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I'm a fangirl. So sue me. x3;
Sketches--A Phoenix Wright Fanfic...
That's now written fanfic style.
Veggie's coming over next week.
and now i shall announce something:
ok? i shall announce it on each entry so you ppl dont forget it. -w-

Now, to explain the fic...thing.
I was talking with Moonlit, and she coaxed me into telling her about the fic (sneaky little lady...we love you!!) so i wrote the fic to her in the span of 2 days via IM. she loved it and wanted me to write it into a fully fledged fanfic, but....if i did, it'd be mutli chaptered and looooooooooooooooooong. so i didnt want to!
What i DID do, however, is save the IM's, format them, and i am going to post them like that. i hope you enjoy!

first, it's very AU. and everyone's the wrong age. =P
ok. now the Characters...I never bothered to fix the names. xD;; I shall put links too, no? =0
Nick = Phoenix Wright
Edgey = Miles Edgeworth
Larry =...Larry Butz....eh, Larry is Larry. xD;
Ema = Ema Skye
Gant = Damon Gant
Krissy = Kristoph Gavin
Klavier = Klavier Gavin

Tell me if all the links work~!

it's 14 pages in Word. enjoy!


Sazuka57: So, brain pounded out 2 new fics today.
Moonlit Star: Ooooh!
Sazuka57: One is definitely not leaving my head because there's a new OC, and the other, well, I don’t know...I LIKE the idea, but...
Moonlit Star: Tell~
Sazuka57: It's still developing, and it may turn out bad.
Moonlit Star: Well, say what you've got. :'D
Sazuka57: OK...
Sazuka57: well, It's AU, and...Everyone’s ages are different. I mean, I'm not sticking to the original script at all for this. So, Nick, Larry, and Edgey are 15.
Moonlit Star: That'd be fine.
Sazuka57: They all like in a small town together, and, well, Nick's a bit of a troublemaker at that age.
Moonlit Star: XD
Sazuka57: Yeah, but anyhow--this new person moves into town and he builds this huuuuuuuuuuuuuge mansion, right?
Moonlit Star: And? >w<
Sazuka57: Nick, curious, decides to jump over the fence one day and see what's inside.
Moonlit Star: XD
Sazuka57: So he does, and he finds something that he was sure was fiction.
Moonlit Star: ?
Sazuka57: Well, they're Steel Samurai fan boys-- all of them. xD
Moonlit Star: XD
Sazuka57: So, he sneaks in there and in the garden there’s a huuuuuuuuuuuge section that has a bamboo forest right out of the show.
Moonlit Star: owo
Sazuka57: So he leaves all like, "O___O...I’m dreaming."
Moonlit Star: But he's not, of course. XD
Sazuka57: Yeah. xD
Sazuka57: So he stays away from it until one day, before school, he decides that this has bothered him too long and he really needs to see if it's real or not. So he sneaks back in, and the scenery's still there. He goes to school and is acting all shell shocked, and Edgey and Larry worry. On their way home, Larry and Edgey are being extra loud to try and snap Nick out of his daze. It doesn’t work. xD
Moonlit Star: XD
Sazuka57: Nick decides that third time's a charm and he's going to check it out for the third time to see if it's real or not.
Moonlit Star: XD Silly.
Sazuka57: So he runs off towards it. Larry and Edgey are all like, "O.O Nick!!" and chase after him. He gets there and instantly climbs over the fence, which needs a running start to be able to do so, but Edgey and Larry don’t know that. So they couldn’t follow him.
Moonlit Star: But they were chasing him, right?
Sazuka57: yeah, but they didn’t think they'd need to jump.
Moonlit Star: Oh. XD
Sazuka57: Yeah. So Larry starts calling him loudly and wildly and is on the verge of melodramatic hysterics crying Nick you're a good kid dong go bad NOOOOO!!!! Dx
Moonlit Star: XDDD So Larry-like~
Sazuka57: And Edgey's yelling at him to keep it down or ALL of them are going to be in trouble. Nick comes back in a few minutes looking as shell shocked but a bit relieved. They look at him in a stare that says, “EXPLAIN!”
Moonlit Star: XD
Sazuka57: Nick crosses his arms and says "Third time's a charm, right?"
