Total Value: 55,317 Gold, 23,600 Tickets
[Item Information]Item List:
Beat Slim Black ShoesSummoning TomeHeart of GoldPlumeria HeadpieceFlower Wrist BandChristian Siriano's Magenta Flow GownFemale UnderwearFox TailFox EarsNatural Jade PendantSapphire Forehead JewelI just blew 4,900 of my hard-earned Gold (which I'm really working to save up for an Enchanted Book) on this dress, which might leave the Shops after Gaia Prom. This is about the only palatable one of the lot, and I have to say it does look nice. I was going for a look that was innocent, without being cloyingly sweet. And of course she has her guardian dragon, to protect her against any ill that might befall her.
Leaving for what was supposed to be the happiest night of her life, she had no idea what was in store for her... BWA HA HA!