Gilgamesh: The fools! They didn't take my legendary sword when I ran away! Now I'll just creep behind and...
Penelo: No sword for you!
Gilgamesh: Crap, that leather-clad girl knows I'm here!
Gilgamesh: I'm not seeing anything here. Why would a legendary sword be under a prison? Wait! Oh, it's only a fishing rod.
Penelo: No sword for you!
Gilgamesh: Aah! She must’ve taken it earlier while I was searching.
Gilgamesh: The Necrohal of Nabudis? This place sucks. All that’s here are these orc things. Still, a powerful sword should be here somewhere...
Penelo: No spear for you!
Gilgamesh: Not again-wait....spear? A spear is the ultimate weapon in this game? That’s the lamest lame that ever lamed; you can keep it.
Gilgamesh: So all I need to do is mix this garbage with this replica of Revolver? This shouldn’t be too hard to make this ultimate weapon.
Penelo: No gunblade for you!
Gilgamesh: Aah! Running time!
Gilgamesh: Finally, some peace and quiet. It’s like the main characters of a Final Fantasy are always trying to kill me and all I want is Excalibur. Oh well, I’ll just rest on my couch for a bit... Hey, where’s my couch?
Penelo: No couch for you!
Gilgamesh: You sword-nazi!
Penelo: I'm totally lost. Why isn't there a mini map or
usable map of The Great Crystal?
Gilgamesh: Bwahaha! No map for you!
Penelo: Gasp!
Gilgamesh: Heehee, divine retribution!