Forgotten War's Plot
In the past, ten magical artifacts were created, each carrying magical essences, that held great power. The creators of these artifacts are unknown and no one truly knew who created them. But five of these artifacts kept balance in the world, until they mysteriously vanished. When that happened, the world became chaotic, both sides trying to claim and find the remaining artifacts, as well as the ones that vanished. A huge war had broken out and everyone was pitted against each other, and it lasted for years. Good vs. evil, all had different goals in what to do with the artifacts. It was known as the forgotten war.
When the conflict hit a stand-by, five young heroes rose and claimed five artifacts, which bonded with one of the heroes. They decided to put a stop to the war and bring peace to the lands. They searched the lands for the remaining artifacts, since that was the only way to put a stop to this pointless war. In the end, they managed to put a stop to the war, officially bringing peace. But in the end, they lost their lives. But their spirits still remained, knowing that in the future they would be needed again.
Now five centuries, later the artifacts are beginning to awaken once again and the enemy has noticed. The heroes's spirits knew what was going to happen and bonded with five young heroes of the ages between 17-21 years old. Now these new heroes are given the task of retrieving the artifacts and maintaining the peace, before another great war takes place. When they fight, the spirits that are bonded with them, will become their alter egos, taking them over for the fight. Since only the original heroes know, how to deal with their dark foes. But the leader of the dark alliance is stirring and want's the artifacts, so he could take over the world, and to satisfy his hunger for power. Only the five heroes stand a chance against him. But can they do it? It is for you to decide.
anbu_aera_uchiha · Mon Jan 28, 2008 @ 04:10am · 0 Comments |