Sazuka57: They're like, “usually...”
Sazuka57: So he stands there looking like he's going to give one of them a boost up over the fence. Larry thinks it’s for him but Nick tells him it's for Edgey. Edgey's like, “oooooh no. not me. Don’t even think about it.”
Moonlit Star: XDDDD
Sazuka57: Nick's like, “I trust you more than him to not do something stupid so just shut up and get up.” Edgey reluctantly agrees and goes over.
Moonlit Star: XD
Sazuka57: Then Larry gets a boost over. Then Nick runs it a bit and comes over, and takes them to the garden. And they all Gawk. Larry's all like, “THIS IS SO FREAKING COOL!!!! I KNEW IT WAS REAL I TOLD YOU SOOOOO!!!”
Moonlit Star: XD
Sazuka57: Edgey's all like, “This is all wrong! Bamboos don’t grow here...and the show's in a studio up north...and...this just can’t be right! Larry can’t be right!”
Moonlit Star: XD BUT HE IS RIGHT!
Sazuka57: Nick's all like, “so I’m not dreaming. ='3”
Sazuka57: They go back out, and Edgey spends the next week or so doing research about the whole thing. The Friday after that, he meets them after school with a smug I-win-smirk saying he has it figured out.
Moonlit Star: Ohoho! >w<
Sazuka57: Yeah. He says that he is right, that scene isn’t real and that the bamboo has to be planted in special dirt and everything of that sort.
Moonlit Star: D:
Sazuka57: Nick tells him to explain it then. Why the scene's there in the garden? Edgey tells them to follow him, and...he takes them right to the mansion...and knocks on the front door. =P
Moonlit Star: XD Straightforward...
Sazuka57: yeah. Nick and Larry are like, “if we're in trouble, you are sooo dead.” But Edgey keeps calm and asks for the head of the house, who turns out to be this nice and kind of insane old man, but he’s cool, though…Gant. Edgey explains to Gant the whole thing about the Garden and asks why it’s there. Gant looks at him with a look that says, “Are you serious???” and then laughs. Hard. Then he tells them that his grandsons are huuuuge fans of the Steel Samurai and since they'll be staying with him for a while he's recreated they're favorite scene for them.
Moonlit Star: Awwww~
Sazuka57: yeah. Larry's all like, “T.T it's not real? awww maaaan.”
Sazuka57: Nick's all like, “can--err...May we see it, pleeeeaase???”
Sazuka57: Gant laughs and says ok IF they come to meet his grandchildren next month (which is in two days. xP). So they all say, “OK!!!” So they get to see the garden and play together.
Sazuka57: xDD lolz Moonlit. xD
Sazuka57: They do come to see the grand children, who are....take a guess? ='D
Moonlit Star: Um... I'm having trouble thinking of anyone who bears a resemblance to Gant. XD;;; Who, who...
Sazuka57: No, no. They don’t. It’s AU after all. -w-
Moonlit Star: Oh Well... XD I really want to say Matt Enguarde, but no. XD
Sazuka57: no. ok. They’re family in the game.
Moonlit Star: Oh, nooo...
Sazuka57: not girls.
Moonlit Star: XD Oh. XDDDD
Sazuka57: kukuku
Moonlit Star: Not...
Sazuka57: not Maya or Pearls, no.
Moonlit Star: Krissy and Klavier? XD;;;
Sazuka57: ding ding ding ding!!!
Moonlit Star: ZOMG! XDDDD
Sazuka57: yes! so, Krissy is 15, like the rest of them.
Moonlit Star: He should be 14ish, actually.
Sazuka57: not canon, remember? -w-
Moonlit Star: Yeah, but he's close enough that you don't have to change. XD
Sazuka57: has to be the same age, or the Edgey in my head will have an inferiority complex.
Moonlit Star: XD Okies. Save Edgey's ego.
Sazuka57: Yes.
Moonlit Star: Just don't drown Krissy or anything. XD;;;
Sazuka57: Krissy's practically on the same knowledge level as Edgey, and the two of them hit it off as fast friends. Larry gets along WONDERFULLY with Klavier and they spend most of their time playing pranks on Nick and Ema whom Klavier kind of befriends in his grade.
