In case you're wondering, they're playing "The Lord of the Rings: Trivial Pursuit Movie Trilogy Collectors Edition" The question are directly from randomly selected cards.
Hey, I can't come up with a gem everytime.
Tifa: Okay Cloud, your question says: What three-word phrase does Theoden utter as Saruman's army first charges the Deepening Wall?
Cloud: Hmm.......... scream THIS IS ROHAN!
Tifa: No, “So it begins”.
Cloud: That was my next guess.
Rinoa: Okay, Squall’s turn.
Squall: I rolled a three
Rinoa: You’re on a tree....
Squall: What’s that mean?
Cloud: It means answer her question. C’mon, this is your game.
Rinoa: What kind of attire is Theoden buried in?
Squall: ..........funeral attire?
Rinoa: Ooh, close. He was buried in armor.
Squall: Why, because he died in battle?
Cloud: Actually, yeah.
Tifa: Okay, Cloud.
Cloud: Ten...why do I keep rolling tens?
Tifa: You’re on a tree too. Ready?
Cloud: Just give me the question.
Tifa: What’s the name of the finest pipe-weed in the South Farthing, according to Bilbo?
Cloud: I don’t know....marijuana?
Tifa: “Old Toby”
Cloud: Right, well I don’t speak stoner.
Tifa: Are you sure this was a good idea?
Rinoa: They need to play a different sort of game. All those video games turned them into enemies.
Tifa: Okay......it’s his turn.
Rinoa: Did you roll yet?
Squall: Yes, I was trying to tell you I got a ten finally.
Rinoa: Okay, a ring.
Squall: It’s a ring? I thought it was a doughnut.
Rinoa: What makes the deep groaning noise that Merry and Pippin hear near Fangorn Forest?
Squall: Was it Merry and Pippin?
Rinoa: Making the groaning noise?
Squall: Yeah.
Rinoa: That was heard by Merry and Pippin?
Squall: Why is this so hard to understand?
Cloud: You’re an idiot
Squall: What? That’s totally the right answer. Rin, tell them how right I am!
Rinoa: No! That’s a stupid answer! Why would Merry and Pippin care if they heard themselves groaning?!
Squall: They’d probably be upset that they’re together, groaning.
Rinoa: The answer is-
Cloud: Blowing in the wind, right. My turn, ten.
Tifa: You haven’t rolled yet.
Cloud: It’s going to be a ten. It always is. Watch...ten.
Tifa: That’s kind of spooky....
Cloud: It’s got a sword on the space. I’ve got this one.
Tifa: Who fights Gollum while Frodo makes his way up the slopes of Mount Doom?
Cloud: Pittsburgh Steelers.
Tifa: Cloud....
Cloud: What? They’re 7 and 2, they could hold off a green thing half the size of a man.
Rinoa: Squall rolled a 5, so-
Squall: No I didn’t, you rolled it.
Rinoa: So he gets this....blue thingy.
Tifa: It’s supposed to be a hand.
Rinoa: What one-word name does Strider say the nine ringwraiths are known by?
Tifa: Uh-oh
Squall: Nig-
Rinoa: Squall!
Squall: What? I don't know, so I'm just gonna say something funny.
Cloud: Yeah, say that near Barret to see how funny it is.
Tifa: You guys aren't even trying, are you?
Cloud: Oh! I know this one! The answer is no!
Tifa: One last one.
Cloud: Fine.
Tifa: Who is called a "skulking friend" and a "gangrel creature" by Faramir?
Cloud: Could it be......Satan?!