling many of said marriages into question. Really, this just disgusts me. I'm a California girl born and bred, and I've always felt that our state was one of the more progressive, forward-thinking, anti-discrimination ones, but it seems that I was wrong. Limiting someone's right to marry who they want, when their marriage not only wouldn't do any harm to anybody, but might actually do some good, just plain doesn't make sense to me. I'm straight, but my boyfriend is Jewish, and if there was a law that prevented people of different religions getting married (which makes about as much sense as the anti-gay marriage thing), I would not only be mad as hell, but I would feel like a second-class citizen, tolerated but by no means accepted. The message here seems to be, "of course it's all right to be gay!...As long as you, you know, don't want to get married or anything where decent people like us can see it."
Anyway, on to the avi. Most of it is pretty obvious wedding fare, the tears are for the decision made to not allow this union to progress, and the letter is the poll results.
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