Moonlit Star: XDDDD Aw~
Sazuka57: (Klavier’s....well, 10? 8?) anyway, Ema doesn’t really like Klavier, but she loves hanging around Larry, and she's a Steel Samurai fan girl. So it works out for her, and she's kind of crushing on Krissy and Edgey because they're sooooooo mature and scientific and logical, and Nick, Larry, Edgey, and Klavier all give her weird looks about it and Krissy just sweatdrops.
Moonlit Star: Frilly cravats and pink ribbons. >w> (He should be 6 if Krissy's 15, But you said AU, so...)
Sazuka57: (he's 8 minimum)
Moonlit Star: ('Kay) XD
Sazuka57: But anyway, Larry and Edgey have new friends whom they tend to focus on, and Nick's feeling kind of lonely and miserable....well--
Moonlit Star: Awwww (GANT TAKES HIM SWIMMING!!! I'm sorry)
Sazuka57: (xD you're hooked on that swimming thing)
Moonlit Star: Well, he was obsessed with it! XD
Sazuka57: Fine. During the summer though. It’s still October…well, close to November
Moonlit Star: Okies. No swimming.
Sazuka57: So Nick, who's surprisingly an Ace student (since he's not an attorney) finds himself disgruntled because he's getting flamed by the art teacher for no apparent reason. She just keeps telling him that his work is terrible! So he takes up to practicing a lot. Between the time they met K&K up until this point he had filled out 5 sketchbooks-- mainly because now he had too much time because Edgey and Larry are too busy with their newer friends.
Moonlit Star: o.o
Sazuka57: And after Larry and Klavier popped 100 water balloons on his first few sketch books, he took to memorizing as much details as possible and then drawing it at home--he would leave early anyway out of sheer boredom and being dedz from Larry and Klavier. Edgey and Larry barely noticed.
Moonlit Star: Meanies XD;;
Sazuka57: xD you seem to like Klavier like that.
Moonlit Star: ?
Sazuka57: a mischievous little rascal. xP;
Moonlit Star: XD Yeah
Sazuka57: xD
Moonlit Star: Well I don't really like him. Larry, though, I can't see him hurting a sketchbook on purpose. D:
Sazuka57: nah. It'd get water from the balloons that popped on or around Nick. They have bad aim, you see.
Moonlit Star: That works, then~
Sazuka57: Ema's aim is worse though. She hit Krissy right in the face and spent 5 minutes crying apologies. Krissy was all cool about it though; got Klavier jealous, “why can she hit you with a balloon and not get in trouble while I always do?”
Moonlit Star: XD Little brother unperks.
Sazuka57: yups. Krissy had replied, “Because she didn’t mean it, while you ALWAYS do, and she’s a lady. They're allowed to get away with a few things.”
Moonlit Star: XD
Sazuka57: Edgey Objected to that, and thus went on another argument that everyone but Krissy tuned out.
Moonlit Star: XDDDD
Sazuka57: yeah. They got like that a lot.
Moonlit Star: Fun... -w-;;
Sazuka57: yeah, but anyway. One day, Nick had too much homework and had to take it with him to the Garden. He sat there and solved it while the usual mayhem went about. He finished within an hour and decided that he'd do his art homework since their teacher told them it had to be about an inanimate object. So Nick took to roaming the garden and found this little flower bed that was circular with a birdbath in the middle. There were birds there being all happy and bathing, so Nick decided this was good and sat down to draw it...and he did.
Moonlit Star: XD
Sazuka57: He sat there, for a whole hour, and drew the flowers in the background, the birds in the bath (he had a hard time with those, they kept moving!), and even some water droplets that were sprayed everywhere. Unknown to him Larry had noticed his disappearance and he and Klavier looked for him and couldn’t find him. Larry panicked and ran to Edgey and Krissy yelling, “NICK'S MISSING HE'S BEEN KIDNAPPED!!!!!”
Sazuka57: They instantly stopped talking and were “WHAT???”
Sazuka57: Ema, who was sitting nearby trying to be scientific about a rock and a tree to herself was all like, “O_O...that's illogical. This garden's huge, and no one can go in or out of it.”
Sazuka57: Edgey looked at her like she'd grown--or rather lost--her head and explained that Nick could easily jump the fence and that he might have gone home, but Larry pointed out that nick's stuff was right next to Edgey's still (Larry left his backpack on the school bus...again), and THEN Edgey panicked.
