Leslie, Van, Kayla <3
Aka Mah Wife, Me, And The hoe having an affair with mah wife xDD
[We were in line for a ride if you can't tell ^^]
So during the last school year Van went on a guitar trip to Ohio. It was an eight hour trip on a snazzy charter bus [that's just on way].
We went to some really tiny school to play for some adjudicators. [sp?]
We won first, second and third for the category. It was kinda sad. xDD
Van fails at guitar so don't even ask.
The best part of that place was the jungle gym outside. While others were performing, Van and a group of her friends went and sat on the swings.
"GUUUYS! What are you doing?!"
"Uh. . . causing trouble?"
Afterwards we went to Cedar Point and rode the wicked twister as soon as we entered the park. [Our chaperone just kinda told us to get lost and leave him alone xDD]
Unfortunately one of Van's friends, as well as roomie, is deathly terrified of heights so we had to take her on a kiddie coaster.
She was screaming "JESUS! Sweet baby jesus save me!" before the ride even started.
Everyone on the ride was laughing so hard during the entire thing.
Once we got to the point that you can't breathe anymore from laughing so hard we knew that it was probably time to get her to stop for the health of all the other riders that were laughing just as hard - which was when we were waiting to be pulled into the station.
And yeah, She was STILL SCREAMING even while we were stopped.
Van's okay on rollercoasters so Kayla [Another roomie and best of friends ;D <3] decided to go to on the top thrill dragster while our other two friends [Ms. "I can't stop screaming for Jesus" and Leslie] went on off on their own together.
We stood in line for ever and during the whole line trip I told her how much I despised and hated her for it.
They even had bleachers for people to just WATCH the facial expressions of people riding.
-Excerpt from cedar points webage-
"Riders begin their epic journey aboard this whopping 42-story screamer by securing themselves into ultra-cool trains that resemble top fuel dragsters. The train then moves into a "starting line" position, where it is launched forward, reaching 120 mph in approximately four seconds. The train then zooms straight up the 420-foot-tall hill on track that rotates 90 degrees, crests the coaster's apex and then free falls back to Earth. But hold on, this isn't your father's roller coaster. As the train races 400 feet to the ground, the track twists an unbelievable 270 degrees – what a rush! Riders then return to the station to begin regaling their friends with stories of the greatest ride of their lives."
Yeah, Van really didn't want to get on.
Soooo there Van was. Strapped into the damn seat and cursing everything around that there was to curse.
Including the person who checked the restraints - he just laughed DD;
Any way there's about a 7-8 second pause at the top of the coaster when its pure silence.
Of course Van was still swearing like a sailor.
"******** ******** ******** s**t ******** s**t ******** fuuuuck!
Of course everyone started laughing because of it and then we were hurtled spiraling towards the ground.
When we pulled into the platform before the station, Van had her head between her knees and started cracking up in hysterics.
Yeah, Kayla was giggling the WHOLE time.
Van made her take Van to the petting zoo in the park for revenge.
There were goats and a sheep and a cow! It was so cute! And some pigs chewing on a chain in their pen. A girl tried to pet one and one of the workers started running towards her flailing and yelling, "NOOO DOOOON'T! They BIIIITE!"
Later on when we were in the bathroom a woman came up to us at the sink and was like "OMG You guys were on the dragster!"
"Uhm. . . yes?"
"Your reactions were the best so far today!"
". . . . Thank you?"
"It was so funny! You were freaking out cussing and she was laughing at you!"
"Er. . . Yeah."
"Well See you around!"
Baaah it was REALLY creepy.
Anyway later that night we were in our hotel room Van, Kayla, Leslie, and Latraviette [Jesus Woman] piled onto a one of the beds and played guitar hero.
-Heart's song playing at the part of "Oooooh Baracuuuda"-
Jesus woman: "Oh what song it this? Baracuda?!"
[-insert facepalm here-] xD
Then our Teacher walked in and told us she'd got the manager to extend pool hours for us.
So we all changed into our swimsuits (Except Kayla cause she was being a punk D; xDD <3 ) and hopped in.
One of the guys tossed Van around like a rag doll D< But Douglas came to my rescue and let me ride on his back around the pool ;D -doesn't like swimming-
The next day we went to the rock and roll hall of fame and basically chased each other up and down the escalators [Its a really big building with lots of "you shall not pass" roping.]
Finally we got on the bus to go home. The ride there and back was hilarious. ;D
Doug: "You're such a f*****t. ;D"
John: "I'll show you a f*****t! D<"
Doug: "Please don't O__o."
Then there was this movie on the Tvs. . .
Kayla: "You know its about time in this movie that someone's. . ."
Kayla: " I told you so xD."
Then we stopped at Breezewood which is a place in Pennsylvania and had lunch.
We walked into taco bell and were at the soda machine when. . .
Leslie: "Heeey Dude, you've got really cool hair!"
Guy with cool hair: -says nothing-
Van: "Uh Leslie."
Leslie: "Oh I see how it is! Don't talk to the black, stranger chick that's complimenting you."
Van: "Leslie. . ."
Leslie: "No if he's going to be a jerk he deserves it!"
Leslie: "I can't believe some peopl-- SAY WHAT?!"
Van: "He was signing to his friend over there when we first walked in."
Leslie: -looks at their table and noticess them talking in signlanguage- . . . " Oh. . . s**t. I'M SORRY MR. DEAF GUY!!"
Van: -facepalm-
Van fell asleep on Kayla's lap with her legs draped across Doug and feet hanging in the isle on the way back so no one could walk down the isle because they didn't want to wake Van up. ^^
Of course there was this little mishap with one of the guys on the bus who fell asleep and someone wrote "Small Meat" in huge, capital letters across his cheek in permanent markers - but he was being an asshat to people earlier so no one said anything when he woke up. He didn't notice until AFTER we got off the bus to stop for lunch and strangers were staring xDD
Anywho I'll add more about the trip later if I remember to ^^

Van and Douglas on the bus ride back ;D
Keehee what a silly picture Pahaha
Yes Van has a Cuba hat on.
It was one of Van's friend's and Van stole it.
Some smartass kid in the back got all offended, "Why the hell is she wearing a cuba hat! She's white! Like god damn casper even!"
Van got really pissed because he was making a big scene over something he wasn't even a part of just to kill the fun that he wasn't having and she yelled at him, "Shut up ginger kid! Look at your own damn skin color, whitey!"
Grrr D;