Rise of the Dawn Riders's Plot
In the magical world of Avia all creatures live and thrive. Peace co-exists between the races, allowing the world to be in peace and harmony. But like all things, nothing last forever. It was the year 250, when a great darkness has encased the land. The darkness appeared, as a tear was ripped open in the sky. The realm of shadows has broken through and the lands were swarmed with a massive demonic army. They raided villages, killing all that they passed by. While their leader made his way to the capital of the world, where he would take control and rule.
People fled scared out of their minds and the instinct to survive is strong. Fires licked the darkening skies as villages were set a flame. Also the screams and cries of agony that can be heard all throughout the land, from creatures fallen. Many survived and hid away in various areas, where they live in secret, hoping not to be caught. The demonic forces plowed through the lands, as they slowly made it theirs and where no one would mess with them.
But six creatures had to put a stop to it. They were dragons, who held the ultimate power with their riders. They were of various types and worked together as one to take out the enemy. They were black, green, gold, red, white and blue all different from each other. They fought hard, but the enemy was too much for them and they were killed, but their babies remained untouched, waiting for the new generation of dragon riders, who were descendants from the fallen.
Now five hundred years , later of fear and terror the waiting is over. Six dragons eggs, have been found by the six descendants of the fallen. The eggs hatched and they became the new dragon riders. The riders were known, from their birthmark, which is synced with their dragon partner. Now rider and partner have met and they head off to defeat the dictator of a leader once and for all, sending him to hell. But along the way they would face challenges and not everything is painted in a perfect picture. It can go either way, good or evil can prevail.
anbu_aera_uchiha · Fri Feb 08, 2008 @ 08:55pm · 0 Comments |