Moonlit Star: (XD)
Sazuka57: So they set out and "logically" searched for him....and they found him while he was singing his name on the sketch. Larry ran to him and tackled him to the ground yelling, “NICK YOU'RE ALIVE I KNEW IT BUT THEY WOULDNT BELIEVE ME WHERE DID YOU GO AND HOW DARE YOU ABANDON MEEEEE!!!!!”
Moonlit Star: XDDDDDD
Sazuka57: Edgey uncharacteristically smacked Larry on the head and got him off Nick, and then explained the situation. Nick apologized and said that he was finishing up the art homework while he was frantically trying to close his sketchbook. So Edgey looked at Nick like he'd lost it and told him that the homework was just assigned and that he could have waited until he went home. And then Krissy and Edgey started discussing what they were planning to draw. Edgey was planning to draw the rosebush at his front garden, and Krissy the vase in the upstairs hallway. Larry then announced that he was planning to draw his Steel Samurai figurine.
Sazuka57: Then, Ema announced that logically, Nick was drawing the flowers, and Klavier retorted that he was drawing the birdbath. Nick confirmed it, and then Ema wanted to see! Nick held the sketchbook away from her and said “no!!!”
Moonlit Star: XD Just like me and all artists I know
Sazuka57: Then she and Klavier started to whine, and Larry joined in when he got curious. Nick insisted that it was simply NO GOOD, and Krissy just...watched the whole scene until Edgey took action and snatched the book out of Nick’s hands and gave it to Krissy to open it because he wasn’t going to be the one to invade his friend’s privacy. No way; no how.
Moonlit Star: XD
Sazuka57: Krissy, on the other hand, admitted that he wasn’t above it and opened the book to look. He found the page, looked at it for a few minutes, then closed the book and handed it to Edgey, saying, "Mr. Phoenix Wright. You degrade your own work and hide it in shame when YOU'RE A SKETCHING GOD????!!!!!"
Sazuka57: Edgey got curious enough now to open the book and look. He gawked.
Moonlit Star: XDDDD
Sazuka57: Larry wanted to see the big deal so he looked over Edgey's shoulder and gawked too. Then Ema whined that she STILL WANTS TO SEE SHOW MEE!!!!
Moonlit Star: XD
Sazuka57: so Edgey showed her and Klavier looked too. Ema fell in love and Klavier was impressed. Nick was thoroughly embarrassed and saying that it was no good especially because this was an actual assignment. So the ever evil Krissy proposed that Nick shows them some of his...non-school-related sketches. Nick said no. Then Krissy proposed that they go to Nick's house tomorrow to see it themselves.
Moonlit Star: XDDD
Sazuka57: Nick said that his mom wouldn’t agree.
Moonlit Star: Evil Krissy.
Sazuka57: So Krissy grabbed the sketchbook and Edgey's arm and bolted out of the garden to the street. Everyone followed. Krissy then gave the book to Edgey, and Edgey, in understanding, ran with it all the way to Nick’s house and starts knocking. By the time Nick's mom opens up, everyone had caught up. She looks at them as in, “...what's wrong?”
Sazuka57: Edgey tells her that they want to see Nick's artwork! She's like, "What artwork?"
Sazuka57: So Edgey explains everything to her and shows her the sketchbook, and Nick keeps trying to deny deny deny.
Moonlit Star: Typical artist~ XD
Sazuka57: but his mom is now curious too and wants to see. So Nick is miserably defeated and tells them to wait outside the bedroom door until he pulls the sketchbooks out of their hiding place. They do, and in five minutes he tells them to come in. The sketchbooks are sitting on his bed, and everyone pretty much tackles one and starts flipping through it. Edgey and Krissy sit there and comment about EVERY TINY DETAIL while Larry, Ema, Klavier, and Mrs. Wright “Oooh” and “Aaaah” over the work. Nick finds an old cap of his, wears it, and proceeds into trying to hide himself inside it; he was very ashamed.
Moonlit Star: XD shouldn’t be~
Sazuka57: And every time someone told him that he was really good, he'd reply it's no good at all; he's done much better, he keeps saying. Edgey asks him where that much better stuff's at. Nick doesn’t have it--the art teacher keeps taking the best of his work so that he'd do better.
