Spirits of Freedom's Plot
In modern times a group of five friends between the ages of 16-18 years, were all exploring a forest near the town they lived in. The forest was called the Forest of Spirits and everyone was scared to go and check the forest out. But the five friends wanted to check it out. So one day, they met up and headed into the Forest of Spirits. What they didn't know was that the forest had a legend engraved in it. It said when the time, was right and the alternate world was in danger, the spirits would gather five heroes and transport them to the world that needed their help.
Sure enough, the other world was on the brink of destruction, and that was when the spirits of the forest, selected five heroes. So the forest, glowed a light blue and the five friends, found themselves falling. Along the way, each one was infused with a spirit of an animal, they were wolf, fox, neko, coyote and tiger. When they landed into this new world, they all had animal traits like ears and a tail, which represented the animal they were fused with.
At first the five friends, were shocked, but they slowly got over to it. They were thrilled about having a new adventure and were looking forwards to it. When in this world, they're powers which were dormant in the past, were unlocked in this new world. So their powers awakened and they found out they were the heroes, destined to save the world, from the darkness. Weapons were given to them and they quested forwards.
Now the enemy knows of this and will stop at nothing to destroy the heroes. He sends out his minions to stop them, before they could stop them. So he sends his minions out, who slowly begin to track them down. Their job is to either destroy them or captured them. But the enemy leans more to their destruction, than anything else.
The heroes move through the lands, going in further and further. They have enemies following their trail, and they lurk in the shadows. They will strike when the time is right and kill them. They will met all sorts of challenges, in their journey and they will be put against each other. But their friendship, will stand together and nothing is lost for long. This is the starting of a new adventure, where anything can happen, are you in or out, you're decision, but remember there is always two sides to everything good and evil. Which side would you take and who you do you want to win, your choice?
anbu_aera_uchiha · Mon Feb 04, 2008 @ 04:43am · 0 Comments |