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Yeah, this storyline has been running through my head for quite some time. I plan on making this a manga. This is basically a fantasy story, just to tell you. Enjoy, and critique please!
Log 4: Encounter ***
Log 4: Encounter
Emiri seemed stun for a while, after seeing her homeland get destroyed, and the bizarre landing and the place she ended up at. Finally she felt enough feeling in her legs to stand up. Looking around, all she saw was the tall walls around her. Emiri tried to look beyond the towering walls, searching to see at least something familiar.
Not a single tree in sight! Are there no trees here? What kind of place is this? All these thoughts zoomed through her head, as she tried to keep her nerve, no matter how frightening, scary, and strange her situation was now.

“Those baby ducks were so cute!” Selveana said aloud to herself, “The animal shop always has something new to show!”
Man, I wish I could have one of those dogs. They seem so loyal, and playful, and they could alert me of incoming Hunters. But, I could never care for it. They cost so much to take care of. Besides, I bet other people would be much more suitable masters than I could ever be. They’re much better off.
As Selveana continued to walk, another shop came into her mind. Hey, I bet the workshop has some new weaponry and armor! I bet old Earl has something new to show me! He has such great stuff! Besides, that’s where I got my mail from. I’d better go over and say hello.
As Selveana began walking at a fast pace over to the workshop, another realization came into her head. Oh crap! If I go this way, I’m doomed to run into the cosmetics shop. Eek! Those people always wanted to see me with some cosmetics on. They’re obviously are going to try and get me! The thought of it made her shudder and sent a shiver down her spine.
Wait, I can take the alleyway around it, and dodge them! But if I take the alleyway, I’ll be risking being alone and Hunters might show up!
So, lets see . . . I can either take the alleyway and risk getting attacked, or just go the way where I’ll run into those crazy cosmetics people.
Hmmm. . . . The logical answer came to Selveana instantaneously as she turned into the deserted alleyway.

Emiri continued to look around her, turning this way and that, trying to figure out where she was. Maybe I’m in a labyrinth of some sort. Yeah, a labyrinth. But, that means I could be stuck in here forever! Emiri felt panic begin to overtake her, fear of being alone, and lost in a giant maze forever. Got to keep my nerve. I can’t be panicking now. I need to try and find my way out of here. Better start walking now.
Emiri turned on a bend in the path she was taking, straining to see any little tiny sign she could hinting the end of the maze or any beings around. If I get out of this labyrinth, where will I end up? Will I have enough strength to keep going? How long can I live before . . . The twisting and turning of her thoughts didn’t seem to stop running through her head as she walked slowly along the pathway.
Then, she heard something. A very faint noise. It sounded like the patting of a foot as someone walks. Could it be? Other people? Emiri whirled around with excitement, searching desperately for the source of which the faint noise came from. Soon, she saw some figures in the distance. They were approaching quickly to where she was. But, as the figures got closer, Emiri saw what they were, and overwhelming dread came over her.
“Oh no,” she said hopelessly, as the beings in black got closer and closer to where she now stood.

Tricia awoke from a restless night, by her annoying alarm clock. As she slammed the snooze button, she realized she just needed to get up now. Wearily she got out of bed, took her shower, and began to get ready for school. After doing her hair, she went out into the kitchen to get some breakfast. Tricia never did well when she skipped breakfast. To her dismay, she saw the kitchen table was empty.
Father must have left for work already. She sighed as she sat at the empty table and poured herself a bowl of cereal. The silence really bothered her. I t was simply too quiet. Perhaps some music will chase away the silence. Tricia went up and turned on her stereo and blast it through the whole apartment. It’s still not the same, but it will do. Better at least.
After eating breakfast, Tricia checked to make sure she had all her schoolwork in her book bag, slung it over her body. Then, she slipped her small dagger and sheath into her jacket pocket, and left the apartment.

Selveana walked down the alleyway with great caution, darting her eyes all around, anticipating an ambush. None here. Not yet anyway. She continued moving on down the way alleyway, until the silence settled in, knowing she was far from the main street of Middle Earth now.
Suddenly, she heard patting. A soft patting that came when landing on the ground. It came from the somewhere a little farther along the alleyway, right in Selveana’s path.
They’re here.

The beings in black had finally leapt over to where Emiri was, and now she was staring face to face with the beings that destroyed her homeland. Emiri, still dazed and confused from all that has happen to her, was too shocked and stunned to run, or move for that matter. It was easy killing them from far away, but arrows are almost useless at this point. They’re too close. Should have shot them when I had the chance. Should run now. Should stab them with an arrow. Should . . . do something!
“What have we here? An Elf?” asked one of them.
“Strange,” said the other, “what’s an Elf doing here?”
“Well, there’s only one explanation for an Elf to appear around here. She’s one of us.”
Huh? What are they talking about?
One of the beings in black began to unsheathe its long sword, while the other crouched into a fighting stance. Come on, move! Got to fight!
The crouching being in black began to take out several daggers, all were clouded with a dark looking matter, constantly moving, almost alive. Move!
The being appear to be drawing back the string of daggers, preparing to launch.

Tricia went through the school day as normal, almost as if it wasn’t real. Everything began to feel ersatz almost, nothing was real. She always thought the crazy conspiracies everyone talked about the new government were just propaganda created from paranoid people. She now thought those people were right.
At the end of the schooldays, Tricia went back to her locker to gather some books for her homework and to study with. When she open the locker, she found a note laying on top of her books, probably shoved in through the tiny openings in the lockers. She glanced around her carefully, making sure no one was looking, and unfolded the paper to read the message written down.

The next that happen was all a blur to Emiri. She had a vague idea of what happen, but it just happened so fast, it was beyond her ability to comprehend it fully.
Before the being could fire his daggers, he just stopped. The clouding dark matter fading from the daggers, and Emiri could see a bloody hole through his stomach with a tip of a sword coming out of it. Violently the sword was drawn back through as blood spluttered about and the being collapsed to the ground with a thud. Emiri stood shocked at the dead mass that now lay at her feet. Huh? What happened? Was it . . . the other being?
“Hey, why you little b***h!”
Emiri looked up to see that the other being had turned its attention to a woman wielding a bloody sword. Emiri gasped. A human!
The being charged at the woman with great speed. She side step, and tried to take a stab at the chest. He block it. She jumped back a couple of feet, and charged. The being braced himself for the attack, but at the last second, she jumped upwards and with an angry yell slammed her sword downward toward the beings head. Emiri turned away as she nearly sliced the being’s head in half! The being fell to the ground, and the woman took her sword and trust it down into his heart, looking triumphant in her winning of the fight.
Emiri, still frozen where she stood, looked at the woman who had just saved her life.

Ha! Take that, you little bastards! You had it coming! Selveana took out her sword from where she had thrust it into the heart of one of the beings she had just killed, right before they were about to hurt a poor young woman. That’s what you get for calling me a b***h there buddy! Hmmmmm . . . that’s very strange though. Instead of coming after me, they switched their targets to her. Could it be? Well, it has to be! Why else would they go after her?
Selveana placed the sword back into her sheath. But why is a young woman like her doing out here? I usually never see anyone come down this alleyway. No one with enough bravery comes down this way. The silence I even find kind of creepy. The most quiet part of Middle Earth, somehow.
Well, better make sure the Miss is okay!
Selveana turned her attention back to the young woman to ask her if she’s was alright, but something about her made Selveana stop dead in her tracks. The thing that caught her eye for the first time was the abnormally large, pointy ears.
“ An Elf?!”

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