Moonlit Star: Whaaat? D:
Sazuka57: and then Mom's all like, “D< I'm going to have a talk with that lady!!!”
Sazuka57: She does. She bursts in during art class sometime the next week and demands an immediate meeting. Nick's the school’s laughing stock that day. Edgey, Larry, and Krissy proceed to yell/glare/hiss (in respect) at each person who made fun of Nick, but poor Nick's feeling miserable.
Moonlit Star: Watch out, they'll bite~
Sazuka57: Nah. They don’t. When he goes home, he's dreading it. His mom's all contemplative and scary quiet. She stays that way the whole day, but when he finally goes to bed, she comes in and tells him that the next piece of art he draws had better make the teacher shut up and eat her words. After that, a change comes upon Nick, and it's really hard not to notice. He becomes...quiet, and stares off into space a lot. Sure, he still goes with Edgey and Larry and Krissy to the garden, but he pretty much ignores them and stays out of conversation. When he gets home, he goes to his room and locks the door and keeps it locked when he isn’t in there (took the spare key and hid it too).
Moonlit Star: XD
Sazuka57: Well, his poor friends freak out and ask him what's wrong? He ignores them. So they start thinking that it was something their fault. So Larry goes to apologize and gets ignored. Then Krissy decides he's next and gives a semi-long apology, and he's very earnest about it...it turned out that Nick totally ignored him too. As a matter of fact, Nick got up and walked off with his head in space, not listening to anything.
Moonlit Star: Niiiick! D: He needs a wake-up smack. Just a little one.
Sazuka57: Krissy was pissed. VERY pissed, and went on ranting about it ALL THE WAY HOME with Larry and everyone (including space case Nick), and...Nick was pretty much ignoring everyone.
Moonlit Star: SMACK 'IM, KRISSY!!
Sazuka57: well, Klavier does, actually
Moonlit Star: XD
Sazuka57: He gets fed up with his attitude so he tackles him to the ground. Edgey gets MAD about that! He shoves Klavier off, and Nick's only reply to the whole thing, "Maybe the sky...."
Moonlit Star: Space cadeeeet. XD
Sazuka57: yeah. xD Anyway, this gets Krissy even more mad and he yells at Nick to go home. Nick apparently heard THAT and starts shuffling home. Edgey catches up to him to apologize because Edgey figures it was his fault because he was the one that snatched the sketchbook out of Nick's hand, and Nick actually listens. He frowns when Edgey's done and tells him, “that's not it; it's something else. So don’t worry and go have fun. I’ll see you.”
Sazuka57: And then he leaves. After that, he never goes with them to the garden again.
Moonlit Star: D:
Sazuka57: He goes straight home and locks himself up in his room. Does it for about a month before Edgey catches up to him again and tells him to, “Come with them this time please Phoenix you're scaring us. You say it's not our fault but you treat us like we're not even there please stop it.”
Sazuka57: .....Nick ignores him this time and keeps on walking. Edgey all but cries. He goes immediately home and asks his father for help. His father tells him that he'll talk to Mrs. Wright and see what's going on. He does, and poor Mrs. Wright is just as freaked out as the rest of them and practically cries when Mr. Edgeworth asks about Nick's new habits...so, in the end, no one knows what's wrong.
Moonlit Star: DX Niiiiiiick!
Sazuka57: yeah... MEANWHILE, it's winter. Gant decides to re-decorate the garden. Laughing, he tells the boys to start going to the park for a month because he doesn’t want them to get hurt from the construction. Krissy moans noooooooo keep the bamboo Grandpa!
Moonlit Star: XD Krissy, not Klavier? XDDD
Sazuka57: Gants laughs and says that the bamboo will die if it stays out on the winter. So they start going to the park until it gets really cold. They then start spending the days at the mansion, but...they're tension-filled days. Larry acts like nothing's wrong, and he and Klavier and Ema keep playing. After a while, Edgey and Krissy go back to their old talks and arguments, but...every once in a while, they're reminded about Nick...they spend the whole day in silence going home early. It stays like that until April.
Moonlit Star: DX
Sazuka57: By that Point, Edgey's fully convinced that it's his fault and that Nick's mad at him and it was very apparent because he missed his and Larry’s birthdays even though they sent him gifts.
