OOC: This list is of all the FMA Roleplayers I have come to know and are the character in my eyes. I am going to plan to make a Guild just for these people. I was thinking of calling it. WEll I got this Idea from Edward so to speak. Cause of the Sig.^^ *The FMA Family - Gaia's FMA Roleplayers* *Alchemy Freak - Gaia's Edward Elric* *Gaia's Alphonse Elric *Gaia's Winry Rockbell (There are so many to chose from. ^^; ) *Dartanian Isthill - Gaia's Roy Mustang* *Edward M Elric - Gaia's Maes Hughes* *Riza_Hawkeye15 - Gaia's Riza Hawkeye* *Gaia's Alex Louis Armstrong* *~[Jean Havoc]~ - Gaia's Jean Havoc* *Gaia's Heymans Breda* *Gaia's Kain Fuery* *Gaia's Vato Falman* *Gaia's Maria Ross* *Gaia's Denny Block* *Gaia's Scieszka* *Roy S. Mustang - Gaia's King Bradley* *Yukina_Raven - Gaia's Izumi Curtis* *Okasi-san - Gaia's Lust* *Casey Greywords - Gaia's Gluttony* *Poison.Alchemist - Gaia's Envy* *Gaia's Sloth* *Gaia's Greed* *Gaia's Wrath* *Mr. M - Gaia's Scar* *Gaia's Rose* *Gaia's Kimblee* *Shelly D Barnett - Gaia's Gracia and Elicia Hughes*
Ok if I am missing anyone please let me know. ok? Whew that took a lot out of me. I will update these every now and then.
~[Jean Havoc]~ · Sun Sep 04, 2005 @ 10:44pm · 4 Comments |