Dear Journal, You really are the only one who understands me. I was given so much work to do today. I had no idea how I came to be Mustang's file boy. You don't think he knows about the poll I did do you?? Ehehee yeah let's not go there that is a very scary place. I didn't get to even take a break, I was swamped. I am starting to think he does know cause he keeps giving me so much to do. And well he also keeps looking at me in very weird ways. Like he's going to beat me up...I am going to have to keep a bucket of water handy.
Edward and Alphonse were at Central today. They had to report to the Colonel about something. I couldn't tell what, couldn't find time to easedrop. Sheesh this man never gives up. I just found time to write in you and now he's found me and wants me to come to his office. Oh brother. I'll write more about it tomarrow.
~[Jean Havoc]~ · Tue Aug 09, 2005 @ 06:12am · 3 Comments |