Moonlit Star: ;____;
Sazuka57: He never opened them. So it comes that, now that they're back at the garden. Ema grabs onto Nick after school one Friday in April and whines and screams and cries for him to come along until he agrees.
Moonlit Star: XD
Sazuka57: So he goes with them and just....sits there, staring at stuff. Nick being there kind of helped calm everyone. Larry played with Ema and Klavier happily and Krissy, who didn’t want to as much as see Nick's face, goes off to play with them somewhere else. So it's mainly Edgey, sitting on the steps of the patio, trying to read a new law book his dad gave him but really failing miserably because he's feeling miserable. Nick's eyes land on him, and Nick stares, and stares, and suddenly Ema comes into view from the corner of his eye, and she's picking flowers—buttercups that bloomed all over the garden. Krissy and Larry are wrestling off in the distance. Nick can see all that, and he stares at the whole scene, and then Klavier comes and sits down next to Ema, and they argue, and Nick's just staring at Edgey, who's his focus. Edgey, unnerved, looks up at Nick. Nick closes his eyes. Edgey figures that maybe something's up and he should let Nick stare, so he goes back to his book and Nick goes back to staring.
Sazuka57: About 15 minutes later, Nick just gets up and RUNS like his life depends on it and disappears for the whole next week. He doesn’t even go to school until Friday. Friday, during art class (which was the last one of the day), he bursts in with something big in his hands (it’s covered up) and demands everyone OUT!!! OUT THIS MINUTE!!
Moonlit Star: XD GO NICK GO!!!
Sazuka57: They all stare at him and teacher is all like, "o.0;; okay...everyone, listen to him..."
Sazuka57: So everyone leaves. Larry, Edgey, and Krissy stand outside the classroom door and stay there. Ema and Klavier show up and join them at the door. An hour after school’s over, Nick comes out of the room with his long lost goofy smile on his face and his aura filled with victory. He's carrying not just the big thing anymore, but also a box filled with various things.
Moonlit Star: XD
Sazuka57: He puts it all down and pretty much tackle-glomps Edgey telling him he's the best and thank you thank you thank you soooo much!! Edgey's like, “okay?....”
Sazuka57: Krissy interrupts the happy moment to DEMAND AN EXPLANATION NOW!! Nick looks at them, gives them all a huge goofy grin and tells them all to come over Saturday morning. Then picks up everything and zooms off.
Sazuka57: Next day, they all come and are very anxious, which is also true for Mrs. Wright. Nick's still locked up in his room. About an hour after they show up, he opens his bedroom door and tells them all to come in. They do...and freeze. Sketches, drawings, doodles—everywhere--just covering up the walls the desks, even the bed and the bookshelves, and there's a canvas stand in the middle of the room, near the window, with a covered up canvas on it. So while they're looking everywhere, Nick's just standing there with his big goofy grin. After they look around and clam down (and Nick makes sure no one's touched the canvas) he explains everything. He tells him what his mom said, and Krissy takes liberty to glare at said mom while said mom practically cries thinking it’s her fault. After calming them down, he tells him about the whole thing.
Sazuka57: He was spaced out because he was trying to find something good to draw, and that’s what the sketches around the room are. He's tried a million and one thing, apparently (even the sky). Then he tells them about how he'd found the perfect scene to draw last Friday, and uncovers the canvas to reveal the scene. They gawk.
Sazuka57: There's whao's and oooh's , and Ema squeals because she looks so pretty and it's PERFECT!!...scientifically speaking, of course. But yeah, it’s the scene where Edgey's trying to read the book and Ema and Klavier messing with the flowers and Krissy and Larry wrestling.
Moonlit Star: XD Yeeees~
Sazuka57: Krissy's all like, “how embarrassing.”
Moonlit Star: Silly Nick, not thinking of doing his friends before~
Sazuka57: Larry's all like, duuude. >w<
Sazuka57: Edgey's just thoroughly staring at his image though. He's totally taken away by how well Nick got him-- right down to the misery in his eyes and how he wasn’t really paying attention to the book. And really, Edgey feels warm and fuzzy all over. -w-
Moonlit Star: >w<
Sazuka57: Mrs. Wright, ever the mom, after complimenting the art piece to high heavens: goes on to say, “so that's why the room's covered in paint.”
