ok, first of all, there are 3 michelle petrosky-s in my area of pa that i know of existing. one is me, another is in her mid 40's with teenaged kids now and lives the next town over, and the last is apparently some deadbeat early-20-something from another county. (none related. petrosky/petrowski is like the polish "smith" it's surprisingly common.)
this morning, some nice a*****e of a collections agent calls at 8 o'clock in the damn buttcrack of the morning and asks for michelle petrosky. naturally, just being woken up by the phone and not knowing what's going on, i say yeah i'm michelle and ask what he wants. for the next 25 minutes i have a half-asleep b***h war with this man trying to explain to him that i've never lived in greensburgh, am not the michelle he's looking for, and sure as hell don't have some-odd thousand in debt to his company for whatever the hell is was he wanted. (something about cars and credit cards is all i remember)
twice more they've called today, mean and rude each time, and after a slightly more polite conversation with the last guy he asks for my SS no. to do a credit check and make sure it's not me. i refuse, telling him about the theft in college and telling him i don't give out my ssn for ANY reason, especially not over the phone. he suddenly gets even ruder and meaner than the others, telling me the collection calls will continue until i pay this debt, and i tell him AGAIN that it's not MY debt, to which he replies that they need my numbers to prove it's not me.
at this point, i tell him if they call again, i'll file a complain with the police and then i hang up on him. at least five more times we've had calls and hangups from what the callID says is the same number, but they hang up when anyone answers the phone. i don't know if it's real or someone trying to fraud by harassing for info, but either way it's seriously pissing me off.
what the hell is wrong with this world? social security numbers were invented during the depression to help people register for government aid, NOT to reduce human beings to a barcode that is used to catalog your entire life, and can DESTROY your life if someone else takes it.
i've already had my bank account emptied, lost my college funding, and even lost my last home in pittsburgh because of identity theft in college. for almost two years after i moved home, i was still getting calls from credit card companies for things i'd never heard of, and harassment from landlords i'd never rented from for someone who had used my info and then bolted after a few months, utility bills for places i'd never lived... it was a nightmare, literally a living nightmare.
i do NOT need some idiot cussing me out at 8 in the morning before my brain is functioning well enough for intelligent thought and conversation after almost 5 years of lawyer fees, filing papers, and enduring a living hell to get my life back to being MINE. i will NOT endure it again. evil
(i miss that house too. cast iron and cut glass doorknobs, gorgeous kitchen, nice little yard, stained glass windows, inlaid hardwood floors, transoms and fireplaces in EVERY room, even a leaded window in the front closet. we even had an exchange shop and a gaming shop called helm's deep about a block away in the shopping center. i lived there for years with no problems whatsoever, and i never even had time to dig back up my gladiolius and my 10-year-rose before moving. )
*end bad day vent session*
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Michigami's Michi-gaia journal
the miche is an artist and costumer with too much free time on her hands lately
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January 24-26 2014 Columbus, oh - http://www.ohayocon.org/
April 4-6 2013 Pittsburgh, pa- http://www.tekkoshocon.com/
Aug, Columbus, oh - http://www.matsuricon.org/
Questing RuRu Kitty Plush or SD Rufus to represent my own cat on gaia.

January 24-26 2014 Columbus, oh - http://www.ohayocon.org/
April 4-6 2013 Pittsburgh, pa- http://www.tekkoshocon.com/
Aug, Columbus, oh - http://www.matsuricon.org/
Questing RuRu Kitty Plush or SD Rufus to represent my own cat on gaia.
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![]() Gorenza Community Member ![]() |
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Community Member
It's no where near the same thing, and certainly without the past trauma to make it worse, but my new cell phone apparently has an old number and I'm getting collection calls daily. sad I tried calling the company back to tell them to stop calling my number, but they wanted my name to verify I didn't have a debt to them. I was too pissy after so many messages left on my cell to want to give them even my name and hung up on them. Eventually they'll have to stop calling.
Do file a report on this collection agency though! If you even suspect fraud, n** it in the bud. If they are legitimate, they shouldn't be asking for your SS n. and need to be told that that is a "no-no" anyhow. Geeze. Get the agency's name and their documentation and feel free to hand it over to better business bureau for investigation.