Sazuka57: the rest of the kids, besides Nick, look around with a "huh?"
Sazuka57: They see that really, the room IS covered in paint. The desk's got a huge blue spill on it. The chair's got a squiggly colored white. The bed covers have bits of a bunch of different colors, and even Nick's got a bit of color on him.
Moonlit Star: XD
Sazuka57: Nick just laughs sheepishly and apologizes. After discussing stuff into minor detail, and Mrs. Wright goes to starts cooking dinner, everyone decides to leave. Krissy announced that his Grandpa has officially opened up the swimming pool in the mansion and invites them all over for a swim.
Moonlit Star: XDDDD
Sazuka57: (I did that for you) xD
Moonlit Star: BWAHAHA
Sazuka57: They agree, and Krissy tells Nick that he'd better have all the paint off of him by tomorrow otherwise the pool's going to be multicolored.
Moonlit Star: >w>
Sazuka57: He leaves with Larry in tow, who is talking about how cool it'd be of the pool DID get multicolored, especially white, then they'd all look like ghosts or the Steel Samurai. Ema and Klavier agree.
Moonlit Star: XD I’m with Larry, here.
Sazuka57: Edgey's left with Nick, and Nick apologizes to him because he'd made him worry the most and that was really stupid of him and he promises not to do it again if he can help it. Edgey just looks at him a bit, then gives him an uncharacteristic smack on the head (second one in the same school year!) telling he'd better not do it again or he's never speaking with him ever again!!
Moonlit Star: XDDDD
Sazuka57: then they both just....laugh. Nick gives Edgey the painting telling him that because it was of him, it’s best if he has it. Edgey tries to protest, but Nick tells him that if he doesn’t take it, he's going to hand deliver it to Mr. Edgeworth AT HIS OFFICE. ...Edgey takes it, thanks him again, and goes home, and well, is the end of the story there.
Moonlit Star: Awwww! >w< It is good story! :'D
Sazuka57: BUT!!! I want to give you an epilogue!
Moonlit Star: Eeee~
Sazuka57: The next day, Nick hasn’t managed to get ALL the coloring off of him, but most of it. So it's to Larry disdain that the pool isn’t multicolored and complains about it while everyone's having fun. He complains about it to Gant, and Gant, deciding that you know, it is a good idea and a twist! Let’s do it!
Moonlit Star: XD Go Gant~
Sazuka57: He pours a few buckets of white paint into the swimming pool with Larry's help. Larry and Ema and Klavier are all, “squee we're going to be Steel Samurais!!”
Sazuka57: They stay in the pool and try to stay their longest underwater. Edgey had instantly jumped out of the pool saying that it was dangerous and a bad idea, and he was NOT going to wind up white all over and get in trouble for it. Nick, who trusts Edgey more than anyone else in the pool, climbs out of the pool too. Krissy decides to give in to his childish side and stays in.
Moonlit Star: :3
Sazuka57: Monday comes, and Larry, Krissy, Ema, and Klavier all go to school colored white...and get sent home almost immediately in fear of them having a deadly disease.
Moonlit Star: XDDDD
Sazuka57: ...Nick decides that, for once, Edgey was wrong, and he should have stayed in the pool because missing school would have been cool.
Sazuka57: Edgey decides that at least Nick has some common sense, and it's a good thing he's not going to be alone in school for the rest of that week.
Sazuka57: The end ='D
Moonlit Star: XD Win. Epic. Win. Good fuzzy feeling all over! >w<

yes, they gawk alot...i think i like that word. xP;

User Comments: [2] [add]
Reso Miso Soup
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sat May 10, 2008 @ 08:13pm
I stopped reading after Grants was introduced !
this is too long for my short spanned mind .
Sorry , but it is cute .
Glad you had fun .
PS . gawk is a word .

commentCommented on: Sat May 10, 2008 @ 08:57pm
Whoots it's up! :'D

Gotta feel really bad for poor Nick... But everything goes great in the end so all is good! <3333

I still think this would be absolutely wonderful written out, but yeah, it would be really really long. XD;;

Moonlit Star
Community Member
User Comments: [2] [add]
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